# encoding: ascii-8bit # Copyright 2014 Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. # All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can modify and/or redistribute it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 with # attribution addendums as found in the LICENSE.txt # Pure Ruby CRC class to avoid circular dependency with c_cosmos class RakeCrc32 attr_reader :crc32_poly attr_reader :crc32_seed attr_reader :crc32_xor attr_reader :crc32_table attr_reader :crc32_raw_table # Default Polynomial for 32-bit CRC DEFAULT_CRC32_POLY = 0x04C11DB7 # Default Seed for 32-bit CRC DEFAULT_CRC32_SEED = 0xFFFFFFFF def initialize(crc32_poly = DEFAULT_CRC32_POLY, crc32_seed = DEFAULT_CRC32_SEED, crc32_xor = true) @crc32_poly = crc32_poly @crc32_seed = crc32_seed @crc32_xor = crc32_xor @crc32_table = [] (0..255).each do |index| entry = compute_crc32_table_entry(index) @crc32_table << entry end end # Calculate a 32-bit CRC def calc(data, seed = nil) seed = @crc32_seed unless seed crc = seed data.each_byte do |byte| index = ((crc >> 24) ^ byte) & 0xFF crc = ((crc << 8) ^ @crc32_table[index]) & 0xFFFFFFFF end if @crc32_xor crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF else crc end end protected # Compute a single entry in the 32-bit crc lookup table def compute_crc32_table_entry(index) crc = index << 24 8.times do if ((crc & 0x80000000) != 0) crc = (crc << 1) ^ @crc32_poly else crc = crc << 1 end end return (crc & 0xFFFFFFFF) end end require 'yard' # Import the rake tasks import 'tasks/manifest.rake' import 'tasks/spec.rake' import 'tasks/gemfile_stats.rake' # Update the built in task dependencies task :default => [:spec] # :test task :require_version do unless ENV['VERSION'] puts "VERSION is required: rake VERSION=X.X.X" exit 1 end end task :devkit do if RUBY_PLATFORM[0..2] == 'x64' if File.exist?("C:/Devkit64/bin") ENV['PATH'] = 'C:\\Devkit64\\bin;C:\\Devkit64\\mingw\\bin;' + ENV['PATH'] end else if File.exist?("C:/Devkit/bin") ENV['PATH'] = 'C:\\Devkit\\bin;C:\\Devkit\\mingw\\bin;' + ENV['PATH'] end end end task :build => [:devkit] do _, platform, *_ = RUBY_PLATFORM.split("-") saved = Dir.pwd shared_extension = 'so' shared_extension = 'bundle' if platform =~ /darwin/ extensions = [ 'crc', 'low_fragmentation_array', 'polynomial_conversion', 'config_parser', 'string', 'array', 'cosmos_io', 'tabbed_plots_config', 'telemetry', 'line_graph', 'packet', 'platform', 'buffered_file'] extensions.each do |extension_name| Dir.chdir "ext/cosmos/ext/#{extension_name}" FileUtils.rm_f Dir.glob('*.o') FileUtils.rm_f Dir.glob("*.#{shared_extension}") FileUtils.rm_f Dir.glob('*.def') FileUtils.rm_f 'Makefile' system('ruby extconf.rb') system('make') FileUtils.copy("#{extension_name}.#{shared_extension}", '../../../../lib/cosmos/ext/.') FileUtils.rm_f Dir.glob('*.o') FileUtils.rm_f Dir.glob("*.#{shared_extension}") FileUtils.rm_f Dir.glob('*.def') FileUtils.rm_f 'Makefile' Dir.chdir saved end end task :git_checkout_master do system('git checkout master') end task :install_crc do saved = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir 'demo' system('rake crc_official') Dir.chdir saved saved = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir 'install' system('rake crc_official') Dir.chdir saved end task :gem => [:require_version] do _, platform, *_ = RUBY_PLATFORM.split("-") if platform == 'mswin32' or platform == 'mingw32' raise "Building gem is not supported on Windows because file permissions are lost" end system('gem build cosmos.gemspec') end task :commit_release_ticket => [:require_version, :git_checkout_master] do system('git add data/crc.txt') system('git add demo/config/data/crc.txt') system('git add install/config/data/crc.txt') system('git add lib/cosmos/version.rb') system('git add Manifest.txt') system("git commit -m \"Release COSMOS #{ENV['VERSION']}\"") system("git push") end task :tag_release => [:require_version] do system("git tag -a v#{ENV['VERSION']} -m \"COSMOS #{ENV['VERSION']}\"") system("git push --tags") end task :version => [:require_version] do puts "Getting the revision from git" revision = `git rev-parse HEAD`.chomp # Update cosmos_version.rb version = ENV['VERSION'].dup major,minor,patch = version.to_s.split('.') File.open('lib/cosmos/version.rb', 'w') do |file| file.puts "# encoding: ascii-8bit" file.puts "" file.puts "COSMOS_VERSION = '#{version}'" file.puts "module Cosmos" file.puts " module Version" file.puts " MAJOR = '#{major}'" file.puts " MINOR = '#{minor}'" file.puts " PATCH = '#{patch}'" file.puts " BUILD = '#{revision}'" file.puts " end" file.puts " VERSION = '#{version}'" file.puts "end" end puts "Successfully updated lib/cosmos/version.rb" # Create the crc.txt file crc = RakeCrc32.new File.open("data/crc.txt",'w') do |file| Dir[File.join('lib','**','*.rb')].each do |filename| file_data = File.open(filename, 'rb').read.gsub("\x0D\x0A", "\x0A") file.puts "\"#{filename}\" #{sprintf("0x%08X", crc.calc(file_data))}" end end end task :metrics do puts "\nRunning flog and creating flog_report.txt" `flog lib > flog_report.txt` puts "\nRunning flay and creating flay_report.txt" `flay lib > flay_report.txt` puts "\nRunning reek and creating reek_report.txt" `reek lib > reek_report.txt` puts "\nRunning roodi and creating roodi_report.txt" `roodi -config=roodi.yml lib > roodi_report.txt` end YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new do |t| t.options = ['--protected'] # See all options by typing 'yardoc --help' end task :release => [:require_version, :git_checkout_master, :build, :spec, :manifest, :version, :install_crc, :gem] task :commit_release => [:commit_release_ticket, :tag_release]