3.1 hpxm_lto_openstudio b1543b30-9465-45ff-ba04-1d1f85e763bc 6d2dc12a-bac9-4979-a4db-a4172c12a591 2023-11-27T16:49:25Z D8922A73 HPXMLtoOpenStudio HPXML to OpenStudio Translator Translates HPXML file to OpenStudio Model TODO hpxml_path HPXML File Path Absolute/relative path of the HPXML file. String true false output_dir Directory for Output Files Absolute/relative path for the output files directory. String true false debug Debug Mode? If true: 1) Writes in.osm file, 2) Generates additional log output, and 3) Creates all EnergyPlus output files. Boolean false false false true true false false add_component_loads Add component loads? If true, adds the calculation of heating/cooling component loads (not enabled by default for faster performance). Boolean false false false true true false false skip_validation Skip Validation? If true, bypasses HPXML input validation for faster performance. WARNING: This should only be used if the supplied HPXML file has already been validated against the Schema & Schematron documents. Boolean false false false true true false false building_id BuildingID The ID of the HPXML Building. Only required if there are multiple Building elements in the HPXML file. Use 'ALL' to run all the HPXML Buildings (dwelling units) of a multifamily building in a single model. String false false Whole Building.Space Types Measure Type ModelMeasure string Intended Software Tool Apply Measure Now string Intended Software Tool OpenStudio Application string Intended Software Tool Parametric Analysis Tool string README.md md readme A4165C6F README.md.erb erb readmeerb 513F28E9 OpenStudio 3.3.0 3.3.0 measure.rb rb script 78A58FBA airflow.rb rb resource 58EDCD0B battery.rb rb resource 3B7B4DDF constants.rb rb resource E28C712B constructions.rb rb resource D28BD90F data/Xing_okstate_0664D_13659_Table_A-3.csv csv resource 50B7055C data/ashrae_622_wsf.csv csv resource 308F75BA data/cambium/LRMER_95DecarbBy2035.csv csv resource 5E60A9EE data/cambium/LRMER_95DecarbBy2050.csv csv resource 01B9A892 data/cambium/LRMER_HighRECosts.csv csv resource A46DE564 data/cambium/LRMER_LowRECosts.csv csv resource 58B8E01E data/cambium/LRMER_MidCase.csv csv resource 4C7D519B data/cambium/README.md md resource FC171B98 data/climate_zones.csv csv resource 63C6A1E2 data/unavailable_periods.csv csv resource 1E3D66E6 energyplus.rb rb resource 801A6A26 generator.rb rb resource C0DD8C33 geometry.rb rb resource 866708CF hotwater_appliances.rb rb resource 668B8044 hpxml.rb rb resource 20268ABE hpxml_defaults.rb rb resource 9C9F94F7 hpxml_schema/HPXML.xsd xsd resource BB0FF5BB hpxml_schema/README.md md resource D05DFB8A hpxml_schematron/EPvalidator.xml xml resource F76DC990 hpxml_schematron/iso-schematron.xsd xsd resource 2785B05C hvac.rb rb resource B014F262 hvac_sizing.rb rb resource 00BE0F0C lighting.rb rb resource A109B2B5 location.rb rb resource 03FF5192 materials.rb rb resource 24DCB986 meta_measure.rb rb resource 17DD9336 minitest_helper.rb rb resource CDB0A906 misc_loads.rb rb resource 7D800940 output.rb rb resource 7AC7F779 psychrometrics.rb rb resource 203B4A64 pv.rb rb resource B4742C47 schedule_files/battery.csv csv resource C1350909 schedule_files/occupancy-non-stochastic.csv csv resource BB0B9176 schedule_files/occupancy-stochastic-10-mins.csv csv resource D4373DC9 schedule_files/occupancy-stochastic-30-mins.csv csv resource D4373DC9 schedule_files/occupancy-stochastic.csv csv resource DEED74EA schedule_files/occupancy-stochastic_2.csv csv resource 7E648862 schedule_files/occupancy-stochastic_3.csv csv resource 4DCFB9A0 schedule_files/occupancy-stochastic_4.csv csv resource 632C7CCF schedule_files/occupancy-stochastic_5.csv csv resource 644329D0 schedule_files/occupancy-stochastic_6.csv csv resource F4CD8AA3 schedule_files/setpoints-10-mins.csv csv resource BC2195A6 schedule_files/setpoints-cooling-only.csv csv resource 7465D8DD schedule_files/setpoints-daily-schedules.csv csv resource A60258DE schedule_files/setpoints-daily-setbacks.csv csv resource 74292B8C schedule_files/setpoints-heating-only.csv csv resource BD935921 schedule_files/setpoints.csv csv resource 706A63BC schedule_files/water-heater-operating-modes.csv csv resource 86F45903 schedule_files/water-heater-setpoints-10-mins.csv csv resource F9C90051 schedule_files/water-heater-setpoints.csv csv resource 2DFF87CD schedules.rb rb resource 62152E07 simcontrols.rb rb resource DA4D108D unit_conversions.rb rb resource 6D8BA8E5 util.rb rb resource 6D409347 utility_bills.rb rb resource 07DB4C49 version.rb rb resource 6A05B3F0 waterheater.rb rb resource 73019632 weather.rb rb resource 6E12B2EB xmlhelper.rb rb resource 17D30902 xmlvalidator.rb rb resource 84D0E4E1 test_airflow.rb rb test 2C8BEE99 test_battery.rb rb test B10A6D1C test_defaults.rb rb test C42C6EE4 test_enclosure.rb rb test 833E46A5 test_generator.rb rb test C4F6CF9B test_hotwater_appliance.rb rb test F3ED25B6 test_hvac.rb rb test 19EE9DA5 test_hvac_sizing.rb rb test E2E504ED test_lighting.rb rb test 6C3A766C test_location.rb rb test 663B10FB test_miscloads.rb rb test 8B6BE984 test_pv.rb rb test DB1DEFCF test_schedules.rb rb test 19948562 test_simcontrols.rb rb test 800361DB test_validation.rb rb test C1EF0839 test_water_heater.rb rb test 3181EB84 test_weather.rb rb test 8CA4439B util.rb rb test D22025B3