=== 0.2.1 2011/08/12 Milkode repository is version up. Please rebuild repository. milk rebuild * Support AutoPagerize. (thanks awasira) * 'documents' table type change, 'Groonga::Array -> Groonga:: Hash'. * 'milk update' faster (thanks kou) * Issues#6 CentOS 5.5 (32bit) in 'milk update' fails (thanks yoshikaw) === 0.2.0 2011/08/10 * Issues#4 Bug fix, wrong display of search results. (thanks rakkoyaku, ryo) * Issues#5 Delete GoogleAnalytics code. (thanks vividtone) === 0.1.9 2011/08/05 * Bug fix, can't move 'milk web'. === 0.1.8, 0.1.7 2011/08/04 * archive-zip patch for Ruby1.9.2. === 0.1.6 2011/08/03 * Bug fix, faild 'milk init' for Ubunts. (thanks kumonopanya, and maroekun) === 0.1.5 2011/08/02 * Compatibility Ruby 1.9.2p290. === 0.1.4 2011/08/01 * To act reasonably even if it fails to require 'readline'. === 0.1.3 2011/07/30 * Change Icon. * Change web-app design. * Change text, lib/milkode/cdweb/views/help.haml. === 0.1.2 2011/07/26 * milk web --host, default value "" (for Windows). * to update all packages at 'milk update' (no arg). === 0.1.1 2011/07/25 * Add comment. === 0.1.0 2011/07/25 * 1st release.