import { moduleFor, AutobootApplicationTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; import { later } from '@ember/runloop'; import Test from '../lib/test'; import QUnitAdapter from '../lib/adapters/qunit'; import { Route } from '@ember/-internals/routing'; import { RSVP } from '@ember/-internals/runtime'; import { jQueryDisabled } from '@ember/-internals/views'; import { getDebugFunction, setDebugFunction } from '@ember/debug'; const originalDebug = getDebugFunction('debug'); var originalConsoleError = console.error; // eslint-disable-line no-console let testContext; if (!jQueryDisabled) { moduleFor( 'ember-testing Acceptance', class extends AutobootApplicationTestCase { constructor() { setDebugFunction('debug', function() {}); super(); this._originalAdapter = Test.adapter; testContext = this; this.runTask(() => { this.createApplication(); { this.route('posts'); this.route('comments'); this.route('abort_transition'); this.route('redirect'); }); this.indexHitCount = 0; this.currentRoute = 'index'; this.add( 'route:index', Route.extend({ model() { testContext.indexHitCount += 1; }, }) ); this.add( 'route:posts', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { testContext.currentRoute = 'posts'; this._super(...arguments); }, }) ); this.addTemplate( 'posts', `
` ); this.add( 'route:comments', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { testContext.currentRoute = 'comments'; this._super(...arguments); }, }) ); this.addTemplate('comments', `
{{input type="text"}}
`); this.add( 'route:abort_transition', Route.extend({ beforeModel(transition) { transition.abort(); }, }) ); this.add( 'route:redirect', Route.extend({ beforeModel() { this.transitionTo('comments'); }, }) ); this.application.setupForTesting(); Test.registerAsyncHelper('slowHelper', () => { return new RSVP.Promise(resolve => later(resolve, 10)); }); this.application.injectTestHelpers(); }); } afterEach() { console.error = originalConsoleError; // eslint-disable-line no-console super.afterEach(); } teardown() { setDebugFunction('debug', originalDebug); Test.adapter = this._originalAdapter; Test.unregisterHelper('slowHelper'); window.slowHelper = undefined; testContext = undefined; super.teardown(); } [`@test helpers can be chained with then`](assert) { assert.expect(6); window .visit('/posts') .then(() => { assert.equal(this.currentRoute, 'posts', 'Successfully visited posts route'); assert.equal(window.currentURL(), '/posts', 'posts URL is correct'); return'a:contains("Comments")'); }) .then(() => { assert.equal(this.currentRoute, 'comments', 'visit chained with click'); return window.fillIn('.ember-text-field', 'yeah'); }) .then(() => { assert.equal( document.querySelector('.ember-text-field').value, 'yeah', 'chained with fillIn' ); return window.fillIn('.ember-text-field', '#qunit-fixture', 'context working'); }) .then(() => { assert.equal( document.querySelector('.ember-text-field').value, 'context working', 'chained with fillIn' ); return'.does-not-exist'); }) .catch(e => { assert.equal( e.message, 'Element .does-not-exist not found.', 'Non-existent click exception caught' ); }); } [`@test helpers can be chained to each other (legacy)`](assert) { assert.expect(7); window .visit('/posts') .click('a:first', '#comments-link') .fillIn('.ember-text-field', 'hello') .then(() => { assert.equal(this.currentRoute, 'comments', 'Successfully visited comments route'); assert.equal(window.currentURL(), '/comments', 'Comments URL is correct'); assert.equal( document.querySelector('.ember-text-field').value, 'hello', 'Fillin successfully works' ); window.find('.ember-text-field').one('keypress', e => { assert.equal(e.keyCode, 13, 'keyevent chained with correct keyCode.'); assert.equal(e.which, 13, 'keyevent chained with correct which.'); }); }) .keyEvent('.ember-text-field', 'keypress', 13) .visit('/posts') .then(() => { assert.equal(this.currentRoute, 'posts', 'Thens can also be chained to helpers'); assert.equal(window.currentURL(), '/posts', 'URL is set correct on chained helpers'); }); } [`@test helpers don't need to be chained`](assert) { assert.expect(5); window.visit('/posts');'a:first', '#comments-link'); window.fillIn('.ember-text-field', 'hello'); window.andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.currentRoute, 'comments', 'Successfully visited comments route'); assert.equal(window.currentURL(), '/comments', 'Comments URL is correct'); assert.equal( window.find('.ember-text-field').val(), 'hello', 'Fillin successfully works' ); }); window.visit('/posts'); window.andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.currentRoute, 'posts'); assert.equal(window.currentURL(), '/posts'); }); } [`@test Nested async helpers`](assert) { assert.expect(5); window.visit('/posts'); window.andThen(() => {'a:first', '#comments-link'); window.fillIn('.ember-text-field', 'hello'); }); window.andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.currentRoute, 'comments', 'Successfully visited comments route'); assert.equal(window.currentURL(), '/comments', 'Comments URL is correct'); assert.equal( window.find('.ember-text-field').val(), 'hello', 'Fillin successfully