module Sprout # # *NOTE:* The AsDoc task has not yet been built, please let us know[] if you're interested in contributing! # # # The AsDoc Task will provide Rake support for the asdoc documentation engine. # The main idea behind this task is that one would simply name it after # the documentation directory, and set an Sprout::MXMLCTask as a prerequisite. # Then AsDoc should grab all of the compiler settings from the MXMLCTask and # generate the documentation as expected. Of course any parameters set directly # would override what is found from the compiler task. # # This configuration might look something like this: # # # Create a remote library dependency on the corelib swc. # library :corelib # # # Alias the compilation task with one that is easier to type # # task :compile => 'SomeProject.swf' # # # Create an MXMLCTask named for the output file that it creates. This task depends on the # # corelib library and will automatically add the corelib.swc to it's library_path # mxmlc 'bin/SomeProject.swf' => :corelib do |t| # t.input = 'src/' # t.default_size = '800 600' # t.default_background_color = "#FFFFFF" # end # # desc "Generate documentation" # asdoc 'doc' => 'bin/SomeProject.swf' # # This would then generate documentation in the relative path, 'doc', but only if # The contents of the documentation directory werer older than the sources referenced by the compiler. # class AsDocTask < MXMLCTask end end