module LogjamAgent class ZMQForwarder attr_reader :app, :env include Util SEQUENCE_START = 0 def initialize(*args) opts = args.extract_options! @app = args[0] || LogjamAgent.application_name @env = args[1] || LogjamAgent.environment_name @app_env = "#{@app}-#{@env}" @config = default_options.merge!(opts) @config[:host] = "localhost" if @config[:host].blank? @sequence = SEQUENCE_START @socket = nil @ping_ensured = false @socket_mutex = end def connection_specs @connection_specs ||= @config[:host].split(',').map do |host| augment_connection_spec(host, @config[:port]) end end def default_options { :port => 9604, :linger => 1000, :snd_hwm => 1000, :rcv_hwm => 1000, :rcv_timeo => 5000, :snd_timeo => 5000 } end @@context_mutex = @@zmq_context = nil def self.context @@context_mutex.synchronize do @@zmq_context ||= begin require 'ffi-rzmq' context = pid = at_exit { context.terminate if == pid } context end end end def reset @socket_mutex.synchronize do reset_without_locking end end def ensure_ping_at_exit return if @ping_ensured pid = at_exit { (ping; reset) if == pid } @ping_ensured = true end def forward(data, options={}) app_env = options[:app_env] || @app_env key = options[:routing_key] || "logs.#{app_env.sub('-','.')}" if engine = options[:engine] key += ".#{engine}" end msg = LogjamAgent.encode_payload(data) @socket_mutex.synchronize do if options[:sync] send_receive(app_env, key, msg) else publish(app_env, key, msg) end end rescue => error reraise_expectation_errors! raise end private def reset_without_locking if @socket @socket.close @socket = nil end end # this method assumes the caller holds the socket mutex def socket return @socket if @socket @socket = self.class.context.socket(ZMQ::DEALER) raise "ZMQ error on socket creation: #{ZMQ::Util.error_string}" if @socket.nil? if LogjamAgent.ensure_ping_at_exit ensure_ping_at_exit else pid = at_exit { reset if == pid} end @socket.setsockopt(ZMQ::LINGER, @config[:linger]) @socket.setsockopt(ZMQ::SNDHWM, @config[:snd_hwm]) @socket.setsockopt(ZMQ::RCVHWM, @config[:rcv_hwm]) @socket.setsockopt(ZMQ::RCVTIMEO, @config[:rcv_timeo]) @socket.setsockopt(ZMQ::SNDTIMEO, @config[:snd_timeo]) spec = connection_specs.sort_by{rand}.first @socket.connect(spec) @socket end def publish(app_env, key, data) info = pack_info(@sequence = next_fixnum(@sequence)) parts = [app_env, key, data, info] if socket.send_strings(parts, ZMQ::DONTWAIT) < 0 error = ZMQ::Util.error_string reset if connection_specs.size > 1 raise "ZMQ error on publishing: #{error}" end end def log_warning(message) end VALID_RESPONSE_CODES = [200,202] def send_receive(app_env, key, data, compression_method = LogjamAgent.compression_method) info = pack_info(@sequence = next_fixnum(@sequence), compression_method) request_parts = ["", app_env, key, data, info] answer_parts = [] if socket.send_strings(request_parts) < 0 log_warning "ZMQ error on sending: #{ZMQ::Util.error_string}" reset_without_locking return nil end if socket.recv_strings(answer_parts) < 0 log_warning "ZMQ error on receiving: #{ZMQ::Util.error_string}" reset_without_locking return nil end if answer_parts.first != "" || !VALID_RESPONSE_CODES.include?(answer_parts.second.to_s.to_i) log_warning "unexpected answer from logjam broker: #{answer_parts.inspect}" end answer_parts.second end def ping @socket_mutex.synchronize do if @socket && !send_receive("ping", @app_env, "{}", NO_COMPRESSION) log_warning "failed to receive pong" end end end if defined?(Mocha) def reraise_expectation_errors! #:nodoc: raise if $!.is_a?(Mocha::ExpectationError) end else def reraise_expectation_errors! #:nodoc: # noop end end end end