# Barkibu's Knowledge Base API sdk A wrapper of Barkibu's Knowledge Base Endpoint to make those entities and their respective CRUD operations available to a ruby app. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'barkibu-kb' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install kb ## Usage This gem wraps the Knowledge Base Api and exposes CRUD-_able_ entities into the requiring application. ### Configuration The configuration of the connection to the Knowledge Base is done using ENV variable: - **KB_API_KEY**: the Knowledge Base API Key - **KB_PARTNER_KEY**: the Partner KB Key - **KB_API_URL_TEMPLATE**: the template url of the Knowledge Base where will be extrapolated _bounded_context_, _version_ and _entity_. For instance: `https://dev.api.%{bounded_context}.barkkb.com/%{version}/%{entity}`. #### Cache configuration We add the ability to cache GET responses. To enable it, just set KB.config.cache properties: ```ruby # config/initializers/kb_ruby.rb KB.config.cache.instance = Rails.cache # ActiveSupport::Cache::NullStore.new KB.config.cache.expires_in = 1.second # 0 by default KB.config.log_level = :debugger # :info by default ``` ### Exposed Entities #### Pet Parent 🧍🏾 `KB::PetParent` acts almost like an `ActiveRecord` implementing `ActiveModel::Model` exposing: - `find` - arg: `key` string - returns: a PetParent instance when provided an existing key or raise `ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound` - `create` - arg: `attributes` to initialize the entity - returns: the raw attributes of the created PetParent instance - throws an `KB::Error` exception if something went wrong - `find_or_create_by` - arg: `attributes`, `additional_attributes` to look for or initialize the entity - returns: look for a PetParent matching the passed attributes or initialize and persist one with the given attributes and launching the block provided - throws an `KB::Error` exception if something went wrong - `all` - arg: `filters` hash of filters - returns: an array of PetParent instances matching the filters - `save!` - persists (create or update) the entity to the Knowledge Base - throws an `KB::Error` exception if something went wrong - `destroy!` - deletes the entity in the Knowledge Base - throws a `KB::Error` exception if something went wrong - `contracts` - returns all the KB::PetContract associated with this pet parent - `referrals` - returns all the KB::Referral associated with this pet parent - `referrers` - returns all the KB::Referral associated with any of the pet parent's pets #### Assessment 📄 `KB::Assessment` represents a read-only resource exposing: - `find` - arg: `key` string - returns: an Assessment instance when provided an existing key or raise `ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound` - `all` - arg: `filters` hash of filters - returns: an array of Assessment instances matching the filters #### Condition 🏷 `KB::Condition` represents a read-only resource. #### Symptom 🩺 `KB::Symptom` represents a read-only resource. #### Pet 🐶🐱 `KB::Pet` represents a resource exposing: - `all` - arg: `filters` hash of filters - returns: an array of Pet instances matching the filters - `create` - arg: `attributes` to initialize the entity - returns: the raw attributes of the Pet instance - throws an `KB::Error` exception if something went wrong - `find_or_create_by` - arg: `attributes`, `additional_attributes` to look for or initialize the entity - returns: look for a Pet matching the passed attributes or initialize and persist one with the given attributes and launching the block provided - throws an `KB::Error` exception if something went wrong - `save!` - persists (create or update) the entity to the Knowledge Base - throws an `KB::Error` exception if something went wrong - `destroy!` - deletes the entity in the Knowledge Base - throws a `KB::Error` exception if something went wrong - `contracts` - returns all the KB::PetContract associated with this pet - `upsert` - updates KB:Pet if exists a Pet with same name for its PetParent - creates a new KB:Pet if not exists a Pet with same name for its PetParent #### PetContract 📝 `KB::PetContract` represents a resource exposing: - `find` - arg: `key` the key of the contract in the Knowledge Base - returns the contract with the matching key - throws an `KB::Error` or `KB::ResourceNotFound` exception if something went wrong - `find_by_contract_number` - arg: `contract_number` the contract number to find - returns the identified KB::PetContract - throws an `KB::Error` or `KB::ResourceNotFound` exception if something went wrong - `create` - arg: `attributes` to initialize the entity - returns: the raw attributes of the PetContract instance - throws an `KB::Error` exception if something went wrong - `save!