# ********************************************************************************* # URBANopt™, Copyright (c) 2019-2021, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other # contributors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list # of conditions and the following disclaimer. # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other # materials provided with the distribution. # Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific # prior written permission. # Redistribution of this software, without modification, must refer to the software # by the same designation. Redistribution of a modified version of this software # (i) may not refer to the modified version by the same designation, or by any # confusingly similar designation, and (ii) must refer to the underlying software # originally provided by Alliance as “URBANopt”. Except to comply with the foregoing, # the term “URBANopt”, or any confusingly similar designation may not be used to # refer to any modified version of this software or any modified version of the # underlying software originally provided by Alliance without the prior written # consent of Alliance. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, # INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE # OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED # OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ********************************************************************************* require 'urbanopt/reporting/default_reports' require 'csv' require 'benchmark' require 'logger' @@logger = Logger.new($stdout) # start the measure class DefaultFeatureReports < OpenStudio::Measure::ReportingMeasure # human readable name def name return 'DefaultFeatureReports' end # human readable description def description return 'Writes default_feature_reports.json and default_feature_reports.csv files used by URBANopt Scenario Default Post Processor' end # human readable description of modeling approach def modeler_description return 'This measure only allows for one feature_report per simulation. If multiple features are simulated in a single simulation, a new measure must be written to disaggregate simulation results to multiple features.' end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new id = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('feature_id', false) id.setDisplayName('Feature unique identifier') id.setDefaultValue('1') args << id name = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('feature_name', false) name.setDisplayName('Feature scenario specific name') name.setDefaultValue('name') args << name feature_type = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('feature_type', false) feature_type.setDisplayName('URBANopt Feature Type') feature_type.setDefaultValue('Building') args << feature_type feature_location = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('feature_location', false) feature_location.setDisplayName('URBANopt Feature Location') feature_location.setDefaultValue('0') args << feature_location # make an argument for the frequency reporting_frequency_chs = OpenStudio::StringVector.new reporting_frequency_chs << 'Detailed' reporting_frequency_chs << 'Timestep' reporting_frequency_chs << 'Hourly' reporting_frequency_chs << 'Daily' # reporting_frequency_chs << 'Zone Timestep' reporting_frequency_chs << 'BillingPeriod' # match it to utility bill object ## Utility report here to report the start and end for each fueltype reporting_frequency_chs << 'Monthly' reporting_frequency_chs << 'Runperiod' reporting_frequency = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('reporting_frequency', reporting_frequency_chs, true) reporting_frequency.setDisplayName('Reporting Frequency') reporting_frequency.setDescription('The frequency at which to report timeseries output data.') reporting_frequency.setDefaultValue('Timestep') args << reporting_frequency return args end # define fuel types def fuel_types fuel_types = { 'Electricity' => 'Electricity', 'NaturalGas' => 'Natural Gas', 'FuelOilNo2' => 'Fuel Oil #2', 'Propane' => 'Propane', 'DistrictCooling' => 'District Cooling', 'DistrictHeating' => 'District Heating', 'Water' => 'Water' } return fuel_types end # define other fuel types def other_fuels return ['Gasoline', 'Diesel', 'Coal', 'Fuel Oil No 1', 'Other Fuel 1', 'Steam'] end # define enduses def end_uses end_uses = { 'Heating' => 'Heating', 'Cooling' => 'Cooling', 'InteriorLights' => 'Interior Lighting', 'ExteriorLights' => 'Exterior Lighting', 'InteriorEquipment' => 'Interior Equipment', 'ExteriorEquipment' => 'Exterior Equipment', 'Fans' => 'Fans', 'Pumps' => 'Pumps', 'HeatRejection' => 'Heat Rejection', 'Humidifier' => 'Humidification', 'HeatRecovery' => 'Heat Recovery', 'WaterSystems' => 'Water Systems', 'Refrigeration' => 'Refrigeration', 'Generators' => 'Generators', 'Facility' => 'Facility' } return end_uses end # format datetime def format_datetime(date_time) date_time.tr!('-', '/') date_time.gsub!('Jan', '01') date_time.gsub!('Feb', '02') date_time.gsub!('Mar', '03') date_time.gsub!('Apr', '04') date_time.gsub!('May', '05') date_time.gsub!('Jun', '06') date_time.gsub!('Jul', '07') date_time.gsub!('Aug', '08') date_time.gsub!('Sep', '09') date_time.gsub!('Oct', '10') date_time.gsub!('Nov', '11') date_time.gsub!