# frozen_string_literal: true require "graphql/types/string" module GraphQL class Schema # Mutations that extend this base class get some conventions added for free: # # - An argument called `clientMutationId` is _always_ added, but it's not passed # to the resolve method. The value is re-inserted to the response. (It's for # client libraries to manage optimistic updates.) # - The returned object type always has a field called `clientMutationId` to support that. # - The mutation accepts one argument called `input`, `argument`s defined in the mutation # class are added to that input object, which is generated by the mutation. # # These conventions were first specified by Relay Classic, but they come in handy: # # - `clientMutationId` supports optimistic updates and cache rollbacks on the client # - using a single `input:` argument makes it easy to post whole JSON objects to the mutation # using one GraphQL variable (`$input`) instead of making a separate variable for each argument. # # @see {GraphQL::Schema::Mutation} for an example, it's basically the same. # class RelayClassicMutation < GraphQL::Schema::Mutation # The payload should always include this field field(:client_mutation_id, String, "A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.", null: true) # Relay classic default: null(true) # Override {GraphQL::Schema::Resolver#resolve_with_support} to # delete `client_mutation_id` from the kwargs. def resolve_with_support(**inputs) # Without the interpreter, the inputs are unwrapped by an instrumenter. # But when using the interpreter, no instrumenters are applied. if context.interpreter? input = inputs[:input].to_kwargs new_extras = field ? field.extras : [] all_extras = self.class.extras + new_extras # Transfer these from the top-level hash to the # shortcutted `input:` object all_extras.each do |ext| # It's possible that the `extra` was not passed along by this point, # don't re-add it if it wasn't given here. if inputs.key?(ext) input[ext] = inputs[ext] end end else input = inputs end if input # This is handled by Relay::Mutation::Resolve, a bit hacky, but here we are. input_kwargs = input.to_h client_mutation_id = input_kwargs.delete(:client_mutation_id) else # Relay Classic Mutations with no `argument`s # don't require `input:` input_kwargs = {} end return_value = if input_kwargs.any? super(**input_kwargs) else super() end # Again, this is done by an instrumenter when using non-interpreter execution. if context.interpreter? context.schema.after_lazy(return_value) do |return_hash| # It might be an error if return_hash.is_a?(Hash) return_hash[:client_mutation_id] = client_mutation_id end return_hash end else return_value end end class << self # The base class for generated input object types # @param new_class [Class] The base class to use for generating input object definitions # @return [Class] The base class for this mutation's generated input object (default is {GraphQL::Schema::InputObject}) def input_object_class(new_class = nil) if new_class @input_object_class = new_class end @input_object_class || (superclass.respond_to?(:input_object_class) ? superclass.input_object_class : GraphQL::Schema::InputObject) end # @param new_input_type [Class, nil] If provided, it configures this mutation to accept `new_input_type` instead of generating an input type # @return [Class] The generated {Schema::InputObject} class for this mutation's `input` def input_type(new_input_type = nil) if new_input_type @input_type = new_input_type end @input_type ||= generate_input_type end # Extend {Schema::Mutation.field_options} to add the `input` argument def field_options sig = super # Arguments were added at the root, but they should be nested sig[:arguments].clear sig[:arguments][:input] = { type: input_type, required: true } sig end private # Generate the input type for the `input:` argument # To customize how input objects are generated, override this method # @return [Class] a subclass of {.input_object_class} def generate_input_type mutation_args = arguments mutation_name = graphql_name mutation_class = self Class.new(input_object_class) do graphql_name("#{mutation_name}Input") description("Autogenerated input type of #{mutation_name}") mutation(mutation_class) mutation_args.each do |_name, arg| add_argument(arg) end argument :client_mutation_id, String, "A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.", required: false end end end end end end