Getting Started
To Start &app; You can start &app; in the following ways: Applications menu Choose Office Alexandria Book Collection Manager . Command line To start &app; from a command line, type the following command, then press Return: alexandria &app; will open the most recently accessed library.
When You Start &app; When you start &app;, the following window is displayed.
&app; Start Up Window Shows &app; main window. Contains titlebar, menubar, toolbar, library list (including smart library list) and an empty book display area. Menubar contains Library, Edit, View and Help menus.
The &app; window contains the following elements: Menubar: The menus on the menubar contain all of the commands you need to work with libraries and books in &app;. Toolbar: The toolbar contains buttons to quickly add new books and libraries to &app;, plus a search tool to filter books displayed in the main display area. Library List: The library list pane at the left edge of the window displays the different libraries which have been set up in &app;. Below the main libraries, there is a list of smart libraries which are a kind of filtered view on the main libraries. When &app; starts for the first time, it creates a library called My Library, and a set of useful smart libraries. Book display: The main part of the display lists all the books in the current library. &app; can display your books either in an Icon or List view - the List View, similar to that used in the Nautilus file manager, displays detailed information about each book on separate lines. In the icon view, your favourite books - rated with five stars - will be shown with a heart icon in the top corner. Statusbar: The statusbar displays information about the current library in &app;, including the number of books, and the number of books which have not been rated.