require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper') describe 'indexer' do describe 'when indexing an object' do it 'should index id' do session.index post connection.should have_add_with(:id => "Post #{}") end it 'should index type' do session.index post connection.should have_add_with(:type => ['Post', 'MockRecord']) end it 'should index class name' do session.index post connection.should have_add_with(:class_name => 'Post') end it 'should index the array of objects supplied' do posts = { } session.index posts connection.should have_add_with( { :id => "Post #{}" }, { :id => "Post #{}" } ) end it 'should index an array containing more than one type of object' do post1, comment, post2 = objects = [,,] session.index objects connection.should have_add_with( { :id => "Post #{}", :type => ['Post', 'MockRecord'] }, { :id => "Post #{}", :type => ['Post', 'MockRecord'] } ) connection.should have_add_with(:id => "Namespaced::Comment #{}", :type => ['Namespaced::Comment', 'MockRecord']) end it 'should index text' do session.index(post(:title => 'A Title', :body => 'A Post')) connection.should have_add_with(:title_text => 'A Title', :body_text => 'A Post') end it 'should index text with boost' do session.index(post(:title => 'A Title')) connection.adds.last.first.field_by_name(:title_text).attrs[:boost].should == 2 end it 'should index multiple values for a text field' do session.index(post(:body => %w(some title))) connection.should have_add_with(:body_text => %w(some title)) end it 'should index text via a virtual field' do session.index(post(:title => 'backwards')) connection.should have_add_with(:backwards_title_text => 'backwards'.reverse) end it 'should correctly index a stored string attribute field' do session.index(post(:title => 'A Title')) connection.should have_add_with(:title_ss => 'A Title') end it 'should correctly index an integer attribute field' do session.index(post(:blog_id => 4)) connection.should have_add_with(:blog_id_i => '4') end it 'should correctly index a float attribute field' do session.index(post(:ratings_average => 2.23)) connection.should have_add_with(:average_rating_f => '2.23') end it 'should allow indexing by a multiple-value field' do session.index(post(:category_ids => [3, 14])) connection.should have_add_with(:category_ids_im => ['3', '14']) end it 'should correctly index a time field' do session.index( post(:published_at => Time.parse('1983-07-08 05:00:00 -0400')) ) connection.should have_add_with(:published_at_d => '1983-07-08T09:00:00Z') end it 'should correctly index a date field' do session.index(post(:expire_date =>, 07, 13))) connection.should have_add_with(:expire_date_d => '2009-07-13T00:00:00Z') end it 'should correctly index a boolean field' do session.index(post(:featured => true)) connection.should have_add_with(:featured_b => 'true') end it 'should correctly index a false boolean field' do session.index(post(:featured => false)) connection.should have_add_with(:featured_b => 'false') end it 'should not index a nil boolean field' do session.index(post) connection.should_not have_add_with(:featured_b) end it 'should correctly index a virtual field' do session.index(post(:title => 'The Blog Post')) connection.should have_add_with(:sort_title_s => 'blog post') end it 'should correctly index an external virtual field' do session.index(post(:category_ids => [1, 2, 3])) connection.should have_add_with(:primary_category_id_i => '1') end it 'should correctly index a field that is defined on a superclass' do Sunspot.setup(MockRecord) { string :author_name } session.index(post(:author_name => 'Mat Brown')) connection.should have_add_with(:author_name_s => 'Mat Brown') end it 'should commit immediately after index! called' do connection.should_receive(:add).ordered connection.should_receive(:commit).ordered session.index!(post) end it 'should remove an object from the index' do session.remove(post) connection.should have_delete("Post #{}") end it 'should remove an object by type and id' do session.remove_by_id(Post, 1) connection.should have_delete('Post 1') end it 'should remove an object by type and id and immediately commit' do connection.should_receive(:delete_by_id).with('Post 1').ordered connection.should_receive(:commit).ordered session.remove_by_id!(Post, 1) end it 'should remove an object from the index and immediately commit' do connection.should_receive(:delete_by_id).ordered connection.should_receive(:commit).ordered session.remove!