require 'rails_admin/custom_show_in_app' <% if Hancock.mongoid? %> RailsAdminSettings.track_history! <% end %> RailsAdmin.config do |config| ## == Devise == # this is required if not using cancan #config.authenticate_with do #warden.authenticate! scope: :user #end config.parent_controller = '::ApplicationController' config.current_user_method(&:current_user) ## == Cancan == config.authorize_with :cancan <% if Hancock.mongoid? %> ## == MongoidAudit config.audit_with :mongoid_audit, 'HistoryTracker' <% elsif Hancock.active_record? %> config.audit_with :paper_trail, 'User', 'PaperTrail::Version' <% end %> config.actions do dashboard # mandatory # collection actions index new export bulk_delete # member actions show edit delete history_index history_show toggle # toggle_menu # for Hancock::Pages # sitemap # for Hancock::Seo Hancock.rails_admin_config_for_actions(self) end config.main_app_name = ['<%='::')[0] %>', 'Админка'] config.excluded_models ||= [] config.excluded_models << [ 'RailsAdmin::CustomShowInApp', 'HistoryTracker', 'Ckeditor::Asset', 'Ckeditor::AttachmentFile', 'Ckeditor::Picture', 'Hancock::EmbeddedElement' ] config.excluded_models.flatten! end # [required] fix for timezones to be displayed in local time instead of UTC module RailsAdmin module Config module Fields module Types class Datetime def value bindings[:object].send(name) end end end end end end