# encoding: utf-8
require_relative 'simulation/matrix'
require_relative 'simulation/dependency'
require_relative 'simulation/element_representation'
require_relative 'simulation/elements'
require_relative 'simulation/elements/access'
require_relative 'simulation/place_representation'
require_relative 'simulation/places'
require_relative 'simulation/places/access'
require_relative 'simulation/transition_representation'
require_relative 'simulation/transitions'
require_relative 'simulation/transitions/access'
require_relative 'simulation/place_mapping'
require_relative 'simulation/marking_clamps'
require_relative 'simulation/marking_clamps/access'
require_relative 'simulation/initial_marking'
require_relative 'simulation/initial_marking/access'
require_relative 'simulation/marking_vector'
require_relative 'simulation/marking_vector/access'
require_relative 'simulation/recorder'
require_relative 'simulation/timeless'
require_relative 'simulation/timed'
# Represents a Petri net simulation, concerning are the simulation method and
# settings, initial values, marking clamps, guards and similar. Its concerns are
# are separated from those of the Petri net domain model (existence, naming,
# connectivity, functions...). Clamps, guards, initial values etc. do not
# belong to the model, although for convenience, places may carry default
# initial marking, guards, and clamps for use in the token game. Simulation
# instance can also use these if none other are specified.
# A simulation distinguishes between free and clamped places. For free places,
# initial marking has to be specified. For clamped places, marking clamps have
# to be specified. Both come as hashes:
class YPetri::Simulation
★ Places::Access # ★ means include
★ Transitions::Access
★ Elements::Access
★ InitialMarking::Access
★ MarkingClamps::Access
★ MarkingVector::Access
DEFAULT_SETTINGS = -> do { method: :pseudo_euler, guarded: false } end
class << self
alias __new__ new
def new net: (fail ArgumentError, "No net supplied!"), **settings
net.simulation **settings
# Parametrized subclasses:
attr_reader :core,
alias guarded? guarded
delegate :net, to: "self.class"
delegate :simulation_method,
to: :core
delegate :recording,
to: :recorder
alias r recording
delegate :plot,
to: :recording
# Returns the firing of the indicated tS transitions (all tS transitions,
# if no argument is given).
def firing ids_of_tS_transitions=nil
tt = tS_transitions()
return firing tt if ids_of_tS_transitions.nil?
tS_transitions( ids_of_tS_transitions ).map { |t|
firing_vector_tS.column_to_a.fetch tt.index( t )
# Firing of the indicated tS transitions (as hash with transition names as
# keys).
def t_firing ids=nil
tS_transitions( ids ).names( true ) >> firing( ids )
# Pretty prints firing of the indicated tS transitions as hash with transition
# names as keys. Takes optional list of tS transition ids (first ordered arg.),
# and optional 2 named arguments (+:gap+ and +:precision+), as in
# +#pretty_print_numeric_values+.
def pfiring
t_firing( ids ).pretty_print_numeric_values( gap: gap, precision: precision )
