require 'bundler/setup' require 'builder' require 'xsd_reader' require 'xsd_explanation_provider' require 'informer' class XsdPopulator class ElementNotFoundException < Exception end attr_reader :options def initialize(_opts = {}) configure _opts end def configure _opts = {} @options = (@options || {}).merge(_opts.is_a?(Hash) ? _opts : {}) # remove some cached values @logger = nil if _opts[:logger] @xsd_reader = nil if _opts[:xsd_reader] || _opts[:reader] uncache if (_opts.keys & [:strategy,:element,:xsd_file,:xsd,:xsd_reader,:reader,:provider,:data_provider]).length > 0 end def uncache @populated_xml = nil end def logger return @logger || options[:logger] if @logger || options[:logger] @logger = @logger.level = Logger::WARN return @logger end def xsd_file options[:xsd_file] || options[:xsd] end def xsd_reader @xsd_reader ||= options[:xsd_reader] || options[:reader] || (xsd_file.nil? ? nil : => xsd_file, :logger => logger)) end alias :reader :xsd_reader def provider options[:provider] || options[:data_provider] || default_provider end def default_provider @default_provider ||= => {:xsd_reader => xsd_reader}, :logger => logger) end def populated_xml @populated_xml ||= populate_xml end def populate_element(element_specifier = nil) element_specifier.nil? ? populated_xml : populate_xml(:element_specifier => element_specifier) end def populate(opts = {}) populate_xml(opts.merge(:element_specifier => opts.delete(:element))) end def write_file(path) # logger.debug "XsdPopulator#write_file to: #{path}" File.write(path, populated_xml) end def max_recursion options[:max_recursion] || 3 end private def populate_xml(opts = {}) # supported opts: # :element_specifier # :builder if (root_el = root_xsd_element(opts[:element_specifier])).nil? logger.warn "Couldn't find element definition, aborting" return nil end stack = options[:relative_provider] == true ? [] : [opts[:element_specifier] || options[:element]].flatten.compact stack.pop if (xml = opts[:builder]).nil? xml = => 2) xml.instruct! end build_element(xml, root_el, start_provider(root_el, stack), stack) return! end def start_provider(el, stack) p = self.provider 1.upto(stack.length) do |cnt| new_p = p.try_take(stack[0, cnt]) if new_p.respond_to?(:try_take) p = new_p end end return p end def stack_recursion_count(stack = []){|el| el == stack.last}.length - 1 end def build_element(xml, element, provider = self.provider, stack = []) # TODO; more sophisticated recursion detection; # multiple elements of the same name should be able # to occur insid the stack if stack_recursion_count(stack + []) > max_recursion logger.warn("XsdPopulator#build_element aborting because of potential endless recursion\n - Current element: #{}\n - stack: #{stack.inspect}") return end # let's log positive stuff as well logger.debug("XsdPopulator#build_element element: #{}, stack: #{stack.inspect}") # get node content data from provider content_data = provider.nil? ? nil : provider.try_take(stack + []) # get attributes content from the provider attributes_data_hash = nil if explain_xml? && element.multiple_allowed? xml.comment!("Multiple instances of #{} allowed here") end # just log a warning if we got an array value for an element that is not allowed # to occurs multiple times according to the XSD schema (but still allow data provider to generate the xml) if content_data.is_a?(Array) && !element.multiple_allowed? logger.warn("Got array value (provider id: #{(stack + []).inspect}) but element definition doesn't allow multiple instances") end # make sure it's an array content_data = [content_data].flatten # if element.multiple_allowed? && content_data.is_a?(Array) # NOTE: this doesn't array-values for single elements, which we don't support (would be turned into a string anway) content_data.each_with_index do |node_content, idx| # let's see if the provided data is good for building this node, according to the current strategy next if !build?(element, provider, stack, :content => node_content) # value for current element is a content provider? if node_content.respond_to?(:try_take) attributes_hash = attributes_for(element, node_content.respond_to?(:take) ? node_content : provider, stack) else attributes_data_hash ||= attributes_data_hash_for(element, provider, stack) attributes_hash = attributes_hash_for_index(attributes_data_hash, idx) if node_content.is_a?(Informer) && node_content.attributes? informer_attributes = node_content.attributes.keys.inject({}) do |result, key| if (informer = node_content.attributes[key]).is_a?(Informer) if informer.skip? result else result.merge(key => informer.content) end else result.merge(key => informer) end end attributes_hash.merge!(informer_attributes) end end # simple node; name, value, attributes if !element.child_elements? cont = node_content.is_a?(Informer) && node_content.content? ? node_content.content : node_content xml.tag!(, cont, attributes_hash) next end # complex node child_provider = provider if node_content.respond_to?(:try_take) child_provider = node_content elsif !node_content.is_a?