('Dec', '12') return date_time end # return a vector of IdfObject's to request EnergyPlus objects needed by the run method # rubocop:disable Naming/MethodName def energyPlusOutputRequests(runner, user_arguments) super(runner, user_arguments) result = OpenStudio::IdfObjectVector.new reporting_frequency = runner.getStringArgumentValue('reporting_frequency', user_arguments) # Request the output for each end use/fuel type combination end_uses.each do |end_use| end_use, = end_use fuel_types.each do |fuel_type| fuel_type, = fuel_type variable_name = if end_use == 'Facility' "#{fuel_type}:#{end_use}" else "#{end_use}:#{fuel_type}" end result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter,#{variable_name},#{reporting_frequency};").get end end # Create a custom meter for OtherFuels other_fuel_uses = ['HeatRejection', 'Heating', 'WaterSystems', 'InteriorEquipment'] custom_meter_facility = 'Meter:Custom,OtherFuels:Facility,OtherFuel2' other_fuel_uses.each do |end_use| custom_meter = "Meter:Custom,#{end_use}:OtherFuels,OtherFuel2" other_fuels.each do |other_fuel| other_fuel = other_fuel.gsub(' ', '') result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter,#{end_use}:#{other_fuel},#{reporting_frequency};").get custom_meter_facility += ",,#{end_use}:#{other_fuel}" custom_meter += ",,#{end_use}:#{other_fuel}" end custom_meter += ';' result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load(custom_meter).get result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter,#{end_use}:OtherFuels,#{reporting_frequency};").get end result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("#{custom_meter_facility};").get result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter,OtherFuels:Facility,#{reporting_frequency};").get # Request the output for each end use/fuel type combination result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter:MeterFileOnly,Electricity:Facility,#{reporting_frequency};").get result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter:MeterFileOnly,ElectricityProduced:Facility,#{reporting_frequency};").get result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter:MeterFileOnly,NaturalGas:Facility,#{reporting_frequency};").get result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter:MeterFileOnly,DistrictCooling:Facility,#{reporting_frequency};").get result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter:MeterFileOnly,DistrictHeating:Facility,#{reporting_frequency};").get # result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter:MeterFileOnly,Cooling:Electricity,#{reporting_frequency};").get # result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter:MeterFileOnly,Heating:Electricity,#{reporting_frequency};").get # result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter:MeterFileOnly,InteriorLights:Electricity,#{reporting_frequency};").get # result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter:MeterFileOnly,ExteriorLights:Electricity,#{reporting_frequency};").get # result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter:MeterFileOnly,InteriorEquipment:Electricity,#{reporting_frequency};").get # result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter:MeterFileOnly,Fans:Electricity,#{reporting_frequency};").get # result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter:MeterFileOnly,Pumps:Electricity,#{reporting_frequency};").get # result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter:MeterFileOnly,WaterSystems:Electricity,#{reporting_frequency};").get # result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter:MeterFileOnly,Heating:NaturalGas,#{reporting_frequency};").get # result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter:MeterFileOnly,WaterSystems:NaturalGas,#{reporting_frequency};").get # result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Meter:MeterFileOnly,InteriorEquipment:NaturalGas,#{reporting_frequency};").get result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load('Output:Variable,*,Heating Coil Heating Rate,hourly; !- HVAC Average [W];').get # result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Variable,*,Exterior Equipment:Electric Vehicles,#{reporting_frequency};").get timeseries_data = ['District Cooling Chilled Water Rate', 'District Cooling Mass Flow Rate', 'District Cooling Inlet Temperature', 'District Cooling Outlet Temperature', 'District Heating Hot Water Rate', 'District Heating Mass Flow Rate', 'District Heating Inlet Temperature', 'District Heating Outlet Temperature', 'Cooling Coil Total Cooling Rate', 'Heating Coil Heating Rate', 'ExteriorEquipment:Electricity'] tes_timeseries_data = ['Ice Thermal Storage End Fraction', 'Cooling coil Ice Thermal Storage End Fraction'] ev_timeseries_data = ['Exterior Equipment:Electric Vehicles'] timeseries_data += tes_timeseries_data timeseries_data.each do |ts| result << OpenStudio::IdfObject.load("Output:Variable,*,#{ts},#{reporting_frequency};").get end # use the built-in error checking if !runner.validateUserArguments(arguments, user_arguments) return result end return result end # sql_query method def sql_query(runner, sql, report_name, query) val = nil result = sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble("SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' AND #{query}") if result.empty? runner.registerWarning("Query failed for #{report_name} and #{query}") else begin val = result.get rescue StandardError val = nil runner.registerWarning('Query result.get failed') end end return val end # unit conversion method def convert_units(value, from_units, to_units) if value.nil? return nil end if from_units.nil? || to_units.nil? @runner.registerError("Cannot convert units...from_units: #{from_units} or to_units: #{to_units} left blank.") return nil end # apply unit conversion value_converted = OpenStudio.convert(value, from_units, to_units) if value_converted.is_initialized value = value_converted.get else @runner.registerError("Was not able to convert #{value} from #{from_units} to #{to_units}.") value = nil end return value end # define what happens when the measure is run # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def run(runner, user_arguments) super(runner, user_arguments) # use the built-in error checking unless runner.validateUserArguments(arguments, user_arguments) return false end # use the built-in error checking if !runner.validateUserArguments(arguments, user_arguments) return false end feature_id = runner.getStringArgumentValue('feature_id', user_arguments) feature_name = runner.getStringArgumentValue('feature_name', user_arguments) feature_type = runner.getStringArgumentValue('feature_type', user_arguments) feature_location = runner.getStringArgumentValue('feature_location', user_arguments) # Assign the user inputs to variables reporting_frequency = runner.getStringArgumentValue('reporting_frequency', user_arguments) # BilingPeriod reporting frequency not implemented yet if reporting_frequency == 'BillingPeriod' @@logger.error('BillingPeriod frequency is not implemented yet') end # cache runner for this instance of the measure @runner = runner # get the WorkflowJSON object workflow = runner.workflow # get the last model and sql file model = runner.lastOpenStudioModel if model.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last model.') return false end model = model.get sql_file = runner.lastEnergyPlusSqlFile if sql_file.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last sql file.') return false end sql_file = sql_file.get model.setSqlFile(sql_file) # get building from model building = model.getBuilding # get surfaces from model surfaces = model.getSurfaces # get epw_file epw_file = runner.lastEpwFile if epw_file.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last epw file.') return false end epw_file = epw_file.get # create output feature_report report object feature_report = URBANopt::Reporting::DefaultReports::FeatureReport.new feature_report.id = feature_id feature_report.name = feature_name feature_report.feature_type = feature_type feature_report.directory_name = workflow.absoluteRunDir timesteps_per_hour = model.getTimestep.numberOfTimestepsPerHour feature_report.timesteps_per_hour = timesteps_per_hour feature_report.simulation_status = 'Complete' feature_report.reporting_periods << URBANopt::Reporting::DefaultReports::ReportingPeriod.new ########################################################################### ## # Get Location information and store in the feature_report ## if feature_location.include? '[' # get longitude from feature_location longitude = (feature_location.split(',')[0].delete! '[]').to_f # get latitude from feature_location latitude = (feature_location.split(',')[1].delete! '[]').to_f # latitude feature_report.location.latitude_deg = latitude # longitude feature_report.location.longitude_deg = longitude end # surface_elevation elev = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'InputVerificationandResultsSummary', "TableName='General' AND RowName='Elevation' AND ColumnName='Value'") feature_report.location.surface_elevation_ft = elev ########################################################################## ## # Get program information and store in the feature_report ## # floor_area floor_area = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='Building Area' AND RowName='Total Building Area' AND ColumnName='Area'") feature_report.program.floor_area_sqft = convert_units(floor_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2') # conditioned_area conditioned_area = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='Building Area' AND RowName='Net Conditioned Building Area' AND ColumnName='Area'") feature_report.program.conditioned_area_sqft = convert_units(conditioned_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2') # unconditioned_area unconditioned_area = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='Building Area' AND RowName='Unconditioned Building Area' AND ColumnName='Area'") feature_report.program.unconditioned_area_sqft = convert_units(unconditioned_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2') if building.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized && ['Residential'].include?(building.standardsBuildingType.get) floor_area -= unconditioned_area # conditioned floor area only end # maximum_number_of_stories number_of_stories = building.standardsNumberOfStories.get if building.standardsNumberOfStories.is_initialized number_of_stories ||= 1 feature_report.program.maximum_number_of_stories = number_of_stories # maximum_number_of_stories_above_ground number_of_stories_above_ground = building.standardsNumberOfAboveGroundStories.get if building.standardsNumberOfAboveGroundStories.is_initialized number_of_stories_above_ground ||= 1 feature_report.program.maximum_number_of_stories_above_ground = number_of_stories_above_ground # maximum_roof_height floor_to_floor_height = building.nominalFloortoFloorHeight.get if building.nominalFloortoFloorHeight.is_initialized floor_to_floor_height ||= 8 feature_report.program.maximum_roof_height_ft = feature_report.program.maximum_number_of_stories_above_ground * floor_to_floor_height # footprint_area if building.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized if !['Residential'].include?(building.standardsBuildingType.get) feature_report.program.footprint_area_sqft = feature_report.program.floor_area_sqft / number_of_stories else feature_report.program.footprint_area_sqft = convert_units(floor_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2') / building.