` - persists (create or update) the entity to the Knowledge Base - throws an `KB::Error` exception if something went wrong - `search` - arg: `filters` hash. Currently, KB API supports these keys: - `page`: results page number. Default 0. - `size`: amount of results per page. Default 10. - `chip`: searches contracts by insured pet chip - returns: a hash including: - `total`: total amount of contracts found - `page`: current page number - `elements`: array of PetContract instances matching the filters #### Plan 🗺 `KB::Plan` represents a resource exposing: - `all` - returns: the array of available plans #### Breed ``` > KB Breed endpoint requires `locale` as param. By default is set to 'es-es' but can be override setting **KB_BREEDS_DEFAULT_LOCALE** ENV var ``` `KB::Breed` represents a resource exposing: - `all` - arg: `filters` hash of filters - returns: and array of Breed instances matching the filters - `dogs` (alias for all(species: 'dog')) - arg: `filters` hash of filters - returns: and array of Dog Breed instances matching the filters - `cats` (alias for all(species: 'cat')) - arg: `filters` hash of filters - returns: and array of Cat Breed instances matching the filters #### Referral `KB::Referral` represets a referral resource - `create` - arg: `pet_parent_key`, `attributes` to initialize the entity - returns: the raw attributes of the Referral instance - throws an `KB::Error` exception if something went wrong ### Make an ActiveRecord wrap a KB entity The `KB::Concerns::AsKBWrapper` concern has been created in order to easily make an ActiveRecord model wrap a KB model. To use it: - include it into your wrapping model, define an attribute `kb_key` on your wrapping model - call `wrap_kb` with the wrapped KB model class (available option: `skip_callback`) You have then access to the wrapped model under `kb_model` and can delegate attributes to it, for instance: ```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base include KB::Concerns::AsKBWrapper wrap_kb model: KB::PetParent KB_DELEGATED_ATTRIBUTES = %i[email first_name].freeze KB_DELEGATED_ATTRIBUTES.each do |attribute| delegate attribute, to: :kb_model, prefix: false delegate "#{attribute}=", to: :kb_model, prefix: false end end user = User.create(first_name: 'Léo', email: 'leo@barkibu.com') p user.kb_model # => # ``` ### Mock the API calls in test environment For testing purposes, you may want to fake Knowledge Base’s API calls. We provide a FakeApi app that you can use including the `kb-fake` gem in your dev/test dependencies. Add gem webmock and gem sinatra to your Gemfile to use the following configuration: ```ruby # ... RSpec.configure do |config| # ... config.before(:all) do stub_request(:any, /test_api_barkkb.com/).to_rack(KB::Fake::Api) end config.around(:each) do |example| snapshot = KB::Fake::Api.snapshot() stub_request(:any, /test_api_barkkb.com/).to_rack(KB::Fake::Api) example.run KB::Fake::Api.restore snapshot end # ... end ``` Make sure to set the `KB_API_URL_TEMPLATE` to something that will match above the request interceptor, for instance: `http://test_api_barkkb.com/%{version}/%{entity}` You should be able to use the API seemlessly and the calls to the API will be intercepted and a local one used instead in a similar fashion to how ActiveRecord operations are wrapped into a transaction in a rails app with `use_transactional_fixtures` activated. ## Development & Testing ```bash docker compose run --rm kb bash > bundle install > rspec ``` You can also start an interactive console if needed: ```bash KB_API_URL_TEMPLATE=https://example.com/%{version}/%{entity} \ KB_API_KEY=YourKbApiKey \ KB_PARTNER_KEY=YourKbPartnerKey \ bin/console ``` ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[USERNAME]/kb. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). ## Code of Conduct Everyone interacting in the KB project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct](https://github.com/[USERNAME]/kb/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).