(Informer) logger.warn "Got non-nil, non-provider and non-infomer value for element with child elements (value: #{node_content}, element: #{}, stack: #{stack.inspect})" if node_content # strategy dictates to continue; just use the current element's provider for its children end # create complex node node_name = if node_content.is_a?(Informer) && node_content.namespace.to_s.length > 0 node_name = "#{node_content.namespace}:#{node_name}" end xml.tag!(node_name, attributes_hash) do # loop over all child node definitions element.elements.each do |child| # this method call itself recursively for every child node definition of the current element build_element(xml, child, child_provider, stack + []) end end end end # # Attribute data # def attributes_data_hash_for(element, provider, stack) element.attributes.inject({}) do |result, attribute| attribute_data = provider.nil? ? nil : provider.try_take(stack + [, "@#{}"]) # attribute_data ||= attribute.type if provider.nil? # assume demo xml if add_attribute?(attribute, provider, stack, :content => attribute_data) result.merge( => attribute_data) else result end end end def attribute_value_for_index(values, idx) # if the provided attribute content is an array, just use the appropriate element # if the array does not have enough element, this will default to nil # if values is not an array, just always use its singular value values.is_a?(Array) ? values[idx] : values end def attributes_hash_for_index(attribute_data_hash, idx) # each of the attribute values can be an array as well. If not, # we'll just use it's singular value for all instances of this node # if there current_attrs = attribute_data_hash.to_a.inject({}) do |result, key_value| key = key_value[0] value = key_value[1] logger.warn "XsdPopulator#attributes_hash_for_index - got an array with insufficient values for attribute `#{key}`. Attribute data hash: #{attribute_data_hash}, index: #{idx}" if value.is_a?(Array) && value.length <= idx attr_value = attribute_value_for_index(value, idx) result.merge(key => attr_value) end end def attributes_for(element, provider, stack) element.attributes.inject({}) do |result, attribute| attribute_data = provider.nil? ? nil : provider.try_take(stack + [, "@#{}"]) # attribute_data ||= attribute.type if provider.nil? # assume demo xml if add_attribute?(attribute, provider, stack, :content => attribute_data) result.merge( => attribute_data) else result end end end # # Root element # def specified_xsd_element(specifier = nil) # nothing specified return nil if (specifier || options[:element]).nil? # find specified element el = xsd_reader[[(specifier || options[:element])].flatten.compact] raise => "Could not find specified root element (#{(specifier || options[:element]).inspect}).") if el.nil? # log warning if specified element not found logger.warn "XsdPopulator#populate_xml - Specified element (#{options[:element].inspect}) not found, reverting to default" if el.nil? # return result return el end def root_xsd_element(specifier = nil) el = specified_xsd_element(specifier) # no element specified? (or found) if el # log inform notice that we're using the explicitly specified element "XsdPopulator#populate_xml - Starting at specified element: #{}" else # default: just take the first defined element el ||= xsd_reader.elements.first # if there are multiple root-level elements in the xsd, let the user know, we're only processing the fist one if el && xsd_reader.elements.length > 1 "XsdPopulator#populate_xml - Multiple root-level element definitions found in XSD schema, only processing the first one (#{})" end end return el end # # Strategy # public def strategy options[:strategy] || (explain_xml? ? :complete : :smart) end def explain_xml? provider == default_provider end def build_node_without_provider? strategy == :complete end def add_simple_nodes_without_data? strategy == :nil_to_empty || strategy == :complete end def build?(element, provider, stack, opts = {}) content = opts[:content] || provider.try_take([stack,].flatten.compact) # we got an Informer object that tells us explicitly to skip this node? Yes sir. return false if content.is_a?(Informer) && content.skip? # For comlex nodes we need either; # - a data provider or # - explicit confirmation to build without providers or # - providers available for offspring elements if element.child_elements? return content.respond_to?(:try_take) || build_node_without_provider? || provider.has_providers_with_scope?(stack + []) end # we got a non-nil value for a simple node? Go ahead return true if content || add_simple_nodes_without_data? return false # !build_node_without_provider? || # return true if provider end def add_empty_attributes? strategy == :nil_to_empty || strategy == :complete end def add_attribute?(attribute, provider, stack = [], opts = {}) return true if attribute.required? content = opts[:content] || provider.try_take(stack + ["@#{}"]) return false if content.is_a?(Informer) and content.skip? return (!content.nil?) || add_empty_attributes? end end # class XsdPopulator