module EtFullSystem #!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require "rubygems" require "thor" require 'httparty' require 'et_full_system/cli/local/file_storage' require 'dotenv' class LocalCommand < Thor DEFAULT_BASE_URL="http://localhost:3200" LOCK_FILE = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'et_full_system_traefik_rest_lockfile') PROJECT_PATH = Dir.pwd GEM_PATH = File.absolute_path('../../..', __dir__) class RestProviderNotConfigured < RuntimeError; end class ServiceUrlIncorrect < RuntimeError; end desc "boot", "Sets up the server - traefik frontends and backends, along with initial data in local s3 and azure storage" method_option :base_url, type: :string, default: DEFAULT_BASE_URL def boot STDERR.puts "boot - base_url is #{options[:base_url]}" json_setup_file = File.absolute_path('../../../foreman/traefik.json', __dir__) connect_retry_countdown = 10 begin resp = HTTParty.put "#{options[:base_url]}/api/providers/rest", body: , headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'} raise "Error from traefik when performing initial config says: #{resp.body}" unless (200..299).include? resp.code sleep 1 rescue Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL, Errno::ECONNREFUSED connect_retry_countdown -= 1 if raise "Could not connect to the traefik API after 10 retries (boot)" else STDERR.puts "boot - Retrying connection to traefik API in 5 seconds" sleep 5 retry end end end method_option :base_url, type: :string, default: DEFAULT_BASE_URL method_option :wait, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "If set, the command will retry up to 10 times at 5 second intervals to connect to traefik. If not set, will fail immediately" desc "update_service_url SERVICE URL", "Configures the reverse proxy to connect to a specific url for a service" def update_service_url(service, url) within_rest_lock do update_rest_backend_url(service, url) end end method_option :base_url, type: :string, default: DEFAULT_BASE_URL desc "wait_for_support", "Waits for the servers support services to be ready - useful to call before starting application services" def wait_for_support connect_retry_countdown = 10 setup_retry_countdown = 10 begin resp = HTTParty.get "#{options[:base_url]}/api/providers/rest", headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'} raise RestProviderNotConfigured if resp.code == 404 rescue Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL, Errno::ECONNREFUSED connect_retry_countdown -= 1 if raise "Could not connect to the traefik API after 10 retries (wait_for_support)" else STDERR.puts "wait_for_support - Retrying connection to traefik API in 5 seconds" sleep 5 retry end rescue RestProviderNotConfigured setup_retry_countdown -= 1 if raise "Could not find the REST provider in traefik after 10 retries" else STDERR.puts "Re checking for the REST provider in traefik in 5 seconds" sleep 5 retry end end STDERR.puts "Support services now ready" end desc "server", "Starts the full system server" method_option :without, type: :array, default: [], banner: "service1 service2", desc: "If specified, disables the specified services from running. The services are et1_web, et1_sidekiq, et3_web, mail_web, api_web, api_sidekiq, admin_web, atos_api_web, s3_web, azure_blob_web, fake_acas_web" method_option :azurite_storage_path, default: '/tmp/azurite_storage', desc: "Where to store azurite data" method_option :minio_storage_path, default: '/tmp/minio_storage', desc: "Where to store minio data" method_option :rails_env, type: :string, default: ENV.fetch('RAILS_ENV', 'production') method_option :cloud_provider, type: :string, default: ENV.fetch('CLOUD_PROVIDER', 'amazon') def server puts "Scheduling traefik config and file storage config" pid = fork do self.class.start(['boot']) EtFullSystem::Cli::Local::FileStorageCommand.start(['setup']) end Process.detach(pid) puts "Starting Procfile" ::Bundler.with_original_env do concurrency = " -c #{procfile_concurrency_without(options[:without]).join(',')}" cmd = "CLOUD_PROVIDER=#{options[:cloud_provider]} RAILS_ENV=#{options[:rails_env]} AZURITE_STORAGE_PATH=\"#{options[:azurite_storage_path]}\" MINIO_STORAGE_PATH=\"#{options[:minio_storage_path]}\" FS_ROOT_PATH=#{PROJECT_PATH} FOREMAN_PATH=#{GEM_PATH}/foreman forego start -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/Procfile\" -e \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/.env\" -r#{concurrency}" STDERR.puts cmd exec(cmd) end end desc "file_storage ", "Tools for the 'local