class RemoteTable # Parses plaintext fixed-width files using module FixedWidth def self.extended(base) base.extend Plaintext end TRAP_EVERYTHING = proc { |_| true } # @private def after_extend @fixed_width_parser_mutex = @definition_mutex = end def _each require 'fixed_width-multibyte' delete_harmful! convert_eol_to_unix! transliterate_whole_file_to_utf8! crop_rows! skip_rows! cut_columns! fixed_width_parser.parse[:rows].each do |row| some_value_present = false hash = row.each do |k, v| v = v.to_s.strip if not some_value_present and not keep_blank_rows and v.present? some_value_present = true end hash[k] = v end if some_value_present or keep_blank_rows yield hash end end ensure local_copy.cleanup end private def fixed_width_parser @fixed_width_parser || @fixed_width_parser_mutex.synchronize do @fixed_width_parser ||= begin if raise ::RuntimeError, "[remote_table] You need to use exclusively the fixed_width-multibyte library" end definition, local_copy.encoded_io end end end def definition @definition || @definition_mutex.synchronize do @definition ||= if schema_name.is_a?(::String) or schema_name.is_a?(::Symbol) ::FixedWidth.send :definition, schema_name elsif schema.is_a?(::Array) ::FixedWidth.define("remote_table-fixed_with-#{::Kernel.rand}") do |d| d.rows do |row| row.trap(&TRAP_EVERYTHING) schema.each do |name, width, options| name = name.to_s if name == 'spacer' row.spacer width else row.column name, width, options end end end end else raise ::ArgumentError, "[remote_table] Expecting :schema_name to be a String or Symbol, or :schema to be an Array" end end end end end