works' ); }); window.visit('/posts'); window.andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.currentRoute, 'posts'); assert.equal(window.currentURL(), '/posts'); }); } [`@test Multiple nested async helpers`](assert) { assert.expect(3); window.visit('/posts'); window.andThen(() => {'a:first', '#comments-link'); window.fillIn('.ember-text-field', 'hello'); window.fillIn('.ember-text-field', 'goodbye'); }); window.andThen(() => { assert.equal( window.find('.ember-text-field').val(), 'goodbye', 'Fillin successfully works' ); assert.equal(this.currentRoute, 'comments', 'Successfully visited comments route'); assert.equal(window.currentURL(), '/comments', 'Comments URL is correct'); }); } [`@test Helpers nested in thens`](assert) { assert.expect(5); window.visit('/posts').then(() => {'a:first', '#comments-link'); }); window.andThen(() => { window.fillIn('.ember-text-field', 'hello'); }); window.andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.currentRoute, 'comments', 'Successfully visited comments route'); assert.equal(window.currentURL(), '/comments', 'Comments URL is correct'); assert.equal( window.find('.ember-text-field').val(), 'hello', 'Fillin successfully works' ); }); window.visit('/posts'); window.andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.currentRoute, 'posts'); assert.equal(window.currentURL(), '/posts', 'Posts URL is correct'); }); } [`@test Aborted transitions are not logged via Ember.Test.adapter#exception`](assert) { assert.expect(0); Test.adapter = QUnitAdapter.create({ exception() { assert.ok(false, 'aborted transitions are not logged'); }, }); window.visit('/abort_transition'); } [`@test Unhandled exceptions are logged via Ember.Test.adapter#exception`](assert) { assert.expect(2); console.error = () => {}; // eslint-disable-line no-console let asyncHandled; Test.adapter = QUnitAdapter.create({ exception(error) { assert.equal( error.message, 'Element .does-not-exist not found.', 'Exception successfully caught and passed to Ember.Test.adapter.exception' ); // handle the rejection so it doesn't leak later. asyncHandled.catch(() => {}); }, }); window.visit('/posts');'.invalid-element').catch(error => { assert.equal( error.message, 'Element .invalid-element not found.', 'Exception successfully handled in the rejection handler' ); }); asyncHandled ='.does-not-exist'); } [`@test Unhandled exceptions in 'andThen' are logged via Ember.Test.adapter#exception`]( assert ) { assert.expect(1); console.error = () => {}; // eslint-disable-line no-console Test.adapter = QUnitAdapter.create({ exception(error) { assert.equal( error.message, 'Catch me', 'Exception successfully caught and passed to Ember.Test.adapter.exception' ); }, }); window.visit('/posts'); window.andThen(() => { throw new Error('Catch me'); }); } [`@test should not start routing on the root URL when visiting another`](assert) { assert.expect(4); window.visit('/posts'); window.andThen(() => { assert.ok(window.find('#comments-link'), 'found comments-link'); assert.equal(this.currentRoute, 'posts', 'Successfully visited posts route'); assert.equal(window.currentURL(), '/posts', 'Posts URL is correct'); assert.equal( this.indexHitCount, 0, 'should not hit index route when visiting another route' ); }); } [`@test only enters the index route once when visiting `](assert) { assert.expect(1); window.visit('/'); window.andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.indexHitCount, 1, 'should hit index once when visiting /'); }); } [`@test test must not finish while asyncHelpers are pending`](assert) { assert.expect(2); let async = 0; let innerRan = false; Test.adapter = QUnitAdapter.extend({ asyncStart() { async++; this._super(); }, asyncEnd() { async--; this._super(); }, }).create(); this.application.testHelpers.slowHelper(); window.andThen(() => { innerRan = true; }); assert.equal(innerRan, false, 'should not have run yet'); assert.ok(async > 0, 'should have told the adapter to pause'); if (async === 0) { // If we failed the test, prevent zalgo from escaping and breaking // our other tests. Test.adapter.asyncStart(); Test.resolve().then(() => { Test.adapter.asyncEnd(); }); } } [`@test visiting a URL that causes another transition should yield the correct URL`](assert) { assert.expect(1); window.visit('/redirect'); window.andThen(() => { assert.equal(window.currentURL(), '/comments', 'Redirected to Comments URL'); }); } [`@test visiting a URL and then visiting a second URL with a transition should yield the correct URL`]( assert ) { assert.expect(2); window.visit('/posts'); window.andThen(function() { assert.equal(window.currentURL(), '/posts', 'First visited URL is correct'); }); window.visit('/redirect'); window.andThen(() => { assert.equal(window.currentURL(), '/comments', 'Redirected to Comments URL'); }); } } ); moduleFor( 'ember-testing Acceptance - teardown', class extends AutobootApplicationTestCase { [`@test that the setup/teardown happens correctly`](assert) { assert.expect(2); this.runTask(() => { this.createApplication(); }); this.application.injectTestHelpers(); assert.ok(typeof === 'function'); this.runTask(() => { this.application.destroy(); }); assert.equal(, undefined); } } ); }