#encoding: utf-8
require 'y_support'
# Typing library.
# Apart from usual typing by class and ancestry, supported by built-in
# #kind_of?, alias #is_a? inquirerers, this typing library provides support for
# provides support for typing by declaration and duck typing.
# 1. Using method declare_compliance, a module can explicitly declare that
# it provides the interface compliant with another module. Corresponding inquirer
# methods are declared_compliance (returning a list of modules with which
# the receiver declares compliance or implicitly complies) and
# declares_compliance?( other_module ), which anwers whether the receiver
# complies with other_module. An object always implicitly complies with its class
# and class ancestry.
# 2. Duck type enforcement for method parameters is supported by a collection of
# enforcer methods (aka. run-time assertions). These methods look very much like
# assertions, but they start with tE_..., meaning "enforce by raising
# TypeError".
[ :core_ext, :stdlib_ext ].each do |ext|
Dir["#{File.dirname( __FILE__ )}/#{ext}/*/misc.rb"].sort.each { |path|
dir = File.dirname( path ).match( "y_support/#{ext}" ).post_match
require "y_support/#{ext}#{dir}/misc"