# Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor # license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright # ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under # the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. module Elasticsearch module RestAPIYAMLTests # Class representing a single action. An action is one of the following: # # 1. Applying header settings on a client. # 2. Sending some request to Elasticsearch. # 3. Sending some request to Elasticsearch, expecting an exception. # # @since 6.2.0 class Action attr_reader :response # Initialize an Action object. # # @example Create an action object: # Action.new("xpack.watcher.get_watch" => { "id" => "my_watch" }) # # @param [ Hash ] definition The action definition. # # @since 6.2.0 def initialize(definition) @definition = definition end # Execute the action. The method returns the client, in case the action created a new client # with header settings. # # @example Execute the action. # action.execute(client, test) # # @param [ Elasticsearch::Client ] client The client to use to execute the action. # @param [ Test ] test The test containing this action. Necessary for caching variables. # # @return [ Elasticsearch::Client ] The client. It will be a new one, not the one passed in, # if the action is to set headers. # # @since 6.2.0 def execute(client, test = nil) @definition.each.inject(client) do |client, (method_chain, args)| chain = method_chain.split('.') # If we have a method nested in a namespace, client becomes the # client/namespace. Eg for `indices.resolve_index`, `client = # client.indices` and then we call `resolve_index` on `client`. if chain.size > 1 client = chain[0...-1].inject(client) do |_client, _method| _client.send(_method) end end _method = chain[-1] case _method when 'bulk' arguments = prepare_arguments(args, test) arguments[:body].map! do |item| if item.is_a?(Hash) item elsif item.is_a?(String) symbolize_keys(JSON.parse(item)) end end if arguments[:body].is_a? Array @response = client.send(_method, arguments) client when 'headers' headers = prepare_arguments(args, test) # TODO: Remove Authorization headers while x_pack_rest_user is fixed if headers[:Authorization] == 'Basic eF9wYWNrX3Jlc3RfdXNlcjp4LXBhY2stdGVzdC1wYXNzd29yZA==' headers.delete(:Authorization) end host = client.transport.instance_variable_get('@hosts') transport_options = client.transport.instance_variable_get('@options')&.dig(:transport_options) || {} if ENV['QUIET'] == 'true' # todo: create a method on Elasticsearch::Client that can clone the client with new options Elasticsearch::Client.new( host: host, transport_options: transport_options.merge(headers: headers) ) else Elasticsearch::Client.new( host: host, tracer: Logger.new($stdout), transport_options: transport_options.merge(headers: headers) ) end when 'catch', 'warnings', 'allowed_warnings', 'allowed_warnings_regex' client when 'put_trained_model_alias' args.merge!('reassign' => true) unless args['reassign'] === false @response = client.send(_method, prepare_arguments(args, test)) client when 'create' begin @response = client.send(_method, prepare_arguments(args, test)) rescue Elastic::Transport::Transport::Errors::BadRequest => e raise e unless e.message.match 'resource_already_exists_exception' client.delete(index: args['index']) @response = client.send(_method, prepare_arguments(args, test)) end client else @response = client.send(_method, prepare_arguments(args, test)) client end end end def yaml_response? @definition['headers'] && @definition['headers']['Accept'] == 'application/yaml' end private def prepare_arguments(args, test) symbolize_keys(args).tap do |args| if test if args.is_a?(Hash) args.each do |key, value| case value when Hash args[key] = prepare_arguments(value, test) when Array args[key] = value.collect { |v| prepare_arguments(v, test) } when String # Find the cached values where the variable name is contained in the arguments. if(cached_values = test.cached_values.keys.select { |k| value =~ /\$\{?#{k}\}?/ }) cached_values.each do |cached| # Arguments can be $variable, ${variable} or a Hash: retrieved = test.cached_values[cached] if retrieved.is_a?(Hash) value = retrieved else # Regex substitution to replace ${variable} or $variable for the value value.gsub!(/\$\{?#{cached}\}?/, retrieved.to_s) end end args[key] = value end when Time # The YAML parser reads in dates as Time objects, reconvert to a format Elasticsearch accepts args[key] = (value.to_f * 1000).to_i end end elsif args.is_a?(String) if cached_value = test.cached_values.find { |k, v| args =~ /\$\{?#{k}\}?/ } return cached_value[1] end end end end end def symbolize_keys(object) if object.is_a? Hash object.reduce({}) { |memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_s.to_sym] = symbolize_keys(v); memo } else object end end end end end