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsInteger('NumberOfConditionedStories').get end end # number_of_residential_units number_of_living_units = building.standardsNumberOfLivingUnits.get if building.standardsNumberOfLivingUnits.is_initialized number_of_living_units ||= 1 feature_report.program.number_of_residential_units = number_of_living_units ## building_types # get an array of the model spaces spaces = model.getSpaces # get array of model space types space_types = model.getSpaceTypes # create a hash for space_type_areas (spcace types as keys and their areas as values) space_type_areas = {} model.getSpaceTypes.each do |space_type| building_type = space_type.standardsBuildingType if building_type.empty? building_type = 'unknown' else building_type = building_type.get end next if ['Residential'].include?(building_type) # space types with empty building type fields will inherit from the building object space_type_areas[building_type] = 0 if space_type_areas[building_type].nil? space_type_areas[building_type] += convert_units(space_type.floorArea, 'm^2', 'ft^2') end # create a hash for space_type_occupancy (spcace types as keys and their occupancy as values) space_type_occupancy = {} spaces.each do |space| if space.spaceType.empty? raise 'space.spaceType is empty. Make sure spaces have a space type' else building_type = space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType end if building_type.empty? building_type = 'unknown' else building_type = building_type.get end space_type_occupancy[building_type] = 0 if space_type_occupancy[building_type].nil? space_type_occupancy[building_type] += space.numberOfPeople end # combine all in a building_types array building_types = [] for i in 0..(space_type_areas.size - 1) building_types << { building_type: space_type_areas.keys[i], floor_area: space_type_areas.values[i], maximum_occupancy: space_type_occupancy.values[i] } end # add results to the feature report JSON feature_report.program.building_types = building_types ## window_area # north_window_area north_window_area = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'InputVerificationandResultsSummary', "TableName='Window-Wall Ratio' AND RowName='Window Opening Area' AND ColumnName='North (315 to 45 deg)'").to_f feature_report.program.window_area_sqft[:north_window_area_sqft] = convert_units(north_window_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2') # south_window_area south_window_area = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'InputVerificationandResultsSummary', "TableName='Window-Wall Ratio' AND RowName='Window Opening Area' AND ColumnName='South (135 to 225 deg)'").to_f feature_report.program.window_area_sqft[:south_window_area_sqft] = convert_units(south_window_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2') # east_window_area east_window_area = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'InputVerificationandResultsSummary', "TableName='Window-Wall Ratio' AND RowName='Window Opening Area' AND ColumnName='East (45 to 135 deg)'").to_f feature_report.program.window_area_sqft[:east_window_area_sqft] = convert_units(east_window_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2') # west_window_area west_window_area = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'InputVerificationandResultsSummary', "TableName='Window-Wall Ratio' AND RowName='Window Opening Area' AND ColumnName='West (225 to 315 deg)'").to_f feature_report.program.window_area_sqft[:west_window_area_sqft] = convert_units(west_window_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2') # total_window_area total_window_area = north_window_area + south_window_area + east_window_area + west_window_area feature_report.program.window_area_sqft[:total_window_area_sqft] = convert_units(total_window_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2') ## wall_area # north_wall_area north_wall_area = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'InputVerificationandResultsSummary', "TableName='Window-Wall Ratio' AND RowName='Gross Wall Area' AND ColumnName='North (315 to 45 deg)'").to_f feature_report.program.wall_area_sqft[:north_wall_area_sqft] = convert_units(north_wall_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2') # south_wall_area south_wall_area = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'InputVerificationandResultsSummary', "TableName='Window-Wall Ratio' AND RowName='Gross Wall Area' AND ColumnName='South (135 to 225 deg)'").to_f feature_report.program.wall_area_sqft[:south_wall_area_sqft] = convert_units(south_wall_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2') # east_wall_area east_wall_area = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'InputVerificationandResultsSummary', "TableName='Window-Wall Ratio' AND RowName='Gross Wall Area' AND ColumnName='East (45 to 135 deg)'").to_f feature_report.program.wall_area_sqft[:east_wall_area_sqft] = convert_units(east_wall_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2') # west_wall_area west_wall_area = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'InputVerificationandResultsSummary', "TableName='Window-Wall Ratio' AND RowName='Gross Wall Area' AND ColumnName='West (225 to 315 deg)'").to_f feature_report.program.wall_area_sqft[:west_wall_area_sqft] = convert_units(west_wall_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2') # total_wall_area total_wall_area = north_wall_area + south_wall_area + east_wall_area + west_wall_area feature_report.program.wall_area_sqft[:total_wall_area_sqft] = convert_units(total_wall_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2') # total_roof_area total_roof_area = 0.0 surfaces.each do |surface| if (surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors') && (surface.surfaceType == 'RoofCeiling') total_roof_area += surface.netArea end end total_roof_area_sqft = convert_units(total_roof_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2') feature_report.program.roof_area_sqft[:total_roof_area_sqft] = total_roof_area_sqft # available_roof_area_sqft # RK: a more robust method should be implemented to find the available_roof_area # assign available roof area to be a percentage of the total roof area if building_types[0][:building_type].include? 