# Copyright (c) 2023 M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands # # This software is released under the MIT license. # # Some parts are # Copyright 2004-2007, wxRuby development team # released under the MIT-like wxRuby2 license # Adapted for wxRuby3 ### require 'wx' module MathImages include Wx # This sample was originally written by Alex Fenton as an answer to Ruby # Quiz #191, which challenged entrants to create an application which # could draw images based on mathematical functions: # # http://rubyquiz.strd6.com/quizzes/191/ # # To use the application, enter functions which take input values of x # and y from 0 to 1, and return intensities of red, green and blue. If a # bad function is entered, a cross is displayed; hover over this to get # a hint on the problem. # # The sample demonstrates some uses of the Wx::Image class, a # platform-independent representation of an image which can be # manipulated (for example, resizing) and written to files in various # formats. It also shows how an image's rgb data can be written directly, by # using Array#pack. # A canvas that draws and displays a mathematically generated image class MathsDrawing < Window include Wx # The functions which return the colour components at each pixel attr_writer :red, :green, :blue # The time taken to render, whether re-rendering is needed, and the # source image attr_reader :render_time, :done, :img def initialize(parent) super(parent) # Create a dummy image @default_image = Image.new(1, 1) @default_image.rgb_data = [255, 255, 255].pack('CCC') @img = @default_image @red = lambda { | x, y | 1 } @green = lambda { | x, y | 1 } @blue = lambda { | x, y | 1 } @done = true evt_size :on_size evt_paint :on_paint evt_idle :on_idle end # Paint the image on the screen. The actual image rendering is done in # idle time, so that the GUI is responsive whilst redrawing - eg, when # resized. Painting is done by quickly rescaling the cached image. def on_paint paint do | dc | draw_img = @img.scale(client_size.width, client_size.height) dc.draw_bitmap(draw_img.convert_to_bitmap, 0, 0, true) end end # Regenerate the image if needed, then do a refresh def on_idle if not @done @img = make_image refresh end @done = true end # Note to regenerate the image if the canvas has been resized def on_size(event) @done = false event.skip end # Call this to force a re-render - eg if the functions have changed def redraw @done = false end # Actually make the image def make_image size_x, size_y = client_size.width, client_size.height if size_x < 1 or size_y < 1 return @default_image end start_time = Time.now # The string holding raw rgb data data = '' x_factor = size_x.to_f y_factor = size_y.to_f # Input values from the range 0 to 1, with origin in the bottom left (size_y - 1).downto(0) do | y | the_y = y.to_f / y_factor 0.upto(size_x - 1) do | x | the_x = x.to_f / x_factor red = @red.call(the_x, the_y) * 255 green = @green.call(the_x, the_y) * 255 blue = @blue.call(the_x, the_y) * 255 data << [red, green, blue].pack("CCC") end end img = Image.new(size_x, size_y) img.rgb_data = data @render_time = Time.now - start_time img end end # A helper dialog for saving the image to a file class SaveImageDialog < FileDialog include Wx # The image file formats on offer TYPES = [ [ "PNG file (*.png)|*.png", Wx::BITMAP_TYPE_PNG ], [ "TIF file (*.tif)|*.tif", Wx::BITMAP_TYPE_TIF ], [ "BMP file (*.bmp)|*.bmp", Wx::BITMAP_TYPE_BMP ] ] WILDCARD = TYPES.map { | type | type.first }.join("|") def initialize(parent) super(parent, :wildcard => WILDCARD, :message => 'Save Image', :style => FD_SAVE|FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) end # Returns the Wx identifier for the selected image type. def image_type TYPES[filter_index].last end end # A Panel for displaying the image and controls to manipulate it class MathsPanel < Panel include Wx include Math # Set functions to some nice initial values RED_INITIAL = "cos(x)" GREEN_INITIAL = "cos(y ** x)" BLUE_INITIAL = "(x ** 4) + ( y ** 3 ) - (4.5 * x ** 2 ) + ( y * 2)" # Symbols to show correct and incorrect functions TICK = "\xE2\x9C\x94" CROSS = "\xE2\x9C\x98" attr_reader :drawing def initialize(parent) super(parent) self.sizer = VBoxSizer.new # The canvas @drawing = MathsDrawing.new(self) sizer.add @drawing, 1, GROW sizer.add Wx::StaticLine.new(self) # The text controls for entering functions grid_sz = FlexGridSizer.new(3, 8, 8) grid_sz.add_growable_col(1, 