default: &default adapter: <%= ENV.fetch('DB_ADAPTER', 'mysql2') %> encoding: utf8 username: <%= ENV.fetch('DB_USER', 'root') %> password: <%= ENV.fetch('DB_PASSWORD', 'root') %> host: <%= ENV.fetch('DB_HOST', '') %> port: <%= ENV.fetch('DB_PORT', '3306') %> pool: 25 timeout: 5000 # Work around broken PostgreSQL activerecord-jdbc-adapter on Rails 5 insert_returning: false # MariaDB (see lib/arjdbc/mysql/connection_methods.rb) useSsl: false # MySQL requireSSL: false useSSL: false development: <<: *default database: <%= ENV.fetch('DB_NAME', 'kaui') %> # Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and # re-generated from your development database when you run "rake". # Do not set this db to the same as development or production. test: <<: *default database: <%= ENV.fetch('DB_NAME', 'kaui_test') %>