require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') require 'lib/user_input/option_parser' describe UserInput::OptionParser do IOptionParser = UserInput::OptionParser it "Should optionally take an argument for program prefix, setting it to $0 if none set" do == $0"blah").program_prefix.should == "blah" end it "Should let you set the program prefix after initialization" do opt = opt.program_prefix.should == $0 opt.program_prefix = "blah" opt.program_prefix.should == "blah" end it "Should generate a default banner if none specified" do be_kind_of(String) end it "Should let you set the banner" do opt = opt.banner = "blah" opt.banner.should == "blah" end it "Should yield the object for use if a block is given to the constructor" do"boom") {|p| p.should be_kind_of(IOptionParser) p.program_prefix.should == "boom" } end it "Should not allow multicharacter short options or single character long options" do {|p| proc { p.flag "boom", "boom", "what?" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) proc { p.flag "a", "a", "what?" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) } end before :each do @opt ="testing") @opt.flag "a", "abba", "stuff goes here" @opt.flag "b", "boom", "this one goes boom" do raise "BOOM" end @opt.argument "c", "cool", "this one is awesome", "whatever" @opt.argument "d", "dumb", "this one is dumb. It wants nothing but an integer.", 5, Integer @opt.argument "e", "everything", "this one's really clever, it's always 'everything'", "what?" do "everything" end @opt.argument "f", "fugged-aboudit", "this one has a hyphen, which makes it scary", "stuff" end it "Should have defined the right methods" do [:abba?, :boom?, :cool, :dumb, :everything, :fugged_aboudit].each {|i| @opt.respond_to?(i).should be_true } end it "Should set the correct defaults" do @opt.abba?.should be_false @opt.boom?.should be_false == "whatever" @opt.dumb.should == 5 @opt.everything.should == "what?" @opt.fugged_aboudit.should == "stuff" end it "Should return itself from both parse and parse!" do @opt.parse(["-a"]).should == @opt @opt.parse!(["-a"]).should == @opt end it "Should parse a simple short flag" do @opt.parse(["-a"]) @opt.abba?.should be_true end it "Should parse a simple long flag" do @opt.parse(["--abba"]) @opt.abba?.should be_true end it "Should raise an error if we try to set the exploding flag" do proc { @opt.parse(["-b"]) }.should raise_error("BOOM") end it "Should raise if an argument isn't supplied to a normal argument" do proc { @opt.parse(["-c"]) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "Should parse a simple argument with properly specified" do @opt.parse(["-c", "stuff"]) == "stuff" end it "Should parse a simple argument in its long form properly specified" do @opt.parse(["--cool", "stuff"]) == "stuff" end it "Should deal with a hyphen in the command line argument" do @opt.parse(["--fugged-aboudit", "boom"]) @opt.fugged_aboudit.should == "boom" end it "should parse a flag and an argument separately" do @opt.parse(["-a", "-c", "stuff"]) @opt.abba?.should be_true == "stuff" end it "Should validate input using from_user_input" do proc { @opt.parse(["-d", "whatever"]) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) @opt.dumb.should == 5 @opt.parse(["-d", "99"]) @opt.dumb.should == 99 end it "Should validate input using a proc object" do @opt.parse(["-e", "stufffff"]) @opt.everything.should == "everything" end it "should parse correctly if you specify multiple arguments in a group" do @opt.parse(["-acd", "what", "1"]) @opt.abba?.should be_true == "what" @opt.dumb.should == 1 end it "Should raise an error if you supply a flag or argument it doesn't understand" do proc { @opt.parse(["-z"]) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) proc { @opt.parse(["--zoom"]) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should parse destructively if you use parse!" do arr = ["-a"] @opt.parse!(arr) arr.should == [] end it "should stop parsing on finding a non-flag word unexpectedly and return the remainder" do arr = ["-a", "boom", "whatever"] @opt.parse!(arr) arr.should == ["boom", "whatever"] end it "should stop parsing on finding --, but should still consume it" do arr = ["-a", "--", "whatever"] @opt.parse!(arr) arr.should == ["whatever"] end it "should return a string from to_s" do # Possibly this spec should include an example to compare against, but that seems too rigid. @opt.to_s.should be_kind_of(String) end end