=begin drawing.rb - Ruby/GTK version of gtk+/examples/drawing.c. https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/tree/examples/drawing.c?h=gtk-3-16 Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Ruby-GNOME Project Team This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby-GNOME. =end require "gtk3" surface = nil def clear_surface(surface) cr = Cairo::Context.new(surface) cr.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) cr.paint cr.destroy end def draw_brush(widget, surface, x, y) cr = Cairo::Context.new(surface) cr.rectangle(x - 3, y - 3, 6, 6) cr.fill cr.destroy widget.queue_draw_area(x - 3, y - 3, 6, 6) end myapp = Gtk::Application.new "org.gtk.example", :flags_none myapp.signal_connect "activate" do |app| win = Gtk::ApplicationWindow.new app win.set_title "Drawing Area" win.signal_connect "delete-event" do win.destroy end win.set_border_width 8 frame = Gtk::Frame.new frame.shadow_type = Gtk::ShadowType::IN win.add frame drawing_area = Gtk::DrawingArea.new # Set a minimum size drawing_area.set_size_request 100, 100 frame.add drawing_area # Signals used to handle the backing surface drawing_area.signal_connect "draw" do |_da, cr| cr.set_source(surface, 0, 0) cr.paint false end drawing_area.signal_connect "configure-event" do |da, _ev| surface.destroy if surface surface = win.window.create_similar_surface(Cairo::CONTENT_COLOR, da.allocated_width, da.allocated_height) # Initialize the surface to white clear_surface(surface) # the configure event have been handled, no need for further # processing true end # Event signals drawing_area.signal_connect "motion-notify-event" do |da, ev| return false unless surface if (ev.state & Gdk::EventMask::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK.to_i) != 0 draw_brush(da, surface, ev.x, ev.y) end end drawing_area.signal_connect "button-press-event" do |da, ev| return false unless surface case ev.button when Gdk::BUTTON_PRIMARY draw_brush(da, surface, ev.x, ev.y) when Gdk::BUTTON_SECONDARY clear_surface(surface) da.queue_draw end true end # Ask to receive events the drawing area doesn't normally # subscribe to. In particular, we need to ask for the # button press and motion notify events that we want to handle. drawing_area.add_events([:button_press_mask, :pointer_motion_mask]) win.show_all end myapp.run ARGV