<%= _("PROMOTION SUMMARY").html_safe %>

<%= (_("The promotion of %{content_view} to %{environment} has completed. %{count} needed errata are installable on your hosts.") % {:content_view => link_to(@content_view.name, content_view_path(@content_view)), :environment => @environment.name, :count => link_to(@errata.count, content_view_environment_errata_path(@content_view, @environment))}).html_safe %>

<%= render :partial => 'host_dashboard', :locals => {:hosts => @hosts, :title => _("Hosts with Installable Errata")} %> <% if @errata.count > 100 %> <%= _("A large number of errata are unapplied in this content view, so only the first 100 are shown.") %> <% end -%>

<% @errata = @errata.take(100).group_by(&:errata_type) %>

<%= _("Unapplied Errata") %>

<% if @errata.blank? %> <%= _("None") %> <% else %>
<% ['security', 'bugfix', 'enhancement'].each do |errata_type| %> <% next if @errata[errata_type].nil? %>

<%= _("%s Errata") % errata_type.titleize %>

<%= render :partial => 'erratum', :collection => @errata[errata_type], :as => :erratum %> <% end -%>
<% end -%>