/** * @ngdoc object * @name Bastion.products.controller:ProductRepositoriesController * * @requires $scope * @requires $location * @requires ApiErrorHandler * @requires Product * @requires Repository * @requires RepositoryBulkAction * @requires CurrentOrganization * @requires Nutupane * * * @description * Provides the functionality for manipulating repositories attached to a product. */ angular.module('Bastion.products').controller('ProductRepositoriesController', ['$scope', '$state', '$location', 'ApiErrorHandler', 'Product', 'Repository', 'RepositoryBulkAction', 'CurrentOrganization', 'Nutupane', 'translate', function ($scope, $state, $location, ApiErrorHandler, Product, Repository, RepositoryBulkAction, CurrentOrganization, Nutupane, translate) { var repositoriesNutupane = new Nutupane(Repository, { 'product_id': $scope.$stateParams.productId, 'search': $location.search().search || "", 'library': true, 'organization_id': CurrentOrganization, 'enabled': true, 'paged': true }); $scope.controllerName = 'katello_repositories'; repositoriesNutupane.masterOnly = true; function getParams() { return { ids: repositoriesNutupane.getAllSelectedResults('id').included.ids }; } $scope.successMessages = []; $scope.errorMessages = []; $scope.page = $scope.page || {loading: false}; $scope.product = Product.get({id: $scope.$stateParams.productId}, function () { $scope.page.loading = false; }, function (response) { $scope.page.loading = false; ApiErrorHandler.handleGETRequestErrors(response, $scope); }); $scope.close = function(index) { $scope.removingTasks.splice(index, 1); }; $scope.removingTasks = []; $scope.checksums = [{name: translate('Default'), id: null}, {id: 'sha256', name: 'sha256'}, {id: 'sha1', name: 'sha1'}]; $scope.table = repositoriesNutupane.table; $scope.syncSelectedRepositories = function () { var params = getParams(); RepositoryBulkAction.syncRepositories(params, function (task) { $state.go('product.tasks.details', {taskId: task.id}); }, function (response) { $scope.errorMessages = response.data.errors; }); }; $scope.removeSelectedRepositories = function () { var success, error, params = getParams(), removalPromise; success = function (response) { $scope.removingTasks.push(response.task.id); }; error = function (response) { $scope.errorMessages = response.data.errors; }; $scope.removingRepositories = true; removalPromise = RepositoryBulkAction.removeRepositories(params, success, error).$promise; removalPromise.finally(function () { $scope.removingRepositories = false; }); }; $scope.removeRepository = function (repository) { repository.$delete(function () { $scope.transitionTo('product.repositories', {productId: $scope.$stateParams.productId}); }); }; $scope.getRepositoriesNonDeletableReason = function (product) { var readOnlyReason = null; if (product.$resolved) { if ($scope.denied('destroy_products', product)) { readOnlyReason = 'permissions'; } else if (product.redhat) { readOnlyReason = 'redhat'; } } return readOnlyReason; }; $scope.canRemoveRepositories = function (product) { return $scope.getRepositoriesNonDeletableReason(product) === null; }; }] );