# The basic simulation parameter is :net – +YPetri::Net+ instance which to
# simulate. Net implies the collection of places and transitions. Other
# required attributes are +:marking_clamps+ and +:initial_marking+
# (or +:marking -- if no +:initial_marking+ is supplied, +:marking+ will be
# used in its stead). There is a possibility to extract the initial marking
# from the net elements directly, controlled by the optional argument
# +:use_default_marking+, _true_ by default. It means that even if the caller
# does not supply required +:initial_marking+ values, the constructor will
# extract them from the places, so long as these have their initial markings
# set. Setting +:use_default_marking+ to _false_ will cause an error unless
# +:initial_marking+ and +:place_clamps+ are supplied explicitly.
# Simulation method is controlled by the :method argument, guarding is
# switched on and off by the :guarded argument (_true_ / _false_). Simulations
# of timed nets are timed. A timed simulation constructor may have +:time+
# (alias +:time_range+), +:step+, controlling the size of the simulation step,
# and +:sampling+, controlling the sampling period. At least one of these named
# arguments has to be set for timed simulations.
def initialize **settings
@guarded = settings[:guarded] # guarding on / off
m_clamps = settings[:marking_clamps] || {}
m = settings[:marking]
init_m = settings[:initial_marking] || {}
use_default_marking = if settings.has? :use_default_marking then
settings[ :use_default_marking ]
else true end
# Time-independent simulation settings received, constructing param. classes
param_class!( { Place: PlaceRepresentation,
Places: Places,
Transition: TransitionRepresentation,
Transitions: Transitions,
PlaceMapping: PlaceMapping,
InitialMarking: InitialMarking,
MarkingClamps: MarkingClamps,
MarkingVector: MarkingVector },
with: { simulation: self } )
# Place and transition representation classes are their own namespaces.
# Set up the places collection.
@places = Places().load( net.places )
# Clamped places' mapping to the clamp values.
@marking_clamps = MarkingClamps().load( m_clamps )
# Free places' mapping to the initial marking values.
@initial_marking = InitialMarking()
.load( if m then # use :marking as :initial_marking when possible
init_m_from_init_m = PlaceMapping().load( init_m )
init_m_from_marking = PlaceMapping().load( m )
init_m_from_marking.merge init_m_from_init_m
else init_m end )
# Set up the place and transition collections.
@places.complete_initial_marking( use_default_marking: use_default_marking )
# Correspondence matrix free --> all
@f2a = free_places.correspondence_matrix( places )
# Correspondence matrix clamped --> all
@c2a = clamped_places.correspondence_matrix( places )
# Conditionally extend self depending on net's timedness.
anything_time = settings[:time] || settings[:step] || settings[:sampling]
extend( anything_time ? Timed : Timeless )
# Initialize the marking vector.
@m_vector = MarkingVector().zero
# Set up the transitions collection.
@transitions = Transitions().load( net.transitions )
# Set up stoichiometry matrices relative to free places.
@tS_stoichiometry_matrix = transitions.tS.stoichiometry_matrix
@TS_stoichiometry_matrix = transitions.TS.stoichiometry_matrix
# Set up stoichiometry matrices relative to all places.
@tS_SM = transitions.tS.SM
@TS_SM = transitions.TS.SM
# Call timedness-dependent initialization.
init **settings
# Make timeless closures.
@ts_delta_closure = transitions.ts.delta_closure
@tS_firing_closure = transitions.tS.firing_closure
@A_assignment_closure = transitions.A.assignment_closure
@increment_marking_vector_closure = m_vector.increment_closure
# Make timed closures.
if timed? then
@Ts_gradient_closure = transitions.Ts.gradient_closure
@TS_rate_closure = transitions.TS.rate_closure
# Reset.
if m then reset! marking: m else reset! end
# Simulation settings.
def settings all=false
return { method: simulation_method, guarded: guarded? } unless all == true
settings( false )
.update( net: net,
marking_clamps: marking_clamps.keys_to_source_places,
initial_marking: initial_marking.keys_to_source_places )
# Returns a new simulation instance. Unless modified by arguments, the state
# of the new instance is the same as the creator's. Arguments can partially or
# wholly modify the attributes of the duplicate.
def dup( marking: marking, recording: recording, **nn )
self.class.new( nn.reverse_merge! settings( true ) ).tap do |dup|
dup.recording.reset! recording: recording
dup.m_vector.reset! case marking
when Hash then
.update( PlaceMapping().load( marking ) )
when Matrix, Array then marking
else marking.each.to_a end
# Inspect string for this simulation.
def inspect
# String representation of this simulation.
def to_s
"#" % [ pp.size, tt.size, object_id ]
# Resets the simulation.
def reset! **nn
m = nn[:marking]
tap do
if m then m_vector.reset! m else m_vector.reset! end
# Guards proposed marking delta.
def guard_Δ! Δ_free_places
ary = ( marking_vector + F2A() * Δ_free_places ).column_to_a
places.zip( ary ).each { |pl, proposed_m| pl.guard.( proposed_m ) }
# Extract a prescribed set of features.
def get_features arg
net.State.features( arg ).extract_from( self )
end # class YPetri::Simulation