/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Tony Arcieri. Distributed under the MIT License. See * LICENSE.txt for further details. */ #include "nio4r.h" #include static VALUE mNIO = Qnil; static VALUE cNIO_Monitor = Qnil; /* Allocator/deallocator */ static VALUE NIO_Monitor_allocate(VALUE klass); static void NIO_Monitor_mark(struct NIO_Monitor *monitor); static void NIO_Monitor_free(struct NIO_Monitor *monitor); /* Methods */ static VALUE NIO_Monitor_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE selector, VALUE io, VALUE interests); static VALUE NIO_Monitor_close(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self); static VALUE NIO_Monitor_is_closed(VALUE self); static VALUE NIO_Monitor_io(VALUE self); static VALUE NIO_Monitor_interests(VALUE self); static VALUE NIO_Monitor_set_interests(VALUE self, VALUE interests); static VALUE NIO_Monitor_add_interest(VALUE self, VALUE interest); static VALUE NIO_Monitor_remove_interest(VALUE self, VALUE interest); static VALUE NIO_Monitor_selector(VALUE self); static VALUE NIO_Monitor_is_readable(VALUE self); static VALUE NIO_Monitor_is_writable(VALUE self); static VALUE NIO_Monitor_value(VALUE self); static VALUE NIO_Monitor_set_value(VALUE self, VALUE obj); static VALUE NIO_Monitor_readiness(VALUE self); /* Internal C functions */ static int NIO_Monitor_symbol2interest(VALUE interests); static void NIO_Monitor_update_interests(VALUE self, int interests); /* Compatibility for Ruby <= 3.1 */ #ifndef HAVE_RB_IO_DESCRIPTOR static int io_descriptor_fallback(VALUE io) { rb_io_t *fptr; GetOpenFile(io, fptr); return fptr->fd; } #define rb_io_descriptor io_descriptor_fallback #endif /* Monitor control how a channel is being waited for by a monitor */ void Init_NIO_Monitor() { mNIO = rb_define_module("NIO"); cNIO_Monitor = rb_define_class_under(mNIO, "Monitor", rb_cObject); rb_define_alloc_func(cNIO_Monitor, NIO_Monitor_allocate); rb_define_method(cNIO_Monitor, "initialize", NIO_Monitor_initialize, 3); rb_define_method(cNIO_Monitor, "close", NIO_Monitor_close, -1); rb_define_method(cNIO_Monitor, "closed?", NIO_Monitor_is_closed, 0); rb_define_method(cNIO_Monitor, "io", NIO_Monitor_io, 0); rb_define_method(cNIO_Monitor, "interests", NIO_Monitor_interests, 0); rb_define_method(cNIO_Monitor, "interests=", NIO_Monitor_set_interests, 1); rb_define_method(cNIO_Monitor, "add_interest", NIO_Monitor_add_interest, 1); rb_define_method(cNIO_Monitor, "remove_interest", NIO_Monitor_remove_interest, 1); rb_define_method(cNIO_Monitor, "selector", NIO_Monitor_selector, 0); rb_define_method(cNIO_Monitor, "value", NIO_Monitor_value, 0); rb_define_method(cNIO_Monitor, "value=", NIO_Monitor_set_value, 1); rb_define_method(cNIO_Monitor, "readiness", NIO_Monitor_readiness, 0); rb_define_method(cNIO_Monitor, "readable?", NIO_Monitor_is_readable, 0); rb_define_method(cNIO_Monitor, "writable?", NIO_Monitor_is_writable, 0); rb_define_method(cNIO_Monitor, "writeable?", NIO_Monitor_is_writable, 0); } static VALUE NIO_Monitor_allocate(VALUE klass) { struct NIO_Monitor *monitor = (struct NIO_Monitor *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct NIO_Monitor)); assert(monitor); *monitor = (struct NIO_Monitor){.self = Qnil}; return Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, NIO_Monitor_mark, NIO_Monitor_free, monitor); } static void NIO_Monitor_mark(struct NIO_Monitor *monitor) { rb_gc_mark(monitor->self); } static void NIO_Monitor_free(struct NIO_Monitor *monitor) { xfree(monitor); } static VALUE NIO_Monitor_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE io, VALUE interests, VALUE selector_obj) { struct NIO_Monitor *monitor; struct NIO_Selector *selector; ID interests_id; interests_id = SYM2ID(interests); Data_Get_Struct(self, struct NIO_Monitor, monitor); if (interests_id == rb_intern("r")) { monitor->interests = EV_READ; } else if (interests_id == rb_intern("w")) { monitor->interests = EV_WRITE; } else if (interests_id == rb_intern("rw")) { monitor->interests = EV_READ | EV_WRITE; } else { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "invalid event type %s (must be :r, :w, or :rw)", RSTRING_PTR(rb_funcall(interests, rb_intern("inspect"), 0))); } io = rb_convert_type(io, T_FILE, "IO", "to_io"); ev_io_init(&monitor->ev_io, NIO_Selector_monitor_callback, rb_io_descriptor(io), monitor->interests); rb_ivar_set(self, rb_intern("io"), io); rb_ivar_set(self, rb_intern("interests"), interests); rb_ivar_set(self, rb_intern("selector"), selector_obj); Data_Get_Struct(selector_obj, struct NIO_Selector, selector); monitor->self = self; monitor->ev_io.data = (void *)monitor; /* We can safely hang onto this as we also hang onto a reference to the object where it originally came from */ monitor->selector = selector; if (monitor->interests) { ev_io_start(selector->ev_loop, &monitor->ev_io); } return Qnil; } static VALUE NIO_Monitor_close(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE deregister, selector; struct NIO_Monitor *monitor; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct NIO_Monitor, monitor); rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &deregister); selector = rb_ivar_get(self, rb_intern("selector")); if (selector != Qnil) { /* if ev_loop is 0, it means that the loop has been stopped already (see NIO_Selector_shutdown) */ if (monitor->interests && monitor->selector->ev_loop) { ev_io_stop(monitor->selector->ev_loop, &monitor->ev_io); } monitor->selector = 0; rb_ivar_set(self, rb_intern("selector"), Qnil); /* Default value is true */ if (deregister == Qtrue || deregister == Qnil) { rb_funcall(selector, rb_intern("deregister"), 1, rb_ivar_get(self, rb_intern("io"))); } } return Qnil; } static VALUE NIO_Monitor_is_closed(VALUE self) { struct NIO_Monitor *monitor; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct NIO_Monitor, monitor); return monitor->selector == 0 ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } static VALUE NIO_Monitor_io(VALUE self) { return rb_ivar_get(self, rb_intern("io")); } static VALUE NIO_Monitor_interests(VALUE self) { return rb_ivar_get(self, rb_intern("interests")); } static VALUE NIO_Monitor_set_interests(VALUE self, VALUE interests) { if (NIL_P(interests)) { NIO_Monitor_update_interests(self, 0); } else { NIO_Monitor_update_interests(self, NIO_Monitor_symbol2interest(interests)); } return rb_ivar_get(self, rb_intern("interests")); } static VALUE NIO_Monitor_add_interest(VALUE self, VALUE interest) { struct NIO_Monitor *monitor; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct NIO_Monitor, monitor); interest = monitor->interests | NIO_Monitor_symbol2interest(interest); NIO_Monitor_update_interests(self, (int)interest); return rb_ivar_get(self, rb_intern("interests")); } static VALUE NIO_Monitor_remove_interest(VALUE self, VALUE interest) { struct NIO_Monitor *monitor; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct NIO_Monitor, monitor); interest = monitor->interests & ~NIO_Monitor_symbol2interest(interest); NIO_Monitor_update_interests(self, (int)interest); return rb_ivar_get(self, rb_intern("interests")); } static VALUE NIO_Monitor_selector(VALUE self) { return rb_ivar_get(self, rb_intern("selector")); } static VALUE NIO_Monitor_value(VALUE self) { return rb_ivar_get(self, rb_intern("value")); } static VALUE NIO_Monitor_set_value(VALUE self, VALUE obj) { return rb_ivar_set(self, rb_intern("value"), obj); } static VALUE NIO_Monitor_readiness(VALUE self) { struct NIO_Monitor *monitor; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct NIO_Monitor, monitor); if ((monitor->revents & (EV_READ | EV_WRITE)) == (EV_READ | EV_WRITE)) { return ID2SYM(rb_intern("rw")); } else if (monitor->revents & EV_READ) { return ID2SYM(rb_intern("r")); } else if (monitor->revents & EV_WRITE) { return ID2SYM(rb_intern("w")); } else { return Qnil; } } static VALUE NIO_Monitor_is_readable(VALUE self) { struct NIO_Monitor *monitor; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct NIO_Monitor, monitor); if (monitor->revents & EV_READ) { return Qtrue; } else { return Qfalse; } } static VALUE NIO_Monitor_is_writable(VALUE self) { struct NIO_Monitor *monitor; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct NIO_Monitor, monitor); if (monitor->revents & EV_WRITE) { return Qtrue; } else { return Qfalse; } } /* Internal C functions */ static int NIO_Monitor_symbol2interest(VALUE interests) { ID interests_id; interests_id = SYM2ID(interests); if (interests_id == rb_intern("r")) { return EV_READ; } else if (interests_id == rb_intern("w")) { return EV_WRITE; } else if (interests_id == rb_intern("rw")) { return EV_READ | EV_WRITE; } else { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "invalid interest type %s (must be :r, :w, or :rw)", RSTRING_PTR(rb_funcall(interests, rb_intern("inspect"), 0))); } } static void NIO_Monitor_update_interests(VALUE self, int interests) { ID interests_id; struct NIO_Monitor *monitor; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct NIO_Monitor, monitor); if (NIO_Monitor_is_closed(self) == Qtrue) { rb_raise(rb_eEOFError, "monitor is closed"); } if (interests) { switch (interests) { case EV_READ: interests_id = rb_intern("r"); break; case EV_WRITE: interests_id = rb_intern("w"); break; case EV_READ | EV_WRITE: interests_id = rb_intern("rw"); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "bogus NIO_Monitor_update_interests! (%d)", interests); } rb_ivar_set(self, rb_intern("interests"), ID2SYM(interests_id)); } else { rb_ivar_set(self, rb_intern("interests"), Qnil); } if (monitor->interests != interests) { // If the monitor currently has interests, we should stop it. if (monitor->interests) { ev_io_stop(monitor->selector->ev_loop, &monitor->ev_io); } // Assign the interests we are now monitoring for: monitor->interests = interests; ev_io_set(&monitor->ev_io, monitor->ev_io.fd, monitor->interests); // If we are interested in events, schedule the monitor back into the event loop: if (monitor->interests) { ev_io_start(monitor->selector->ev_loop, &monitor->ev_io); } } }