.box-body = form_for @definition, html: { role: 'form' } do |form| .row.form-group .col-md-4 = form.label :name = form.text_field :name, class: 'form-control' .form-group = form.label :description = form.text_area :description, class: 'form-control', rows: 10 .form-group label Administrators - if @definition.new_record? ul.media-list li.media span.pull-left img.img-rounded src="#{current_user.image}" height='20' width='20' .media-body = current_user.name - else = collection_select(:admin_assignments, :user_id, Kuroko2::User.active.order(:name).all, :id, :name, { selected: @definition.admins.map(&:id), include_blank: false }, { multiple: true, class: 'form-control' }) .form-group = form.label :script = form.text_area :script, class: 'form-control script-input', rows: 6 .checkbox label = form.check_box :api_allowed ' Allow API execution of this job label Notification .form-group = form.text_field :hipchat_room, class: 'form-control', placeholder: 'Hipchat Room name' .form-group = form.text_field :slack_channel, class: 'form-control', placeholder: '#slack-channel' .checkbox label = form.check_box :hipchat_notify_finished ' Notify success event to Slack/Hipchat .checkbox label = form.check_box :notify_cancellation ' Notify administrators when the job is cancelled by system. .form-group label for='hipchat_additional_text' 'Failure notification text = form.text_field :hipchat_additional_text, class: 'form-control', placeholder: '@YourName @your-name' .form-group label Next Job Execution .radio label = form.radio_button :prevent_multi, 0 ' Always launch next job (allow parallel execution) .radio label = form.radio_button :prevent_multi, 1 ' Prevent if current job is WORKING or ERROR .radio label = form.radio_button :prevent_multi, 2 ' Prevent if current job is WORKING .radio label = form.radio_button :prevent_multi, 3 ' Prevent if current job is ERROR .form-group label Job Scheduling .radio label = form.radio_button :suspended, false b> Active: ' the job will be scheduled to run. .radio label = form.radio_button :suspended, true b> Suspend: ' the job will NOT be scheduled to run. .form-group label Tags .form-group = form.text_field :text_tags, class: 'form-control', placeholder: 'Tag1,Tag2,Tag3' .box-footer .row .col-md-3.col-md-offset-9 = form.submit class: 'btn btn-default btn-block'