#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:exec).provider(:posix), :if => Puppet.features.posix? do include PuppetSpec::Files def make_exe cmdpath = tmpdir('cmdpath') exepath = tmpfile('my_command', cmdpath) FileUtils.touch(exepath) File.chmod(0755, exepath) exepath end let(:resource) { Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:title => '/foo', :provider => :posix) } let(:provider) { described_class.new(resource) } describe "#validatecmd" do it "should fail if no path is specified and the command is not fully qualified" do expect { provider.validatecmd("foo") }.to raise_error( Puppet::Error, "'foo' is not qualified and no path was specified. Please qualify the command or specify a path." ) end it "should pass if a path is given" do provider.resource[:path] = ['/bogus/bin'] provider.validatecmd("../foo") end it "should pass if command is fully qualifed" do provider.resource[:path] = ['/bogus/bin'] provider.validatecmd("/bin/blah/foo") end end describe "#run" do describe "when the command is an absolute path" do let(:command) { tmpfile('foo') } it "should fail if the command doesn't exist" do expect { provider.run(command) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Could not find command '#{command}'") end it "should fail if the command isn't a file" do FileUtils.mkdir(command) FileUtils.chmod(0755, command) expect { provider.run(command) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "'#{command}' is a directory, not a file") end it "should fail if the command isn't executable" do FileUtils.touch(command) File.stubs(:executable?).with(command).returns(false) expect { provider.run(command) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "'#{command}' is not executable") end end describe "when the command is a relative path" do it "should execute the command if it finds it in the path and is executable" do command = make_exe provider.resource[:path] = [File.dirname(command)] filename = File.basename(command) Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(filename, instance_of(Hash)).returns(Puppet::Util::Execution::ProcessOutput.new('', 0)) provider.run(filename) end it "should fail if the command isn't in the path" do resource[:path] = ["/fake/path"] expect { provider.run('foo') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Could not find command 'foo'") end it "should fail if the command is in the path but not executable" do command = make_exe File.chmod(0644, command) FileTest.stubs(:executable?).with(command).returns(false) resource[:path] = [File.dirname(command)] filename = File.basename(command) expect { provider.run(filename) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Could not find command '#{filename}'") end end it "should not be able to execute shell builtins" do provider.resource[:path] = ['/bogus/bin'] expect { provider.run("cd ..") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Could not find command 'cd'") end it "should execute the command if the command given includes arguments or subcommands" do provider.resource[:path] = ['/bogus/bin'] command = make_exe Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with("#{command} bar --sillyarg=true --blah", instance_of(Hash)).returns(Puppet::Util::Execution::ProcessOutput.new('', 0)) provider.run("#{command} bar --sillyarg=true --blah") end it "should fail if quoted command doesn't exist" do provider.resource[:path] = ['/bogus/bin'] command = "/foo bar --sillyarg=true --blah" expect { provider.run(%Q["#{command}"]) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Could not find command '#{command}'") end it "should warn if you're overriding something in environment" do provider.resource[:environment] = ['WHATEVER=/something/else', 'WHATEVER=/foo'] command = make_exe Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(command, instance_of(Hash)).returns(Puppet::Util::Execution::ProcessOutput.new('', 0)) provider.run(command) expect(@logs.map {|l| "#{l.level}: #{l.message}" }).to eq(["warning: Overriding environment setting 'WHATEVER' with '/foo'"]) end it "should warn when setting an empty environment variable" do provider.resource[:environment] = ['WHATEVER='] command = make_exe Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(command, instance_of(Hash)).returns(Puppet::Util::Execution::ProcessOutput.new('', 0)) provider.run(command) expect(@logs.map(&:to_s).join).to match(/Empty environment setting 'WHATEVER'\n\s+\(file & line not available\)/m) end it "should warn when setting an empty environment variable (within a manifest)" do provider.resource[:environment] = ['WHATEVER='] provider.resource.file = '/tmp/foobar' provider.resource.line = 42 command = make_exe Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(command, instance_of(Hash)).returns(Puppet::Util::Execution::ProcessOutput.new('', 0)) provider.run(command) expect(@logs.map(&:to_s).join).to match(/Empty environment setting 'WHATEVER'\n\s+\(file: \/tmp\/foobar, line: 42\)/m) end it "should set umask before execution if umask parameter is in use" do provider.resource[:umask] = '0027' Puppet::Util.expects(:withumask).with(0027) provider.run(provider.resource[:command]) end describe "posix locale settings", :unless => RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' do # a sentinel value that we can use to emulate what locale environment variables might be set to on an international # system. lang_sentinel_value = "en_US.UTF-8" # a temporary hash that contains sentinel values for each of the locale environment variables that we override in # "exec" locale_sentinel_env = {} Puppet::Util::POSIX::LOCALE_ENV_VARS.each { |var| locale_sentinel_env[var] = lang_sentinel_value } command = "/bin/echo $%s" it "should not override user's locale during execution" do # we'll do this once without any sentinel values, to give us a little more test coverage orig_env = {} Puppet::Util::POSIX::LOCALE_ENV_VARS.each { |var| orig_env[var] = ENV[var] if ENV[var] } orig_env.keys.each do |var| output, _ = provider.run(command % var) expect(output.strip).to eq(orig_env[var]) end # now, once more... but with our sentinel values Puppet::Util.withenv(locale_sentinel_env) do Puppet::Util::POSIX::LOCALE_ENV_VARS.each do |var| output, _ = provider.run(command % var) expect(output.strip).to eq(locale_sentinel_env[var]) end end end it "should respect locale overrides in user's 'environment' configuration" do provider.resource[:environment] = ['LANG=C', 'LC_ALL=C'] output, _ = provider.run(command % 'LANG') expect(output.strip).to eq('C') output, _ = provider.run(command % 'LC_ALL') expect(output.strip).to eq('C') end end describe "posix user-related environment vars", :unless => RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' do # a temporary hash that contains sentinel values for each of the user-related environment variables that we # are expected to unset during an "exec" user_sentinel_env = {} Puppet::Util::POSIX::USER_ENV_VARS.each { |var| user_sentinel_env[var] = "Abracadabra" } command = "/bin/echo $%s" it "should unset user-related environment vars during execution" do # first we set up a temporary execution environment with sentinel values for the user-related environment vars # that we care about. Puppet::Util.withenv(user_sentinel_env) do # with this environment, we loop over the vars in question Puppet::Util::POSIX::USER_ENV_VARS.each do |var| # ensure that our temporary environment is set up as we expect expect(ENV[var]).to eq(user_sentinel_env[var]) # run an "exec" via the provider and ensure that it unsets the vars output, _ = provider.run(command % var) expect(output.strip).to eq("") # ensure that after the exec, our temporary env is still intact expect(ENV[var]).to eq(user_sentinel_env[var]) end end end it "should respect overrides to user-related environment vars in caller's 'environment' configuration" do sentinel_value = "Abracadabra" # set the "environment" property of the resource, populating it with a hash containing sentinel values for # each of the user-related posix environment variables provider.resource[:environment] = Puppet::Util::POSIX::USER_ENV_VARS.collect { |var| "#{var}=#{sentinel_value}"} # loop over the posix user-related environment variables Puppet::Util::POSIX::USER_ENV_VARS.each do |var| # run an 'exec' to get the value of each variable output, _ = provider.run(command % var) # ensure that it matches our expected sentinel value expect(output.strip).to eq(sentinel_value) end end end end end