'Single-Family Detached' feature_report.program.roof_area_sqft[:available_roof_area_sqft] = 0.45 * total_roof_area_sqft else feature_report.program.roof_area_sqft[:available_roof_area_sqft] = 0.75 * total_roof_area_sqft end # RK: Temporary solution: assign available roof area to be equal to total roof area # feature_report.program.roof_area_sqft[:available_roof_area_sqft] = total_roof_area_sqft # orientation # RK: a more robust method should be implemented to find orientation(finding main axis of the building using aspect ratio) building_rotation = model.getBuilding.northAxis feature_report.program.orientation_deg = building_rotation # aspect_ratio north_wall_area = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'InputVerificationandResultsSummary', "TableName='Window-Wall Ratio' AND RowName='Gross Wall Area' AND ColumnName='North (315 to 45 deg)'") east_wall_area = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'InputVerificationandResultsSummary', "TableName='Window-Wall Ratio' AND RowName='Gross Wall Area' AND ColumnName='East (45 to 135 deg)'") aspect_ratio = north_wall_area / east_wall_area if north_wall_area != 0 && east_wall_area != 0 aspect_ratio ||= nil feature_report.program.aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio # total_construction_cost total_construction_cost = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'Life-Cycle Cost Report', "TableName='Present Value for Recurring, Nonrecurring and Energy Costs (Before Tax)' AND RowName='LCC_MAT - BUILDING - LIFE CYCLE COSTS' AND ColumnName='Cost'") feature_report.program.total_construction_cost_dollar = total_construction_cost # packaged thermal storage capacities by cooling coil ptes_keys = sql_file.availableKeyValues('RUN Period 1', 'Zone Timestep', 'Cooling Coil Ice Thermal Storage End Fraction') if ptes_keys.empty? ptes_size = nil runner.registerWarning('Query failed for Packaged Ice Thermal Storage Capacity') else begin ptes_size = 0 ptes_keys.each do |pk| ptes_size += sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'ComponentSizingSummary', "TableName='Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed:ThermalStorage' AND RowName='#{pk}' AND ColumnName='Ice Storage Capacity'").to_f end ptes_size = convert_units(ptes_size, 'GJ', 'kWh') rescue StandardError runner.registerWarning('Query ptes_size.get failed') end end feature_report.thermal_storage.ptes_size_kwh = ptes_size # get the central tank thermal storage capacity its_size = nil its_size_index = sql_file.execAndReturnFirstDouble("SELECT ReportVariableDataDictionaryIndex FROM ReportVariableDataDictionary WHERE VariableName='Ice Thermal Storage Capacity'") if its_size_index.empty? runner.registerWarning('Query failed for Ice Thermal Storage Capacity') else begin its_size = sql_file.execAndReturnFirstDouble("SELECT VariableValue FROM ReportVariableData WHERE ReportVariableDataDictionaryIndex=#{its_size_index}").get its_size = convert_units(its_size.to_f, 'GJ', 'kWh') rescue StandardError runner.registerWarning('Query its_size.get failed') end end feature_report.thermal_storage.its_size_kwh = its_size ############################################################################ ## # Get Reporting Periods information and store in the feature_report ## # start_date # month begin_month = model.getRunPeriod.getBeginMonth feature_report.reporting_periods[0].start_date.month = begin_month # day_of_month begin_day_of_month = model.getRunPeriod.getBeginDayOfMonth feature_report.reporting_periods[0].start_date.day_of_month = begin_day_of_month # year begin_year = model.getYearDescription.calendarYear feature_report.reporting_periods[0].start_date.year = begin_year # end_date # month end_month = model.getRunPeriod.getEndMonth feature_report.reporting_periods[0].end_date.month = end_month # day_of_month end_day_of_month = model.getRunPeriod.getEndDayOfMonth feature_report.reporting_periods[0].end_date.day_of_month = end_day_of_month # year end_year = model.getYearDescription.calendarYear feature_report.reporting_periods[0].end_date.year = end_year # total_site_energy total_site_energy = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='Site and Source Energy' AND RowName='Total Site Energy' AND ColumnName='Total Energy'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].total_site_energy_kwh = convert_units(total_site_energy, 'GJ', 'kWh') # total_source_energy total_source_energy = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='Site and Source Energy' AND RowName='Total Source Energy' AND ColumnName='Total Energy'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].total_source_energy_kwh = convert_units(total_source_energy, 'GJ', 'kWh') # EUI is only valid with a full year of energy data if begin_month == 1 && begin_day_of_month == 1 && end_month == 12 && end_day_of_month == 31 # calculate site EUI site_EUI_kwh_per_m2 = feature_report.reporting_periods[0].total_site_energy_kwh / floor_area site_EUI_kbtu_per_ft2 = convert_units(total_site_energy, 'GJ', 'kBtu') / convert_units(floor_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2') # add site EUI to feature report feature_report.reporting_periods[0].site_EUI_kwh_per_m2 = site_EUI_kwh_per_m2 