require "danger/plugin_support/plugin"
module Danger
# Handles interacting with GitHub inside a Dangerfile. Provides a few functions which wrap `pr_json` and also
# through a few standard functions to simplify your code.
# @example Warn when a PR is classed as work in progress
# warn "PR is classed as Work in Progress" if github.pr_title.include? "[WIP]"
# @example Declare a PR to be simple to avoid specific Danger rules
# declared_trivial = (github.pr_title + github.pr_body).include?("#trivial")
# @example Ensure that labels have been used on the PR
# fail "Please add labels to this PR" if github.labels.empty?
# @example Check if a user is in a specific GitHub org, and message them if so
# unless github.api.organization_member?('danger', github.pr_author)
# message "@#{github.pr_author} is not a contributor yet, would you like to join the Danger org?"
# end
# @example Ensure there is a summary for a PR
# fail "Please provide a summary in the Pull Request description" if github.pr_body.length < 5
# @example Only accept PRs to the develop branch
# fail "Please re-submit this PR to develop, we may have already fixed your issue." if github.branch_for_base != "develop"
# @example Note when PRs don't reference a milestone, which goes away when it does
# has_milestone = github.pr_json["milestone"] != nil
# warn("This PR does not refer to an existing milestone", sticky: false) unless has_milestone
# @example Note when a PR cannot be manually merged, which goes away when you can
# can_merge = github.pr_json["mergeable"]
# warn("This PR cannot be merged yet.", sticky: false) unless can_merge
# @example Highlight when a celebrity makes a pull request
# message "Welcome, Danger." if github.pr_author == "dangermcshane"
# @example Ensure that all PRs have an assignee
# warn "This PR does not have any assignees yet." unless github.pr_json["assignee"]
# @example Send a message with links to a collection of specific files
# if git.modified_files.include? "config/*.js"
# config_files = { |path| path.include? "config/" }
# message "This PR changes #{ github.html_link(config_files) }"
# end
# @example Highlight with a clickable link if a Package.json is changed
# warn "#{github.html_link("Package.json")} was edited." if git.modified_files.include? "Package.json"
# @example Note an issue with a particular line on a file using the #L[num] syntax, e.g. `#L23`
# linter_json = `my_linter lint "file"`
# results = JSON.parse linter_json
# unless results.empty?
# file, line, warning = result.first
# warn "#{github.html_link("#{file}#L#{line}")} has linter issue: #{warning}."
# end
# @see danger/danger
# @tags core, github
class DangerfileGitHubPlugin < Plugin
def initialize(dangerfile)
return nil unless dangerfile.env.request_source.class == Danger::RequestSources::GitHub
@github = dangerfile.env.request_source
# The instance name used in the Dangerfile
# @return [String]
def self.instance_name
# @!group PR Metadata
# The title of the Pull Request.
# @return [String]
def pr_title
# @!group PR Metadata
# The body text of the Pull Request.
# @return [String]
def pr_body
# @!group PR Metadata
# The username of the author of the Pull Request.
# @return [String]
def pr_author
# @!group PR Metadata
# The labels assigned to the Pull Request.
# @return [String]
def pr_labels
@github.issue_json[:labels].map { |l| l[:name] }
# @!group PR Commit Metadata
# The branch to which the PR is going to be merged into.
# @return [String]
def branch_for_base
# @!group PR Commit Metadata
# The branch to which the PR is going to be merged from.
# @return [String]
def branch_for_head
# @!group PR Commit Metadata
# The base commit to which the PR is going to be merged as a parent.
# @return [String]
def base_commit
# @!group PR Commit Metadata
# The head commit to which the PR is requesting to be merged from.
# @return [String]
def head_commit
# @!group GitHub Misc
# The hash that represents the PR's JSON. For an example of what this looks like
# see the [Danger Fixture'd one](
# @return [Hash]
def pr_json
# @!group GitHub Misc
# Provides access to the GitHub API client used inside Danger. Making
# it easy to use the GitHub API inside a Dangerfile.
# @return [Octokit::Client]
def api
# @!group PR Content
# The unified diff produced by Github for this PR
# see [Unified diff](
# @return [String]
def pr_diff
# @!group GitHub Misc
# Returns a HTML anchor for a file, or files in the head repository. An example would be:
# `file.txt`
# @return [String]
def html_link(paths)
paths = [paths] unless paths.kind_of?(Array)
commit = head_commit
repo = pr_json[:head][:repo][:html_url]
paths = do |path|
path_with_slash = "/#{path}" unless path.start_with? "/"
create_link("#{repo}/blob/#{commit}#{path_with_slash}", path)
return paths.first if paths.count < 2
paths.first(paths.count - 1).join(", ") + " & " + paths.last
def create_link(href, text)