import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class RectangleCounterTest { private RectangleCounter rectangleCounter; @Before public void setUp() { rectangleCounter = new RectangleCounter(); } @Test public void testInputWithNoColumnsContainsNoRectangles() { String[] inputGrid = new String[]{}; assertEquals(0, rectangleCounter.countRectangles(inputGrid)); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testNonTrivialInputWithNoRectangles() { String[] inputGrid = new String[]{" "}; assertEquals(0, rectangleCounter.countRectangles(inputGrid)); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testInputWithOneRectangle() { String[] inputGrid = new String[]{ "+-+", "| |", "+-+" }; assertEquals(1, rectangleCounter.countRectangles(inputGrid)); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testInputWithTwoRectanglesWithoutSharedEdges() { String[] inputGrid = new String[]{ " +-+", " | |", "+-+-+", "| | ", "+-+ " }; assertEquals(2, rectangleCounter.countRectangles(inputGrid)); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testInputWithFiveRectanglesWithSharedEdges() { String[] inputGrid = new String[]{ " +-+", " | |", "+-+-+", "| | |", "+-+-+" }; assertEquals(5, rectangleCounter.countRectangles(inputGrid)); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testThatRectangleOfHeightOneIsCounted() { String[] inputGrid = new String[]{ "+--+", "+--+" }; assertEquals(1, rectangleCounter.countRectangles(inputGrid)); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testThatRectangleOfWidthOneIsCounted() { String[] inputGrid = new String[]{ "++", "||", "++" }; assertEquals(1, rectangleCounter.countRectangles(inputGrid)); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testThatOneByOneSquareIsCounted() { String[] inputGrid = new String[]{ "++", "++" }; assertEquals(1, rectangleCounter.countRectangles(inputGrid)); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testThatIncompleteRectanglesAreNotCounted() { String[] inputGrid = new String[]{ " +-+", " |", "+-+-+", "| | -", "+-+-+" }; assertEquals(1, rectangleCounter.countRectangles(inputGrid)); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testThatRectanglesOfDifferentSizesAreAllCounted() { String[] inputGrid = new String[]{ "+------+----+", "| | |", "+---+--+ |", "| | |", "+---+-------+" }; assertEquals(3, rectangleCounter.countRectangles(inputGrid)); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testThatIntersectionsWithoutCornerCharacterDoNotCountAsRectangleCorners() { String[] inputGrid = new String[]{ "+------+----+", "| | |", "+------+ |", "| | |", "+---+-------+" }; assertEquals(2, rectangleCounter.countRectangles(inputGrid)); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void testLargeInputWithManyRectangles() { String[] inputGrid = new String[]{ "+---+--+----+", "| +--+----+", "+---+--+ |", "| +--+----+", "+---+--+--+-+", "+---+--+--+-+", "+------+ | |", " +-+" }; assertEquals(60, rectangleCounter.countRectangles(inputGrid)); } }