feature_report.reporting_periods[0].site_EUI_kbtu_per_ft2 = site_EUI_kbtu_per_ft2 # calculate source EUI source_EUI_kwh_per_m2 = feature_report.reporting_periods[0].total_source_energy_kwh / floor_area source_EUI_kbtu_per_ft2 = convert_units(total_source_energy, 'GJ', 'kBtu') / convert_units(floor_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2') # add source EUI to feature report feature_report.reporting_periods[0].source_EUI_kwh_per_m2 = source_EUI_kwh_per_m2 feature_report.reporting_periods[0].source_EUI_kbtu_per_ft2 = source_EUI_kbtu_per_ft2 end # net_site_energy net_site_energy = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='Site and Source Energy' AND RowName='Net Site Energy' AND ColumnName='Total Energy'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].net_site_energy_kwh = convert_units(net_site_energy, 'GJ', 'kWh') # net_source_energy net_source_energy = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='Site and Source Energy' AND RowName='Net Source Energy' AND ColumnName='Total Energy'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].net_source_energy_kwh = convert_units(net_source_energy, 'GJ', 'kWh') # electricity electricity = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='End Uses' AND RowName='Total End Uses' AND ColumnName='Electricity'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].electricity_kwh = convert_units(electricity, 'GJ', 'kWh') # natural_gas natural_gas = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='End Uses' AND RowName='Total End Uses' AND ColumnName='Natural Gas'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].natural_gas_kwh = convert_units(natural_gas, 'GJ', 'kWh') # propane propane = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='End Uses' AND RowName='Total End Uses' AND ColumnName='Propane'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].propane_kwh = convert_units(propane, 'GJ', 'kWh') # fuel_oil fuel_oil = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='End Uses' AND RowName='Total End Uses' AND ColumnName='Fuel Oil No 2'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].fuel_oil_kwh = convert_units(fuel_oil, 'GJ', 'kWh') # other_fuels gasoline = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='End Uses' AND RowName='Total End Uses' AND ColumnName='Gasoline'") diesel = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='End Uses' AND RowName='Total End Uses' AND ColumnName='Diesel'") coal = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='End Uses' AND RowName='Total End Uses' AND ColumnName='Coal'") fueloilno1 = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='End Uses' AND RowName='Total End Uses' AND ColumnName='Fuel Oil No 1'") otherfuel1 = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='End Uses' AND RowName='Total End Uses' AND ColumnName='Other Fuel 1'") steam = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='End Uses' AND RowName='Total End Uses' AND ColumnName='Steam'") # ensure not nil feature_report.reporting_periods[0].other_fuels_kwh = 0.0 feature_report.reporting_periods[0].other_fuels_kwh += convert_units(gasoline, 'GJ', 'kWh') unless gasoline.nil? feature_report.reporting_periods[0].other_fuels_kwh += convert_units(diesel, 'GJ', 'kWh') unless diesel.nil? feature_report.reporting_periods[0].other_fuels_kwh += convert_units(coal, 'GJ', 'kWh') unless coal.nil? feature_report.reporting_periods[0].other_fuels_kwh += convert_units(fueloilno1, 'GJ', 'kWh') unless fueloilno1.nil? feature_report.reporting_periods[0].other_fuels_kwh += convert_units(otherfuel1, 'GJ', 'kWh') unless otherfuel1.nil? feature_report.reporting_periods[0].other_fuels_kwh += convert_units(steam, 'GJ', 'kWh') unless steam.nil? # district_cooling district_cooling = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='End Uses' AND RowName='Total End Uses' AND ColumnName='District Cooling'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].district_cooling_kwh = convert_units(district_cooling, 'GJ', 'kWh') if building.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized && ['Residential'].include?(building.standardsBuildingType.get) feature_report.reporting_periods[0].district_cooling_kwh = 0.0 end # district_heating district_heating = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='End Uses' AND RowName='Total End Uses' AND ColumnName='District Heating'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].district_heating_kwh = convert_units(district_heating, 'GJ', 'kWh') if building.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized && ['Residential'].include?(building.standardsBuildingType.get) feature_report.reporting_periods[0].district_heating_kwh = 0.0 end # water water = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='End Uses' AND RowName='Total End Uses' AND ColumnName='Water'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].water_qbft = water # electricity_produced electricity_produced = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='Electric Loads Satisfied' AND RowName='Total On-Site and Utility Electric Sources' AND ColumnName='Electricity'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].electricity_produced_kwh = convert_units(electricity_produced, 'GJ', 'kWh') ## end_uses # get fuel type as listed in the sql file fueltypes = fuel_types.values # get enduses as listed in the sql file enduses = end_uses.values enduses.delete('Facility') # loop through fuel types and enduses to fill in sql_query method fueltypes.each do |ft| enduses.each do |eu| sql_r = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='End Uses' AND RowName='#{eu}' AND ColumnName='#{ft}'") # report each query in its corresponding feature report obeject x = ft.tr(' ', '_').downcase if x.include? 