# This library comes out of my frustration with seeing lines like
# BusCompany.name.underscore.humanize.downcase.pluralize #=> "bus companies"
# all over my application.
# See README for more information.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Seamus Abshere. See LICENSE for details.
require 'rubygems'
require 'activesupport'
module CommonName
def self.included(klass)
klass.extend ClassMethods
name symbol instance title human camel
plural plural_symbol plural_instance plural_title plural_human plural_camel
# delegate instance methods to class methods
METHODS.each do |m|
eval %{ def common_#{m}; self.class.common_#{m}; end }
module ClassMethods
# "bus_company"
# Identical to _common_name, which you have to provide.
def common_name; _COMMON_NAME ||= _common_name; end
# :bus_company
def common_symbol; _COMMON_SYMBOL ||= common_name.to_sym; end
# "@bus_company"
# For use with instance_variable_get, etc.
def common_instance; _COMMON_INSTANCE ||= '@' << common_name; end
# "Bus company"
# Microsoft titlecase.
def common_title; _COMMON_TITLE ||= common_name.humanize; end
# "bus company"
# Unlike humanize, this is lowercase.
def common_human; _COMMON_HUMAN ||= common_title.downcase; end
# "BusCompany"
def common_camel; _COMMON_CAMEL ||= common_name.camelcase; end
# BusCompany
# Already constantized.
def common_model; _COMMON_MODEL ||= common_camel.constantize; end
# "bus_companies"
# Derived from _common_name, unless you provide _common_plural.
def common_plural; _COMMON_PLURAL ||= (respond_to?(:_common_plural) ? _common_plural : common_name.pluralize); end
# :bus_companies
def common_plural_symbol; _COMMON_PLURAL_SYMBOL ||= common_plural.to_sym; end
# "@bus_companies"
def common_plural_instance; _COMMON_PLURAL_INSTANCE ||= '@' << common_plural; end
# "Bus companies"
# See +common_title+ for notes on capitalization.
def common_plural_title; _COMMON_PLURAL_TITLE ||= common_plural.humanize; end
# "bus companies"
# See +common_human+ for notes on capitalization.
def common_plural_human; _COMMON_PLURAL_HUMAN ||= common_plural_title.downcase; end
# "BusCompanies"
def common_plural_camel; _COMMON_PLURAL_CAMEL ||= common_plural.camelcase; end