require 'rdf' module Qa::Authorities module Discogs module DiscogsWorksBuilder include Discogs::DiscogsUtils # @param [Hash] the http response from discogs # @return [Array] rdf statements def get_extra_artists_stmts(response) stmts = [] # can have multiple artists as primary contributors to the work; need to distinguish among them count = 1 return stmts unless response["extraartists"].present? response["extraartists"].each do |artist| stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object(work_uri, "", "contrbn1#{count}") stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object("contrbn1#{count}", rdf_type_predicate, "") stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object("contrbn1#{count}", bf_agent_predicate, "agentn1#{count}") stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object("agentn1#{count}", rdf_type_predicate, bf_agent_type_object) stmts << contruct_stmt_literal_object("agentn1#{count}", rdfs_label_predicate, artist["name"]) stmts += build_role_stmts("agentn1#{count}", "rolen1#{count}", artist["role"]) count += 1 end stmts # w/out this line, building the graph throws an undefined method `graph_name=' error end # @param [Hash] the http response from discogs # @return [Array] rdf statements def get_genres_stmts(response) stmts = [] all_genres = [] all_genres += response["genres"] if response["genres"].present? all_genres += response["styles"] if response["styles"].present? return stmts unless all_genres.any? all_genres.each do |genre| stmts.concat(build_genres(genre)) end stmts # w/out this line, building the graph throws an undefined method `graph_name=' error end # map discogs genre to LOC genreForm # @param [String] the name of a discogs style or genre # @return [Array] rdf statements def build_genres(genre) stmts = [] dg = discogs_genres[genre.gsub(/\s+/, "")] if dg.present? stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object(work_uri, "", dg["uri"]) stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object(dg["uri"], rdf_type_predicate, "") stmts << contruct_stmt_literal_object(dg["uri"], rdfs_label_predicate, dg["label"]) end stmts # w/out this line, building the graph throws an undefined method `graph_name=' error end # @param [Hash] the http response from discogs # @return [Array] rdf statements def get_tracklist_artists_stmts(response) stmts = [] # individual tracks become secondary works; need to distinguish among them w_count = 2 return stmts unless response["tracklist"].present? response["tracklist"].each do |track| stmts.concat(build_secondary_works(track, w_count)) # If the Discogs data includes the primary artists for each track, use those. If not, # use the primary artists that are associated with the main work artist_array = build_artist_array(track["artists"]) stmts.concat(build_track_artists(artist_array, w_count)) stmts.concat(build_track_extraartists(track["extraartists"], w_count)) if track["extraartists"].present? w_count += 1 end stmts # w/out this line, building the graph throws an undefined method `graph_name=' error end # If the tracklist does not include the primary artists, use the ones defined at the master or release level # @param [Array] artists from discogs # @return [Array] either the tracklist "artists" or the primary artists def build_artist_array(artists) artists.present? ? artists : primary_artists end # @param [Hash] discogs artists associated with the main work (master or release) # @param [Integer] used to give unique URIS for works # @return [Array] rdf statements def build_secondary_works(track, w_count) stmts = [] stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object(work_uri, "", "workn#{w_count}") stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object("workn#{w_count}", rdf_type_predicate, "") stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object("workn#{w_count}", rdf_type_predicate, "") stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object("workn#{w_count}", "", "titlen3#{w_count}") stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object("titlen3#{w_count}", rdf_type_predicate, "") stmts << contruct_stmt_literal_object("titlen3#{w_count}", bf_main_title_predicate, track["title"]) stmts << contruct_stmt_literal_object("workn#{w_count}", "", track["duration"]) if track["duration"].present? stmts # w/out this line, building the graph throws an undefined method `graph_name=' error end # @param [Array] discogs artists associated with the main work (master or release) # @param [Integer] used to give unique URIS for works and primary contributions # @return [Array] rdf statements def build_track_artists(artists, w_count) stmts = [] count = 1 artists.each do |artist| stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object("workn#{w_count}", "", "contrbn#{w_count}#{count}") stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object("contrbn#{w_count}#{count}", rdf_type_predicate, "") stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object("contrbn#{w_count}#{count}", bf_agent_predicate, "agentn#{w_count}#{count}") stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object("agentn#{w_count}#{count}", rdf_type_predicate, bf_agent_type_object) stmts << contruct_stmt_literal_object("agentn#{w_count}#{count}", rdfs_label_predicate, artist["name"]) count += 1 end stmts # w/out this line, building the graph throws an undefined method `graph_name=' error end # @param [Array] discogs extraartists associated with a track # @param [Integer] used to give unique URIS for works, contributions and roles # @return [Array] rdf statements def build_track_extraartists(extraartists, w_count) stmts = [] # to distinguish among contributors to a track/work and their roles count = 1 extraartists.each do |artist| stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object("workn#{w_count}", "", "contrbn#{w_count}2#{count}") stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object("contrbn#{w_count}2#{count}", rdf_type_predicate, "") stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object("contrbn#{w_count}2#{count}", bf_agent_predicate, "agentn#{w_count}2#{count}") stmts << contruct_stmt_uri_object("agentn#{w_count}2#{count}", rdf_type_predicate, bf_agent_type_object) stmts << contruct_stmt_literal_object("agentn#{w_count}2#{count}", rdfs_label_predicate, artist["name"]) stmts += build_role_stmts("agentn#{w_count}2#{count}", "role2#{w_count}#{count}", artist["role"]) count += 1 end stmts # w/out this line, building the graph throws an undefined method `graph_name=' error end end end end