'water' x_u = "#{x}_qbft" else x = x.gsub('_#2', '') x_u = "#{x}_kwh" end m = feature_report.reporting_periods[0].end_uses.send(x_u) y = eu.tr(' ', '_').downcase # ensure not nil so the equations below don't error out if sql_r.nil? sql_r = 0.0 end sql_r = convert_units(sql_r, 'GJ', 'kWh') if building.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized && (['Residential'].include?(building.standardsBuildingType.get) && x_u.include?('district')) sql_r = 0.0 end m.send("#{y}=", sql_r) end end # other fuels m = feature_report.reporting_periods[0].end_uses.send('other_fuels_kwh') enduses.each do |eu| y = eu.tr(' ', '_').downcase sql_r = 0.0 other_fuels.each do |ft| sql = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='End Uses' AND RowName='#{eu}' AND ColumnName='#{ft}'") # ensure not nil so the equations below don't error out if !sql.nil? sql_r += convert_units(sql, 'GJ', 'kWh') end end m.send("#{y}=", sql_r) end # add enduses subcategories electric_vehicles = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='End Uses By Subcategory' AND RowName='Exterior Equipment:Electric Vehicles' AND ColumnName='Electricity'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].end_uses.electricity_kwh.electric_vehicles = convert_units(electric_vehicles, 'GJ', 'kWh') ### energy_production ## electricity_produced # photovoltaic photovoltaic_power = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='Electric Loads Satisfied' AND RowName='Photovoltaic Power' AND ColumnName='Electricity'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].energy_production_kwh[:electricity_produced][:photovoltaic] = convert_units(photovoltaic_power, 'GJ', 'kWh') ## Total utility cost total_utility_cost = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'Economics Results Summary Report', "TableName='Annual Cost' AND RowName='Cost' AND ColumnName='Total'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].total_utility_cost_dollar = total_utility_cost ## Utility Costs # electricity utility cost elec_utility_cost = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'Economics Results Summary Report', "TableName='Annual Cost' AND RowName='Cost' AND ColumnName='Electric'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].utility_costs_dollar[0][:fuel_type] = 'Electricity' feature_report.reporting_periods[0].utility_costs_dollar[0][:total_cost] = elec_utility_cost # gas utility cost gas_utility_cost = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'Economics Results Summary Report', "TableName='Annual Cost' AND RowName='Cost' AND ColumnName='Natural Gas'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].utility_costs_dollar << { fuel_type: 'Natural Gas', total_cost: gas_utility_cost } ## comfort_result # time_setpoint_not_met_during_occupied_cooling time_setpoint_not_met_during_occupied_cooling = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='Comfort and Setpoint Not Met Summary' AND RowName='Time Setpoint Not Met During Occupied Cooling' AND ColumnName='Facility'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].comfort_result[:time_setpoint_not_met_during_occupied_cooling] = time_setpoint_not_met_during_occupied_cooling # time_setpoint_not_met_during_occupied_heating time_setpoint_not_met_during_occupied_heating = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='Comfort and Setpoint Not Met Summary' AND RowName='Time Setpoint Not Met During Occupied Heating' AND ColumnName='Facility'") feature_report.reporting_periods[0].comfort_result[:time_setpoint_not_met_during_occupied_heating] = time_setpoint_not_met_during_occupied_heating # time_setpoint_not_met_during_occupied_hour time_setpoint_not_met_during_occupied_hours = time_setpoint_not_met_during_occupied_heating + time_setpoint_not_met_during_occupied_cooling feature_report.reporting_periods[0].comfort_result[:time_setpoint_not_met_during_occupied_hours] = time_setpoint_not_met_during_occupied_hours ######################################## Reporting TImeseries Results FOR CSV File ###################################### # Get the weather file run period (as opposed to design day run period) ann_env_pd = nil sql_file.availableEnvPeriods.each do |env_pd| env_type = sql_file.environmentType(env_pd) if env_type.is_initialized && (env_type.get == OpenStudio::EnvironmentType.new('WeatherRunPeriod')) ann_env_pd = env_pd end end if ann_env_pd == false runner.registerError("Can't find a weather runperiod, make sure you ran an annual simulation, not just the design days.") return false end # timeseries we want to report requested_timeseries_names = [ 'Electricity:Facility', 'ElectricityProduced:Facility', 'NaturalGas:Facility', 'Propane:Facility', 'FuelOilNo2:Facility', 'OtherFuels:Facility', 'Cooling:Electricity', 'Heating:Electricity', 'InteriorLights:Electricity', 'ExteriorLights:Electricity', 'InteriorEquipment:Electricity', 'ExteriorEquipment:Electricity', 'Fans:Electricity', 'Pumps:Electricity', 'WaterSystems:Electricity', 'HeatRejection:Electricity', 'HeatRejection:NaturalGas', 'Heating:NaturalGas', 'WaterSystems:NaturalGas', 'InteriorEquipment:NaturalGas', 'HeatRejection:Propane', 'Heating:Propane', 'WaterSystems:Propane', 'InteriorEquipment:Propane', 'HeatRejection:FuelOilNo2', 'Heating:FuelOilNo2', 'WaterSystems:FuelOilNo2', 'InteriorEquipment:FuelOilNo2', 'HeatRejection:OtherFuels', 'Heating:OtherFuels', 'WaterSystems:OtherFuels', 'InteriorEquipment:OtherFuels', 'DistrictCooling:Facility', 'DistrictHeating:Facility', 'District Cooling Chilled Water Rate', 'District Cooling Mass Flow Rate', 'District Cooling Inlet Temperature', 'District Cooling