Elus Solver: User Stories

Role: Gamer

·         Gamer starts Game. Gamer opens up a shell, types a command, and sees a welcome message and a prompt to input Game state.

·         Gamer inputs state. Gamer enters 3-char sequences representing 3 free Pieces. If the Game just began, he is then prompted for 3 3-char sequences representing Pieces already on the Board.

·         Game produces hints. If the Game just began it generates a set of all possible Rule combinations. A set of possible Rules is then run against Game state, dropping those that are not consistent with current Game state. Game then outputs remaining set of Rules and success probabilities for all free Pieces.

·         Gamer makes step. Gamer consumes hints, inputs the free Piece he is going to move. He is then prompted for the result of this step and enters it. If the step was not successful, Game generates new hints (unless the Gamer already lost). If the step was successful, the Gamer is prompted for new Game state (unless he already won).

·         Gamer wins. If enough steps were successful, Gamer is congratulated and presented with Game statistics

·         Gamer loses. If the Gamer made 4 mistakes he loses the Game.

·         Gamer plays again. If the Gamer lost the Game, he is asked if he wants to play again.