require 'spec_helper' describe CollectionsController, :type => :controller do let(:collections) { Hydra::Collections::Engine.routes.url_helpers } before(:all) do CollectionsController.configure_blacklight do |config| config.default_solr_params = {:qf => 'label_tesim'} end class GenericFile < ActiveFedora::Base include Hydra::Collections::Collectible property :title, predicate: ::RDF::DC.title # Hack until is merged def title_with_first title_without_first.first end alias_method_chain :title, :first # use this until is resolved def to_param id end def to_solr(solr_doc={}) super.tap do |solr_doc| solr_doc = index_collection_ids(solr_doc) solr_doc["label_tesim"] = self.title end end end end after(:all) do Object.send(:remove_const, :GenericFile) end before do allow(controller).to receive(:has_access?).and_return(true) @user = FactoryGirl.find_or_create(:user) sign_in @user allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:groups).and_return([]) allow(controller).to receive(:clear_session_user) ## Don't clear out the authenticated session end describe '#new' do it 'should assign @collection' do get :new expect(assigns(:collection)).to be_kind_of(Collection) end end describe '#create' do it "should create a Collection" do expect { post :create, collection: {title: "My First Collection ", description: "The Description\r\n\r\nand more"} }.to change { Collection.count }.by(1) expect(assigns[:collection].title).to eq("My First Collection ") expect(assigns[:collection].description).to eq("The Description\r\n\r\nand more") expect(assigns[:collection].depositor).to eq(@user.user_key) expect(response).to redirect_to collections.collection_path(assigns[:collection]) end it "should add docs to collection if batch ids provided" do @asset1 = ActiveFedora::Base.create! @asset2 = ActiveFedora::Base.create! post :create, batch_document_ids: [@asset1, @asset2], collection: {title: "My Secong Collection ", description: "The Description\r\n\r\nand more"} expect(assigns[:collection].members).to eq([@asset1, @asset2]) end it "should call after_create" do expect(controller).to receive(:after_create).and_call_original post :create, collection: {title: "My First Collection ", description: "The Description\r\n\r\nand more"} end it "should add one doc to collection if batch ids provided and add the collection id to the document in the colledction" do @asset1 = GenericFile.create! post :create, batch_document_ids: [@asset1], collection: {title: "My Secong Collection ", description: "The Description\r\n\r\nand more"} expect(assigns[:collection].members).to eq [@asset1] asset_results = blacklight_solr.get "select", params:{fq:["id:\"#{}\""],fl:['id',Solrizer.solr_name(:collection)]} expect(asset_results["response"]["numFound"]).to eq(1) doc = asset_results["response"]["docs"].first expect(doc["id"]).to eq( afterupdate = GenericFile.find( expect(doc[Solrizer.solr_name(:collection)]).to eq(afterupdate.to_solr[Solrizer.solr_name(:collection)]) end it "should add docs to collection if batch ids provided and add the collection id to the documents int he colledction" do @asset1 = GenericFile.create! @asset2 = GenericFile.create! post :create, batch_document_ids: [@asset1,@asset2], collection: {title: "My Secong Collection ", description: "The Description\r\n\r\nand more"} expect(assigns[:collection].members).to eq([@asset1,@asset2]) asset_results = blacklight_solr.get "select", params:{fq:["id:\"#{}\""],fl:['id',Solrizer.solr_name(:collection)]} expect(asset_results["response"]["numFound"]).to eq(1) doc = asset_results["response"]["docs"].first expect(doc["id"]).to eq( afterupdate = GenericFile.find( expect(doc[Solrizer.solr_name(:collection)]).to eq(afterupdate.to_solr[Solrizer.solr_name(:collection)]) end end describe "#update" do before do @collection = @collection.apply_depositor_metadata(@user.user_key) @asset1 = GenericFile.create! @asset2 = GenericFile.create! @asset3 = GenericFile.create! allow(controller).to receive(:authorize!).and_return(true) expect(controller).to receive(:authorize!).at_least(:once) end it "should update collection metadata" do put :update, id:, collection: { title: "New Title", description: "New Description" } expect(response).to redirect_to collections.collection_path(@collection) expect(assigns[:collection].title).to eq("New Title") expect(assigns[:collection].description).to eq("New Description") end it "should call after_update" do expect(controller).to receive(:after_update).and_call_original put :update, id:, collection: { title: "New Title", description: "New Description" } end context "when there are existing members in the collection" do it "should support adding batches of members" do @collection.members << @asset1 put :update, id:, collection: { members:"add" }, batch_document_ids: [@asset2, @asset3] expect(response).to redirect_to collections.collection_path(@collection) expect(assigns[:collection].members).to match_array [@asset2, @asset3, @asset1] end it "should support removing batches of members" do @collection.members = [@asset1, @asset2, @asset3] put :update, id:, collection: { members: "remove" }, batch_document_ids: [@asset1, @asset3] expect(response).to redirect_to collections.collection_path(@collection) expect(assigns[:collection].members).to eq([@asset2]) end end it "should support setting members array" do put :update, id:, collection: { members: "add" }, batch_document_ids: [@asset2, @asset3, @asset1] expect(response).to redirect_to collections.collection_path(@collection) expect(assigns[:collection].members).to match_array [@asset2, @asset3, @asset1] end it "should set/un-set collection on members" do # Add to collection (sets collection on members) put :update, id:, collection: { members: "add"}, batch_document_ids: [@asset2, @asset3] expect(assigns[:collection].members).to match_array [@asset2, @asset3] ## Check that member lists collection in its solr doc @asset2.reload expect(@asset2.to_solr[Solrizer.solr_name(:collection)]).to eq [] ## Check that member was re-indexed with collection info asset_results = blacklight_solr.get "select", params:{fq:["id:\"#{}\""],fl:['id',Solrizer.solr_name(:collection)]} doc = asset_results["response"]["docs"].first expect(doc["id"]).to eq( expect(doc[Solrizer.solr_name(:collection)]).to eq [] # Remove from collection (un-sets collection on members) put :update, id: @collection, collection: { members:"remove" }, batch_document_ids: [@asset2] expect(assigns[:collection].members).to_not include(@asset2) ## Check that member no longer lists collection in its solr doc @asset2.reload expect(@asset2.to_solr[Solrizer.solr_name(:collection)]).to eq([]) ## Check that member was re-indexed without collection info asset_results = blacklight_solr.get "select", params:{fq:["id:\"#{}\""],fl:['id',Solrizer.solr_name(:collection)]} doc = asset_results["response"]["docs"].first expect(doc["id"]).to eq( expect(doc[Solrizer.solr_name(:collection)]).to be_nil end context "when moving members between collections" do before do @collection.members = [@asset1, @asset2, @asset3] end let(:collection2) do do |col| col.apply_depositor_metadata(@user.user_key) end end it "moves the members" do put :update, id: @collection, collection: {members: "move"}, destination_collection_id: collection2, batch_document_ids: [@asset2, @asset3] expect(@collection.reload.members).to eq [@asset1] expect(collection2.reload.members).to match_array [@asset2, @asset3] end end end describe "#destroy" do describe "valid collection" do before do @collection = @collection.apply_depositor_metadata(@user.user_key) expect(controller).to receive(:authorize!).and_return(true) end it "should delete collection" do delete :destroy, id: expect(response).to redirect_to Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.catalog_index_path expect(flash[:notice]).to eq("Collection was successfully deleted.") end it "should after_destroy" do expect(controller).to receive(:after_destroy).and_call_original delete :destroy, id: end it "should call update members" do @asset1 = GenericFile.create! @collection.members << @asset1 @asset1 = @asset1.reload @asset1.update_index expect(@asset1.collections).to eq [@collection] asset_results = blacklight_solr.get "select", params:{fq:["id:\"#{}\""],fl:['id',Solrizer.solr_name(:collection)]} expect(asset_results["response"]["numFound"]).to eq(1) doc = asset_results["response"]["docs"].first expect(doc[Solrizer.solr_name(:collection)]).to eq([]) delete :destroy, id: @collection expect(@asset1.reload.collections).to eq([]) asset_results = blacklight_solr.get "select", params:{fq:["id:\"#{}\""],fl:['id',Solrizer.solr_name(:collection)]} expect(asset_results["response"]["numFound"]).to eq(1) doc = asset_results["response"]["docs"].first expect(doc[Solrizer.solr_name(:collection)]).to be_nil @asset1.destroy end end it "should not delete an invalid collection" do expect {delete :destroy, id: 'zz:-1'}.to raise_error end end describe "with a number of assets #show" do before do @asset1 = GenericFile.create!(title: "First of the Assets") @asset2 = GenericFile.create!(title: "Second of the Assets") @asset3 = GenericFile.create!(title: "Third of the Assets") @collection ="abc123") @collection.title = "My collection" @collection.apply_depositor_metadata(@user.user_key) @collection.members = [@asset1, @asset2, @asset3]! expect(controller).to receive(:authorize!).and_return(true) allow(controller).to receive(:apply_gated_search) end describe "additional collections" do before do @asset4 = GenericFile.create!(title: "#{}") @collection2 = "abc1234") @collection2.title = "Other collection" @collection2.apply_depositor_metadata(@user.user_key) @collection2.members = [@asset4] end it "should show only the collections assets" do get :show, id: @collection expect(assigns[:collection].title).to eq @collection.title expect(assigns[:member_docs].map(&:id)).to match_array [,,] end it "should show only the other collections assets" do get :show, id: @collection2 expect(assigns[:collection].title).to eq @collection2.title expect(assigns[:member_docs].map(&:id)).to match_array [] end end it "when the collection is empty it should show no assets" do get :show, id: Collection.create(title: "Empty collection") expect(assigns[:collection].title).to eq("Empty collection") expect(assigns[:member_docs]).to be_empty end # NOTE: This test depends on title_tesim being in the qf in solrconfig.xml it "should query the collections" do get :show, id:, cq:"\"#{@asset1.title}\"" expect(assigns[:collection].title).to eq @collection.title expect(assigns[:member_docs].map(&:id)).to match_array [] end context "When there are search matches that are not in the collection" do before do GenericFile.create!(title: "#{} #{@asset1.title}") GenericFile.create!(title: @asset1.title) end # NOTE: This test depends on title_tesim being in the qf in solrconfig.xml it "should query the collections and show only the collection assets" do get :show, id: @collection, cq: "\"#{@asset1.title}\"" expect(assigns[:collection].title).to eq @collection.title expect(assigns[:member_docs].map(&:id)).to match_array [] end end it "should query the collections with rows" do get :show, id: @collection, rows:"2" expect(assigns[:collection].title).to eq @collection.title expect(assigns[:member_docs].size).to eq 2 end end end