module TaskWarrior module Dependencies # Builds a dependency graph # # +thing+ is added as node with all of its dependencies. A presenter is used to present the task as node label. # is called for the identifier. It must be unique within the graph and all of its dependencies. # # +thing.dependencies(thing)+ is called if +thing+ responds to it. It is expected to return a list # of things the thing depends on. Each thing may have its own dependencies which will be resolved recursively. # # Design influenced by # class Graph class << self def formats Constants::FORMATS end end # # Build a new Graph for +thing+ # def initialize(presenter_or_id) if presenter_or_id.respond_to?(:attributes) @graph = GraphViz::new(, presenter_or_id.attributes) else @graph = GraphViz::new(presenter_or_id) end @dependencies = [] @edges = [] end def <<(task_or_project) if task_or_project.respond_to?(:dependencies) task = task_or_project nodeA = find_or_create_node(task) create_edges(nodeA, task.dependencies) # resolve all dependencies we don't know yet task.dependencies.each do |dependency| unless @dependencies.include?(dependency) @dependencies << dependency self << dependency end end else # it's a project project = task_or_project cluster = project.tasks.each do |task| cluster << task end # add all nodes and edges from cluster as a subgraph to @graph @graph.add_graph(cluster.graph) end end def render(format) @graph.output(format => String) end protected attr_reader :graph private def create_edges(nodeA, nodes) nodes.each do |node| nodeB = find_or_create_node(node) create_edge(nodeB, nodeA) end end def find_or_create_node(thing) @graph.get_node(presenter(thing).id) || create_node(thing) end def create_node(thing) @graph.add_nodes(presenter(thing).id, presenter(thing).attributes) end def create_edge(nodeA, nodeB) edge = [nodeA, nodeB] unless @edges.include?(edge) # GraphViz lacks get_edge, so we need to track existing edges ourselfes @edges << edge # We present the edges in the sense of "nodeB depends on nodeA" @graph.add_edges(nodeA, nodeB, :dir => 'back', :tooltip => "#{nodeB['label']} depends on #{nodeA['label']}") end end def presenter(thing) # TODO Will counter-caching the presenters improve performance? if thing.nil? else if thing.respond_to?(:dependencies) else end end end end end end