require "logstash/devutils/rspec/spec_helper" require "logstash/inputs/jdbc" require "jdbc/derby" require "sequel" require "sequel/adapters/jdbc" require "timecop" require "stud/temporary" describe LogStash::Inputs::Jdbc do let(:mixin_settings) { {"jdbc_user" => ENV['USER'], "jdbc_driver_class" => "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver", "jdbc_connection_string" => "jdbc:derby:memory:testdb;create=true"} } let(:settings) { {} } let(:plugin) { } let(:queue) { } let (:db) do Sequel.connect(mixin_settings['jdbc_connection_string'], :user=> nil, :password=> nil) end before :each do Jdbc::Derby.load_driver db.create_table :test_table do DateTime :created_at Integer :num end end after :each do db.drop_table(:test_table) end context "when registering and tearing down" do let(:settings) { {"statement" => "SELECT 1 as col1 FROM test_table"} } it "should register without raising exception" do expect { plugin.register }.to_not raise_error plugin.stop end it "should stop without raising exception" do plugin.register expect { plugin.stop }.to_not raise_error end it_behaves_like "an interruptible input plugin" do let(:settings) do { "statement" => "SELECT 1 FROM test_table", "schedule" => "* * * * * UTC" } end let(:config) { mixin_settings.merge(settings) } end end context "when neither statement and statement_filepath arguments are passed" do it "should fail to register" do expect{ plugin.register }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError) end end context "when both statement and statement_filepath arguments are passed" do let(:statement) { "SELECT * from test_table" } let(:statement_file_path) { Stud::Temporary.pathname } let(:settings) { { "statement_filepath" => statement_file_path, "statement" => statement } } it "should fail to register" do expect{ plugin.register }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError) end end context "when statement is passed in from a file" do let(:statement) { "SELECT * from test_table" } let(:statement_file_path) { Stud::Temporary.pathname } let(:settings) { { "statement_filepath" => statement_file_path } } before do File.write(statement_file_path, statement) plugin.register end after do plugin.stop end it "should read in statement from file" do expect(plugin.statement).to eq(statement) end end context "when passing parameters" do let(:settings) do { "statement" => "SELECT :num_param as num_param FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1", "parameters" => {"num_param" => 10} } end before do plugin.register end after do plugin.stop end it "should retrieve params correctly from Event" do expect(queue.pop['num_param']).to eq(settings['parameters']['num_param']) end end context "when scheduling" do let(:settings) { {"statement" => "SELECT 1 as num_param FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1", "schedule" => "* * * * * UTC"} } before do plugin.register end it "should properly schedule" do Timecop.scale(60) runner = do end sleep 3 plugin.stop runner.kill runner.join expect(queue.size).to eq(2) Timecop.return end end context "when iterating result-set via paging" do let(:settings) do { "statement" => "SELECT * from test_table", "jdbc_paging_enabled" => true, "jdbc_page_size" => 20 } end let(:num_rows) { 1000 } before do plugin.register end after do plugin.stop end it "should fetch all rows" do num_rows.times do db[:test_table].insert(:num => 1, :created_at => end expect(queue.size).to eq(num_rows) end end context "when iteratively running plugin#run" do let(:settings) do {"statement" => "SELECT num, created_at FROM test_table WHERE created_at > :sql_last_start"} end let(:nums) { [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] } before do plugin.register end after do plugin.stop end it "should successfully iterate table with respect to field values" do test_table = db[:test_table] test_table.insert(:num => nums[0], :created_at => test_table.insert(:num => nums[1], :created_at => test_table.insert(:num => nums[2], :created_at => test_table.insert(:num => nums[3], :created_at => test_table.insert(:num => nums[4], :created_at => actual_sum = 0 until queue.empty? do actual_sum += queue.pop['num'] end expect(actual_sum).to eq(nums.inject{|sum,x| sum + x }) end end context "when previous runs are to be respected" do let(:settings) do { "statement" => "SELECT * FROM test_table", "last_run_metadata_path" => Stud::Temporary.pathname } end let(:last_run_time) { } before do File.write(settings["last_run_metadata_path"], YAML.dump(last_run_time)) plugin.register end after do plugin.stop end it "should respect last run metadata" do expect(plugin.instance_variable_get("@sql_last_start")).to eq(last_run_time) end end context "when doing a clean run" do let(:settings) do { "statement" => "SELECT * FROM test_table", "last_run_metadata_path" => Stud::Temporary.pathname, "clean_run" => true } end let(:last_run_time) { } before do File.write(settings["last_run_metadata_path"], YAML.dump(last_run_time)) plugin.register end after do plugin.stop end it "should ignore last run metadata if :clean_run set to true" do expect(plugin.instance_variable_get("@sql_last_start")).to eq( end end context "when state is not to be persisted" do let(:settings) do { "statement" => "SELECT * FROM test_table", "last_run_metadata_path" => Stud::Temporary.pathname, "record_last_run" => false } end before do plugin.register end after do plugin.stop end it "should not save state if :record_last_run is false" do expect(File).not_to exist(settings["last_run_metadata_path"]) end end context "when setting fetch size" do let(:settings) do { "statement" => "SELECT * from test_table", "jdbc_fetch_size" => 1 } end let(:num_rows) { 10 } before do num_rows.times do db[:test_table].insert(:num => 1, :created_at => end plugin.register end after do plugin.stop end it "should fetch all rows" do expect(queue.size).to eq(num_rows) end end context "when driver is not found" do let(:settings) { { "statement" => "SELECT * FROM test_table" } } before do mixin_settings['jdbc_driver_class'] = "org.not.ExistsDriver" end it "should fail" do expect { plugin.register }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError) end end context "when timing out on connection" do let(:settings) do { "statement" => "SELECT * FROM test_table", "jdbc_pool_timeout" => 0, "jdbc_connection_string" => 'mock://localhost:1527/db', "sequel_opts" => { "max_connections" => 1 } } end it "should raise PoolTimeout error" do plugin.register db = plugin.instance_variable_get(:@database) expect(db.pool.instance_variable_get(:@timeout)).to eq(0) expect(db.pool.instance_variable_get(:@max_size)).to eq(1) q, q1 =, t ={db.pool.hold{|c| q1.push nil; q.pop}} q1.pop expect{db.pool.hold {|c|}}.to raise_error(Sequel::PoolTimeout) q.push nil t.join end it "should log error message" do allow(Sequel).to receive(:connect).and_raise(Sequel::PoolTimeout) expect(plugin.logger).to receive(:error).with("Failed to connect to database. 0 second timeout exceeded.") expect { plugin.register }.to raise_error(Sequel::PoolTimeout) end end end