module Zip class ExtraField::Generic def self.register_map if self.const_defined?(:HEADER_ID) ::Zip::ExtraField::ID_MAP[self.const_get(:HEADER_ID)] = self end end def @name ||= self.to_s.split("::")[-1] end # return field [size, content] or false def initial_parse(binstr) if !binstr # If nil, start with empty. return false elsif binstr[0, 2] != self.class.const_get(:HEADER_ID) $stderr.puts "Warning: weired extra feild header ID. skip parsing" return false end [binstr[2, 2].unpack("v")[0], binstr[4..-1]] end def ==(other) return false if self.class != other.class each do |k, v| v != other[k] and return false end true end def to_local_bin s = pack_for_local self.class.const_get(:HEADER_ID) + [s.bytesize].pack("v") << s end def to_c_dir_bin s = pack_for_c_dir self.class.const_get(:HEADER_ID) + [s.bytesize].pack("v") << s end end end