(post) end it 'should remove everything from the index' do session.remove_all connection.should have_delete_by_query("type:[* TO *]") end it 'should remove everything from the index and immediately commit' do connection.should_receive(:delete_by_query).ordered connection.should_receive(:commit).ordered session.remove_all! end it 'should be able to remove everything of a given class from the index' do session.remove_all(Post) connection.should have_delete_by_query("type:Post") end it 'should correctly escape namespaced classes when removing everything from the index' do connection.should_receive(:delete_by_query).with('type:Namespaced\:\:Comment') session.remove_all(Namespaced::Comment) end end describe 'batches' do it 'should send all batched adds in a single request' do posts = { } session.batch do for post in posts session.index(post) end end connection.adds.length.should == 1 end it 'should add all batched adds' do posts = { } session.batch do for post in posts session.index(post) end end add = connection.adds.last { |add| add.field_by_name(:id).value }.should == { |post| "Post #{}" } end it 'should not index changes to models that happen after index call' do post = session.batch do session.index(post) post.title = 'Title' end connection.adds.first.first.field_by_name(:title_ss).should be_nil end end describe 'dynamic fields' do it 'should index string data' do session.index(post(:custom_string => { :test => 'string' })) connection.should have_add_with(:"custom_string:test_s" => 'string') end it 'should index integer data with virtual accessor' do session.index(post(:category_ids => [1, 2])) connection.should have_add_with(:"custom_integer:1_i" => '1', :"custom_integer:2_i" => '1') end it 'should index float data' do session.index(post(:custom_fl => { :test => 1.5 })) connection.should have_add_with(:"custom_float:test_fm" => '1.5') end it 'should index time data' do session.index(post(:custom_time => { :test => Time.parse('2009-05-18 18:05:00 -0400') })) connection.should have_add_with(:"custom_time:test_d" => '2009-05-18T22:05:00Z') end it 'should index boolean data' do session.index(post(:custom_boolean => { :test => false })) connection.should have_add_with(:"custom_boolean:test_b" => 'false') end it 'should index multiple values for a field' do session.index(post(:custom_fl => { :test => [1.0, 2.1, 3.2] })) connection.should have_add_with(:"custom_float:test_fm" => %w(1.0 2.1 3.2)) end end it 'should index document level boost using block' do session.index(post(:ratings_average => 4.0)) connection.adds.last.first.attrs[:boost].should == 1.25 end it 'should index document level boost using attribute' do session.index( => 1.5)) connection.adds.last.first.attrs[:boost].should == 1.5 end it 'should index document level boost defined statically' do session.index( connection.adds.last.first.attrs[:boost].should == 0.75 end it 'should throw a NoMethodError only if a nonexistent type is defined' do lambda { Sunspot.setup(Post) { string :author_name }}.should_not raise_error lambda { Sunspot.setup(Post) { bogus :journey }}.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it 'should throw a NoMethodError if a nonexistent field argument is passed' do lambda { Sunspot.setup(Post) { string :author_name, :bogus => :argument }}.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should throw an ArgumentError if an attempt is made to index an object that has no configuration' do lambda { session.index( }.should raise_error(Sunspot::NoSetupError) end it 'should throw an ArgumentError if single-value field tries to index multiple values' do lambda do Sunspot.setup(Post) { string :author_name } session.index(post(:author_name => ['Mat Brown', 'Matthew Brown'])) end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should throw a NoAdapterError if class without adapter is indexed' do lambda { session.index( }.should raise_error(Sunspot::NoAdapterError) end it 'should throw an ArgumentError if a non-word character is included in the field name' do lambda do Sunspot.setup(Post) { string :"bad name" } end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end private def config end def connection @connection ||= end def session @session ||=, connection) end def post(attrs = {}) @post ||= end def last_add @connection.adds.last end def value_in_last_document_for(field_name) @connection.adds.last.last.field_by_name(field_name).value end def values_in_last_document_for(field_name) @connection.adds.last.last.fields_by_name(field_name).map { |field| field.value } end end