cloud' file storage" subcommand "file_storage", ::EtFullSystem::Cli::Local::FileStorageCommand desc "setup", "Sets up everything ready for first run" method_option :rails_env, type: :string, default: ENV.fetch('RAILS_ENV', 'production') method_option :cloud_provider, type: :string, default: ENV.fetch('CLOUD_PROVIDER', 'amazon') def setup setup_depencencies setup_services end desc "setup_services", "Sets up all services in one command" def setup_services ::Bundler.with_original_env do setup_et1_service setup_et3_service setup_api_service setup_admin_service setup_atos_service end end desc "setup_dependencies", "Sets up all local dependencies" def setup_depencencies cmd = "bash --login -c \"cd /tmp && git clone && cd et_fake_acas_server && gem build -o et_fake_acas_server.gem et_fake_acas_server && gem install et_fake_acas_server.gem && cd .. && rm -rf et_fake_acas_server\"" STDERR.puts cmd external_command cmd, 'setup_dependencies' end desc "service_env SERVICE", "Returns the environment variables configured for the specified service" def service_env(service) lookup = { 'atos_api' => :et_atos, 'admin' => :et_admin, 'api' => :et_api, 'et1' => :et1, 'et3' => :et3 } file = lookup.fetch(service) parsed = Dotenv.parse("#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/.env", "#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/#{file}.env") parsed.each_pair do |name, value| puts "#{name}=#{value}" end end private def procfile_services File.readlines("#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/Procfile").inject([]) do |acc, line| next if line.strip.start_with?('#') acc + [line.split(':').first] end end def procfile_concurrency_without(without) {|service| "#{service}=#{without.include?(service) ? 0 : 1}"} end def external_command(cmd, tag) IO.popen(cmd) do |io| io.each do |line| puts "| #{tag} | #{line}" end end end def setup_et1_service puts "------------------------------------------------ SETTING UP ET1 SERVICE ---------------------------------------------------" cmd = "bash --login -c \"cd #{PROJECT_PATH}/systems/et1 && CLOUD_PROVIDER=#{options[:cloud_provider]} RAILS_ENV=#{options[:rails_env]} dotenv -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/.env\" dotenv -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/et1.env\" bundle install --with=#{options[:rails_env]}\"" puts cmd external_command cmd, 'et1 setup' cmd = "bash --login -c \"cd #{PROJECT_PATH}/systems/et1 && npm install\"" puts cmd external_command cmd, 'et1 setup' cmd ="bash --login -c \"cd #{PROJECT_PATH}/systems/et1 && CLOUD_PROVIDER=#{options[:cloud_provider]} RAILS_ENV=#{options[:rails_env]} dotenv -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/.env\" dotenv -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/et1.env\" bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate assets:precompile\"" puts cmd external_command cmd, 'et1 setup' end def setup_et3_service puts "------------------------------------------------ SETTING UP ET3 SERVICE ---------------------------------------------------" cmd ="bash --login -c \"cd #{PROJECT_PATH}/systems/et3 && CLOUD_PROVIDER=#{options[:cloud_provider]} RAILS_ENV=#{options[:rails_env]} dotenv -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/.env\" dotenv -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/et3.env\" bundle install --with=#{options[:rails_env]}\"" puts cmd external_command cmd, 'et3 setup' cmd ="bash --login -c \"cd #{PROJECT_PATH}/systems/et3 && CLOUD_PROVIDER=#{options[:cloud_provider]} RAILS_ENV=#{options[:rails_env]} dotenv -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/.env\" dotenv -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/et3.env\" bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate assets:precompile\"" puts cmd external_command cmd, 'et3 setup' end def setup_admin_service puts "------------------------------------------------ SETTING UP ADMIN SERVICE ---------------------------------------------------" cmd ="bash --login -c \"cd #{PROJECT_PATH}/systems/admin && CLOUD_PROVIDER=#{options[:cloud_provider]} RAILS_ENV=#{options[:rails_env]} dotenv -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/.env\" dotenv -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/et_admin.env\" bundle install --with=#{options[:rails_env]}\"" puts cmd external_command cmd, 'admin setup' puts "| Admin | Running rake commands" cmd ="bash --login -c \"cd #{PROJECT_PATH}/systems/admin && CLOUD_PROVIDER=#{options[:cloud_provider]} RAILS_ENV=#{options[:rails_env]} dotenv -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/.env\" dotenv -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/et_admin.env\" bundle exec rake db:seed assets:precompile\"" puts cmd external_command cmd, 'admin setup' end def setup_api_service puts "------------------------------------------------ SETTING UP API SERVICE ---------------------------------------------------" cmd ="bash --login -c \"cd #{PROJECT_PATH}/systems/api && CLOUD_PROVIDER=#{options[:cloud_provider]} RAILS_ENV=#{options[:rails_env]} dotenv -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/.env\" dotenv -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/et_api.env\" bundle install --with=#{options[:rails_env]}\"" puts cmd external_command cmd, 'api setup' puts "| API | Running rake commands" cmd ="bash --login -c \"cd #{PROJECT_PATH}/systems/api && CLOUD_PROVIDER=#{options[:cloud_provider]} RAILS_ENV=#{options[:rails_env]} dotenv -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/.env\" dotenv -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/et_api.env\" bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate db:seed\"" puts cmd external_command cmd, 'api setup' end def setup_atos_service puts "------------------------------------------------ SETTING UP ATOS SERVICE ---------------------------------------------------" cmd ="bash --login -c \"cd #{PROJECT_PATH}/systems/atos && CLOUD_PROVIDER=#{options[:cloud_provider]} RAILS_ENV=#{options[:rails_env]} dotenv -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/.env\" dotenv -f \"#{GEM_PATH}/foreman/et_atos.env\" bundle install --with=#{options[:rails_env]}\"" puts cmd external_command cmd, 'atos setup' end def update_rest_backend_url(service, url) connect_retry_countdown = 10 setup_retry_countdown = 10 begin resp = HTTParty.get "#{options[:base_url]}/api/providers/rest", headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' } raise RestProviderNotConfigured if resp.code == 404 rescue Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL, Errno::ECONNREFUSED connect_retry_countdown -= 1 if !options[:wait] fail "Could not connect to the traefik API - specify --wait to keep retrying when this happens" elsif fail "Could not connect to the traefik API after 10 retries (update_rest_backend_url)" else STDERR.puts "update_rest_backend_url - Retrying connection to traefik API in 5 seconds" sleep 5 retry end rescue RestProviderNotConfigured setup_retry_countdown -= 1 if !options[:wait] fail "The REST provider in traefik is not yet setup - specify --wait to keep retrying when this happens (i.e to wait for another command to set it up)" elsif fail "Could not find the REST provider in traefik after 10 retries" else STDERR.puts "Re checking for the REST provider in traefik in 5 seconds" sleep 5 retry end end json = resp.parsed_response.dup backend = json['backends'][service] raise "Unknown service called #{service} - valid options are #{json['backends'].keys.join(', ')}" if backend.nil? container = backend.dig('servers', 'web') raise "The service '#{service}' has no server called 'web' - it must have for this command to work" if container.nil? if container['url'] != url container['url'] = url put_resp = HTTParty.put "#{options[:base_url]}/api/providers/rest", body: json.to_json, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' } raise "Error from traefik says: #{put_resp.body}" unless (200..299).include? put_resp.code validate_rest_backend_url(service, url) STDERR.puts "The url for service '#{service}' is now '#{url}'" else STDERR.puts "The url for service '#{service}' was already '#{url}'" end end def validate_rest_backend_url(service, url) retry_countdown = 10 begin resp = HTTParty.get "#{options[:base_url]}/api/providers/rest", headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' } raise ServiceUrlIncorrect unless (200..299).include?(resp.code) && resp.parsed_response.dig('backends', service, 'servers', 'web', 'url') == url return rescue ServiceUrlIncorrect retry_countdown -= 1 raise if STDERR.puts "Retrying request to validate the url of '#{service}' is '#{url}' in 1 second" sleep 1 retry end end def within_rest_lock(wait: 60 * 60 * 24, timeout: 60), File::RDWR|File::CREAT, 0644) do |file| Timeout::timeout(wait) { file.flock(File::LOCK_EX) } Timeout::timeout(timeout) { yield file } end end def summarise_json(json) json['backends'].inject({}) do |acc, (service, value)| acc[service] = value.dig('servers', 'web', 'url') acc end end end end