XFN Test Data
Steve Ivy, 02-05-2007
This test data is based on the XFN 1.1 profile. Comments or suggestions on this data can be sent to steveivy@gmail.com.
Valid Relationships - singletons
These represent a single relationship on each link and are all valid.
- Friendship - pick at most one
- friend - contact
- friend - acquaintance
- friend - friend
- Physical
- physical - met
- physical - met (dupe)
- Professional
- professional - co-worker
- professional - colleague
- Geographical - pick at most one
- geographical - co-resident
- geographical - neighbor
- Family - pick at most one
- family - child
- family - parent
- family - sibling
- family - spouse
- family - kin
- Romantic
- romantic - muse
- romantic - crush
- romantic - date
- romantic - sweetheart
- Identity
- me (exclusive of all other values)
Valid Relationships - compound
These represent compound relationship on each link and should all be valid.
- Friendship + Physical
- contact + met
- acquaintance + met
- friend + met
- Friendship + Professional
- contact + co-worker
- acquaintance + co-worker
- friend + co-worker
- Friendship + Geographic
- contact + co-resident
- acquaintance + co-resident
- friend - co-resident
- contact + neighbor
- acquaintance + neighbor
- friend - neighbor
- Professional + Physical
- co-worker + met
- colleague + met
- Professional + Romantic
- co-worker + muse
- colleague + muse
- co-worker + crush
- colleague + crush
- co-worker + date
- colleague + date
- co-worker + sweetheart
- colleague + sweetheart
- Family + Professional
- child + co-worker
- child + colleague
- parent + co-worker
- parent + colleague
- sibling + co-worker
- sibling + colleague
- spouse + co-worker
- spouse + colleague
- kin + co-worker
- kin + colleague
- kin + colleague (purposeful dupe)
Invalid relationships
These relationships violate rules of exclusivity, mostly.
- Friendship - multiple values
- contact + acquaintance
- acquaintance + friend
- friend + contact
- Geographical - multiple values
- co-resident + neighbor
- Family - multiple values
- child + parent
- child + sibling
- child + spouse
- child + kin
- parent + sibling
- parent + spouse
- parent + kin
- sibling + spouse
- sibling + kin
- spouse + kin
- Identity - me + anything
- me + contact
- me + acquaintance
- me + friend
- me + met
- me + co-worker
- me + colleague
- me + co-resident
- me + neighbor
- me + child
- me + parent
- me + sibling
- me + spouse
- me + kin
- me + muse
- me + crush
- me + date
- me + sweetheart