require 'test_helper' f = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'app', 'views') AdminData::MainController.prepend_view_path(f) class AdminData::MainControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def setup @controller = @request = @response = @article = Factory(:article) @car = Factory(:car, :year => 2000, :brand => 'bmw') grant_read_only_access grant_update_access end context 'get table_structure' do setup do get :table_structure, {:klass =>} end should_respond_with :success should 'have text index' do assert_tag(:content => 'Index') end should 'have table name' do assert_tag(:tag => 'h1', :content => "Table name : articles", :attributes => {:class => 'table_name'}) end end context 'get all_models' do setup do get :all_models end should_respond_with :success should_assign_to :klasses should 'have xx number of models' do assert_equal 7, assigns(:klasses).size end end context 'get show for article which belongs to tech_magazine' do setup do @article.magazine = TechMagazine.create get :show, {:id => @article, :klass => } end should_respond_with :success should 'have belongs to association with magazine' do assert @article.magazine end should 'have association link for comments' do s2 = ERB::Util.html_escape('&') url = "/admin_data/klass/tech_magazine/#{}" assert_tag(:tag => 'a', :attributes => {:href => url}) end end context 'get show for article which has many comments' do setup do @comment1 = Factory(:comment, :article => @article) @comment2 = Factory(:comment, :article => @article) get :show, {:id =>, :klass => } end should_respond_with :success should 'have association link for comments' do s2 = ERB::Util.html_escape('&') url = "/admin_data/quick_search/comment?children=comments#{s2}model_id=#{}#{s2}base=article" assert_tag(:tag => 'a', :attributes => {:href => url}) end end context 'get show for car' do setup do @engine = Factory(:engine, :car => @car, :cylinders => 4) get :show, {:id =>, :klass => } end #should_respond_with :success #should 'have one association link for engine' do #s2 = ERB::Util.html_escape('&') #url = "/admin_data/klass/engine/#{}" #assert_tag(:tag => 'a', :content => /engine/, :attributes => {:href => url}) #end end context 'get show for city' do setup do AdminData::Config.set = { :find_conditions => { 'City' => lambda { |params| {:conditions => ["permanent_name =?", params[:id]] } } } } @city = Factory(:city, :name => 'New Delhi') get :show, {:id => 'new-delhi', :klass => } end should_respond_with :success end context 'get show for comment which belongs to another class' do setup do @comment = Factory(:comment, :article => @article) get :show, {:id =>, :klass => } end should_respond_with :success should 'have belongs_to message' do assert_tag( :tag => 'p', :attributes => {:class => 'belongs_to'}, :descendant => {:tag => 'a', :child => /article/}) end should 'have link to belongs_to association' do s2 = ERB::Util.html_escape('&') url = "/admin_data/klass/article/#{@article.to_param}" assert_tag(:tag => 'a', :attributes => {:href => url}) end end context 'get show for door which belongs to another class' do setup do @door = Factory(:door, :color => 'blue', :car_id => get :show, {:id =>, :klass => } end #should_respond_with :success #should 'have belongs_to message' do #assert_tag( :tag => 'p', #:attributes => {:class => 'belongs_to'}, #:descendant => {:tag => 'a', :child => /car/}) #end end context 'destroy an article' do setup do grant_update_access @comment = Factory(:comment, :article => @article) delete :destroy, {:id =>, :klass =>} end should_respond_with :redirect should_change('article count', :by => -1) {Article.count} # a comment is being created in setup which should be deleted because of destroy should_not_change('comment count') { Comment.count } end context 'destroy a car' do setup do grant_update_access @door = Factory(:door, :color => 'blue', :car => @car) delete :destroy, {:id =>, :klass =>} end #should_respond_with :redirect #should_change('car count', :by => -1) {Vehicle::Car.count} ## a comment is being created in setup which should be deleted because of destroy #should_not_change('door count') { Vehicle::Door.count } end context 'delete an article' do setup do grant_update_access @comment = Factory(:comment, :article => @article) delete :del, {:id =>, :klass => } end should_respond_with :redirect should_change('article count', :by => -1) {Article.count} should_change('comment count', :by => 1) {Comment.count} end context 'delete a car' do setup do grant_update_access @door = Factory(:door, :color => 'blue', :car => @car) delete :del, {:id =>, :klass => } end #should_respond_with :redirect #should_change('car count', :by => -1) {Vehicle::Car.count} #should_change('door count since del does not call callbacks', :by => 1) do #Vehicle::Door.count #end end context 'get edit article with attr' do setup do get :edit, {:id =>, :klass =>, :attr => 'title', :data => 'Hello World' } end should 'have input field for title' do assert_select('#article_title') end should 'not have input field for body' do assert_select('#article_body', false) end end context 'get edit article' do context 'with ignore column limit' do setup do AdminData::Config.set = ({:ignore_column_limit => true}) get :edit, {:id =>, :klass => } end teardown do AdminData::Config.set = ({:ignore_column_limit => false}) end should 'have size 60 for title and maxlenght 255' do assert_tag(:tag => 'input', :attributes => {:id=> 'article_title', :size => '60', :maxlength => '255'}) end should 'have size 60 for status and maxlenght 200' do assert_tag(:tag => 'input', :attributes => {:id=> 'article_status', :size => '60', :maxlength => '255'}) end end context 'with enforced column limit' do setup do get :edit, {:id =>, :klass => } end should_respond_with :success should "not have input for primary key" do assert_select 'form' do assert_select "input[name='comment[id]']", false end end should "have dropdowns for published_at datetime column" do assert_select 'form' do assert_select "select[name='article[published_at(1i)]']" assert_select "select[name='article[published_at(2i)]']" assert_select "select[name='article[published_at(3i)]']" assert_select "select[name='article[published_at(4i)]']" assert_select "select[name='article[published_at(5i)]']" end end should 'have input field for title' do assert_select('#article_title') end should 'have size 60 for title and maxlenght 200' do assert_tag(:tag => 'input', :attributes => {:id=> 'article_title', :size => '60', :maxlength => '200'}) end should 'have size 60 for status and maxlenght 200' do assert_tag(:tag => 'input', :attributes => {:id=> 'article_status', :size => '50', :maxlength => '50'}) end should 'have input field for body' do assert_select('#article_body') end end end context 'get edit comment' do context 'without drop down for associations' do setup do AdminData::Config.set = ({:drop_down_for_associations => false}) @comment = Factory(:comment, :article => @article) get :edit, {:id =>, :klass => } end teardown do AdminData::Config.set = ({:drop_down_for_associations => true}) end should_respond_with :success should "have input text field for belongs_to article" do assert_select 'form' do assert_tag(:tag => 'input', :attributes => {:id => 'comment_article_id', :name => 'comment[article_id]'}) end end end context 'with drop down for associations' do setup do @comment = Factory(:comment, :article => @article) get :edit, {:id =>, :klass => } end should_respond_with :success should "have dropdowns for belongs_to article" do assert_select 'form' do assert_select "select[name='comment[article_id]']" end end end end context 'get edit car' do setup do get :edit, {:id =>, :klass => } end #should_respond_with :success end context 'get new article' do setup do get :new, {:klass => } end should_respond_with :success end context 'get new car' do setup do get :new, {:klass =>} end #should_respond_with :success end context 'update article successful' do setup do grant_update_access post :update, { :klass =>, :id => @article, :article => {:title => 'new title'}} end should_respond_with :redirect should_redirect_to('show page') { admin_data_on_k_path( :id => Article.last, :klass => } should_set_the_flash_to /Record was updated/ should_not_change('article count') { Article.count } end context 'update car successful' do setup do grant_update_access post :update, { :klass =>, :id =>, 'vehicle/car' => {:brand => 'honda'}} end #should_respond_with :redirect #should_redirect_to('show page') { admin_data_on_k_path(:id =>, #:klass => } #should_set_the_flash_to /Record was updated/ #should_not_change('car count') { Vehicle::Car.count } end context 'update failure' do setup do grant_update_access post :update, { :klass => 'article', :id =>, :article => {:body => ''}} end should_respond_with :success should_not_set_the_flash should_not_change('article count') { Article.count } should 'contain the error message' do assert_tag(:content => "Body can't be blank") end end context 'create article successful' do setup do grant_update_access post :create, { :klass =>, 'article' => {:title => 'hello', :body => 'hello world'}} end should_respond_with :redirect should_redirect_to('show page') { admin_data_on_k_path(:id => Article.last, :klass => } should_set_the_flash_to /Record was created/ should_change('article count', :by => 1) { Article.count } end context 'create car successful' do setup do grant_update_access post :create, { :klass =>, 'vehicle/car' => {:brand => 'hello'}} end #should_respond_with :redirect #should_redirect_to('show page') { admin_data_on_k_path(:id =>, #:klass => } #should_set_the_flash_to /Record was created/ #should_change('vehicle count', :by => 1) { Vehicle::Car.count } end context 'create failure' do setup do grant_update_access post :create, { :klass =>, :article => {:body => '', :title => 'hello'}} end should_respond_with :success should_not_set_the_flash should_not_change('article count') { Article.count } should 'contain the error message' do assert_tag(:content => "Body can't be blank") end end context 'filter get_model_and_verify_if failure case' do setup do get :show, {:id => 999999999999994533, :klass => } end should_respond_with :not_found should 'contain the error message' do assert_tag(:tag => 'h2', :content => "Article not found: 999999999999994533") end end context 'filter is_allowed_to_view failure case' do setup do revoke_read_only_access get :show, {:id =>, :klass => } end should_respond_with :unauthorized should 'contain the message' do assert_tag(:tag => 'h2', :content => 'not authorized') end end context 'fine grained access control' do teardown do AdminData::Config.initialize_defaults end context 'allows view security check to access klass' do setup do AdminData::Config.set = { :is_allowed_to_view_model => { |controller| assert_equal(Article, controller.klass); true } } get :show, {:id =>, :klass => } end #should_respond_with :success end context 'allows update security check to access klass' do setup do AdminData::Config.set = { :is_allowed_to_update => { |controller| assert_equal(Article, controller.klass); true } } get :edit, {:id =>, :klass => } end should_respond_with :success end end end