env: global: secure: "Bvlfi1/Vd8m+pt+2qaxBr6mcsn1KpANi3zCLjotK0VCoot3dezangCF2r0sm\n8iymQ5nb0WElPXX1F7su9SHOByXsSSBtgSbcS7J5b6epGLwpHuQYbEKQl65C\nGR029SRr2iEdPA8tZF8sIxV1uepgj8Dhjz8NmFJFqcadyBhcsto=" language: ruby bundler_args: "--without=development" before_install: - "export DISPLAY=:99.0" - "sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start" before_script: - "createuser -s ghettoblaster && rake db:setup" script: "bundle exec rspec --format=documentation" after_success: # Install the Heroku gem (or the Heroku toolbelt) - "gem install heroku" # Add your Heroku git repo: - "git remote add heroku git@heroku.com:wunderkind.git" # Turn off warnings about SSH keys: - "echo 'Host heroku.com' >> ~/.ssh/config" - "echo ' StrictHostKeyChecking no' >> ~/.ssh/config" - "echo ' CheckHostIP no' >> ~/.ssh/config" - "echo ' UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' >> ~/.ssh/config" # Clear your current Heroku SSH keys: - "heroku keys:clear" # Add a new SSH key to Heroku - "yes | heroku keys:add" # Push to Heroku! - "yes | git push heroku master"