module Immunio module CookieHooks extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # TODO: should anything be checked to make sure @parent_jar exists if method_defined? :[] # Not sure when this wouldn't exist. # The following won't work because of the names: # alias_method_chain :[], :immunio if method_defined? :[] alias_method :lookup_without_immunio, :[] alias_method :[], :lookup_with_immunio end end def lookup_with_immunio(name) Request.time "plugin", "#{Module.nesting[0]}::#{__method__}" do raw_cookie_value = @parent_jar[name] cookie_value = Request.pause( 'plugin', "#{Module.nesting[0]}::#{__method__}") do lookup_without_immunio(name) end if !raw_cookie_value.nil? and cookie_value.nil? Immunio.run_hook!( 'action_dispatch', 'bad_cookie', key: name, value: raw_cookie_value) end cookie_value end end end module ParamsHooks extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do if method_defined? :request_parameters Immunio::Utils.alias_method_chain self, :request_parameters, :immunio end end protected # Convert key/values for lua # # hi: 'ho' # -> 'hi' => ['ho'] # # array: ['c', 'd'] # -> 'array' => ['c', 'd'] # # hash: { foo: ['bar', 'baz'] } # -> 'hash[foo]' => ['bar', 'baz'] # # user: { # name: 'john', # email: '', # address_attributes: { # city: 'Montreal', # id: '1' # } # } # } # # is transformed to key/value pairs: # # 'user[name]' => ['john'], # 'user[email]' => [''], # 'user[address_attributes][city]' => ['Montreal'], # 'user[address_attributes][id]' => ['1'] # def convert_value(hash, key, value, nested_keys = nil) # Filter out UploadedFile. unless value.respond_to?(:open) if value.respond_to?(:keys) nested = nested_keys ? nested_keys : "#{key}" value.each do |k, val| if val.respond_to?(:keys) convert_value(hash, k, val, nested + "[#{k}]") else hash["#{nested}[#{k}]"] = [val].flatten end end else hash[key] = [value].flatten end end end def request_parameters_with_immunio params = request_parameters_without_immunio Request.time 'plugin', "#{Module.nesting[0]}::#{__method__}" do if params.any? filtered = {}.tap do |hash| params.each do |key, value| convert_value(hash, key, value) end end Immunio.run_hook!( 'action_dispatch', 'framework_input_params', params: filtered) end end params end end end Immunio::Plugin.load( 'ActionDispatch (Cookie)', hooks: %w(bad_cookie)) do |plugin| class ActionDispatch::Cookies if defined? SignedCookieJar SignedCookieJar.send :include, Immunio::CookieHooks end if defined? UpgradeLegacySignedCookieJar UpgradeLegacySignedCookieJar.send :include, Immunio::CookieHooks end if defined? EncryptedCookieJar EncryptedCookieJar.send :include, Immunio::CookieHooks end if defined? UpgradeLegacyEncryptedCookieJar UpgradeLegacyEncryptedCookieJar.send :include, Immunio::CookieHooks end end plugin.loaded! ActionPack::VERSION::STRING end Immunio::Plugin.load( 'ActionDispatch (Params)', hooks: %w(framework_input_params)) do |plugin| ActionDispatch::Request.send :include, Immunio::ParamsHooks plugin.loaded! ActionPack::VERSION::STRING end