1) grid_sz.add StaticText.new(self, :label => "Red") @red_tx = TextCtrl.new(self, :value => RED_INITIAL) grid_sz.add @red_tx, 0, GROW @red_err = StaticText.new(self, :label => TICK) grid_sz.add @red_err, 0, ALIGN_CENTRE grid_sz.add StaticText.new(self, :label => "Green") @green_tx = TextCtrl.new(self, :value => GREEN_INITIAL) grid_sz.add @green_tx, 0, GROW @green_err = StaticText.new(self, :label => TICK) grid_sz.add @green_err, 0, ALIGN_CENTRE grid_sz.add StaticText.new(self, :label => "Blue") @blue_tx = TextCtrl.new(self, :value => BLUE_INITIAL) grid_sz.add @blue_tx, 0, GROW @blue_err = StaticText.new(self, :label => TICK) grid_sz.add @blue_err, 0, ALIGN_CENTRE # Buttons to save and render grid_sz.add 0, 0 butt_sz = HBoxSizer.new render_bt = Button.new(self, :label => "Render") butt_sz.add render_bt, 0, Wx::RIGHT, 8 evt_button render_bt, :on_render save_bt = Button.new(self, :label => "Save Image") butt_sz.add save_bt, 0, Wx::RIGHT, 8 evt_button save_bt, :on_save # Disable the buttons whilst redrawing evt_update_ui(render_bt) { | evt | evt.enable(@drawing.done) } evt_update_ui(save_bt) { | evt | evt.enable(@drawing.done) } grid_sz.add butt_sz # Add the controls sizer to the whole thing sizer.add grid_sz, 0, GROW|ALL, 10 on_render end # Update the functions that generate the image, then re-render it def on_render @drawing.red = make_a_function(@red_tx.value, @red_err) @drawing.green = make_a_function(@green_tx.value, @green_err) @drawing.blue = make_a_function(@blue_tx.value, @blue_err) @drawing.redraw end # Display a dialog to save the image to a file def on_save SaveImageDialog(parent) do |dlg| if dlg.show_modal == Wx::ID_OK if dlg.image_type == Wx::BITMAP_TYPE_PNG # test writing to IO File.open(dlg.path, 'w') do |f| @drawing.img.write(f, dlg.image_type) end elsif dlg.image_type == Wx::BITMAP_TYPE_BMP # test writing to arbitrary IO-like (at least #write) object klass = Class.new do def initialize(io) @io = io end def write(buf) @io.write(buf) end end File.open(dlg.path, 'w') do |f| @drawing.img.write(klass.new(f), dlg.image_type) end else @drawing.img.save_file(dlg.path, dlg.image_type) end end end end # A function which doesn't do anything NULL_FUNC = lambda { | x, y | 1 } # Takes a string source +source+, returns a lambda. If the string # source isn't valid, flag this in the GUI static text +error_outlet+ def make_a_function(source, error_outlet) return NULL_FUNC if source.empty? func = nil begin # Create the function and test it, to check for wrong names func = eval "lambda { | x, y | #{source} }" func.call(0, 0) rescue Exception => e error_outlet.label = CROSS error_outlet.tool_tip = e.class.name + ":\n" + e.message.sub(/^\(eval\):\d+: /, '') return NULL_FUNC end # Things are good, note this and return the function error_outlet.label = TICK error_outlet.tool_tip = '' func end end class MathsFrame < Frame include Wx def initialize super(nil, :title => 'Maths drawing', :size => [400, 500], :pos => [50, 50]) sb = create_status_bar(1) evt_update_ui sb, :on_update_status @panel = MathsPanel.new(self) end def on_update_status if @panel.drawing.done pixels = @panel.drawing.client_size msg = "[#{pixels.width} x #{pixels.height}] drawing completed in " + "#{@panel.drawing.render_time}s" status_bar.status_text = msg end end end end module MathImagesSample include WxRuby::Sample if defined? WxRuby::Sample def self.describe { file: __FILE__, summary: 'wxRuby math images example.', description: <<~__TXT wxRuby example demonstrating drawing using math functions. This sample was originally written by Alex Fenton as an answer to Ruby Quiz #191, which challenged entrants to create an application which could draw images based on mathematical functions: http://rubyquiz.strd6.com/quizzes/191/ To use the application, enter functions which take input values of x and y from 0 to 1, and return intensities of red, green and blue. If a bad function is entered, a cross is displayed; hover over this to get a hint on the problem. The sample demonstrates some uses of the Wx::Image class, a platform-independent representation of an image which can be manipulated (for example, resizing) and written to files in various formats. It also shows how an image's rgb data can be written directly, by using Array#pack. __TXT } end def self.activate frame = MathImages::MathsFrame.new frame.show frame end if $0 == __FILE__ Wx::App.run do MathImagesSample.activate end end end