Outlet Temperature', 'District Heating Hot Water Rate', 'District Heating Mass Flow Rate', 'District Heating Inlet Temperature', 'District Heating Outlet Temperature', 'Cooling Coil Total Cooling Rate', 'Heating Coil Heating Rate' ] # add thermal comfort timeseries comfortTimeseries = ['Zone Thermal Comfort Fanger Model PMV', 'Zone Thermal Comfort Fanger Model PPD'] requested_timeseries_names += comfortTimeseries # add additional power timeseries (for calculating transformer apparent power to compare to rating ) in VA powerTimeseries = ['Net Electric Energy', 'Electricity:Facility Power', 'ElectricityProduced:Facility Power', 'Electricity:Facility Apparent Power', 'ElectricityProduced:Facility Apparent Power', 'Net Power', 'Net Apparent Power'] requested_timeseries_names += powerTimeseries # add additional thermal storage timeseries tesTimeseries = ['Ice Thermal Storage End Fraction', 'Cooling Coil Ice Thermal Storage End Fraction'] requested_timeseries_names += tesTimeseries # register info all timeseries runner.registerInfo("All timeseries: #{requested_timeseries_names}") # timeseries variables to keep to calculate power tsToKeep = ['Electricity:Facility', 'ElectricityProduced:Facility'] tsToKeepIndexes = {} ### powerFactor ### # use power_factor default: 0.9 # TODO: Set powerFactor default based on building type powerFactor = 0.9 ### power_conversion ### # divide values by total_seconds to convert J to W (W = J/sec) # divide values by total_hours to convert kWh to kW (kW = kWh/hrs) total_seconds = (60 / timesteps_per_hour.to_f) * 60 # make sure timesteps_per_hour is a float in the division total_hours = 1 / timesteps_per_hour.to_f # make sure timesteps_per_hour is a float in the division # set power_conversion power_conversion = total_hours # we set the power conversio to total_hours since we want to convert lWh to kW puts "Power Converion: to convert kWh to kW values will be divided by #{power_conversion}" # number of values in each timeseries n = nil # all numeric timeseries values, transpose of CSV file (e.g. values[key_cnt] is column, values[key_cnt][i] is column and row) values = [] tmpArray = [] # since schedule value will have a bunch of key_values, we need to keep track of these as additional timeseries key_cnt = 0 # this is recording the name of these final timeseries to write in the header of the CSV final_timeseries_names = [] # loop over requested timeseries requested_timeseries_names.each_index do |i| timeseries_name = requested_timeseries_names[i] puts " *********timeseries_name = #{timeseries_name}******************" runner.registerInfo("TIMESERIES: #{timeseries_name}") # get all the key values that this timeseries can be reported for (e.g. if PMV is requested for each zone) if timeseries_name.include?('OtherFuels') key_values = sql_file.availableKeyValues('RUN PERIOD 1', 'Zone Timestep', timeseries_name.upcase) else key_values = sql_file.availableKeyValues('RUN PERIOD 1', 'Zone Timestep', timeseries_name) end runner.registerInfo("KEY VALUES: #{key_values}") if key_values.empty? key_values = [''] end # sort keys sorted_keys = key_values.sort requested_keys = requested_timeseries_names final_keys = [] # make sure aggregated timeseries are listed in sorted order before all individual feature timeseries sorted_keys.each do |k| if requested_keys.include? k final_keys << k end end sorted_keys.each do |k| if !requested_keys.include? k final_keys << k end end # loop over final keys final_keys.each_with_index do |key_value, key_i| new_timeseries_name = '' runner.registerInfo("!! TIMESERIES NAME: #{timeseries_name} AND key_value: #{key_value}") # check if we have to come up with a new name for the timeseries in our CSV header if key_values.size == 1 # use timeseries name when only 1 keyvalue new_timeseries_name = timeseries_name else # use key_value name # special case for Zone Thermal Comfort: use both timeseries_name and key_value if timeseries_name.include? 'Zone Thermal Comfort' new_timeseries_name = "#{timeseries_name} #{key_value}" else new_timeseries_name = key_value end end # final_timeseries_names << new_timeseries_name # get the actual timeseries if timeseries_name.include?('OtherFuels') ts = sql_file.timeSeries(ann_env_pd.to_s, reporting_frequency.to_s, timeseries_name.upcase, key_value) else ts = sql_file.timeSeries(ann_env_pd.to_s, reporting_frequency.to_s, timeseries_name, key_value) end if n.nil? # first timeseries should always be set runner.registerInfo('First timeseries') values[key_cnt] = ts.get.values n = values[key_cnt].size elsif ts.is_initialized runner.registerInfo('Is Initialized') values[key_cnt] = ts.get.values else runner.registerInfo('Is NOT Initialized') values[key_cnt] = Array.new(n, 0) end # residential considerations if building.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized && (['DistrictCooling:Facility', 'DistrictHeating:Facility'].include?(timeseries_name) && ['Residential'].include?(building.standardsBuildingType.get)) values[key_cnt] = Array.new(n, 0) end # unit conversion old_unit = ts.get.units if ts.is_initialized if timeseries_name.include?('NaturalGas') || timeseries_name.include?('Propane') || timeseries_name.include?('FuelOilNo2') || timeseries_name.include?('OtherFuels') new_unit = 'kBtu' else new_unit = case old_unit.to_s when 'J' 'kWh' when 'kBtu' 'kWh' when 'gal' 'm3' when 'W' 'W' end end # loop through each value and apply unit conversion os_vec = values[key_cnt] if !timeseries_name.include? 'Zone Thermal Comfort' for i in 0..os_vec.length - 1 unless new_unit == old_unit || old_unit.nil? || new_unit.nil? || !ts.is_initialized os_vec[i] = OpenStudio.convert(os_vec[i], old_unit, new_unit).get end end end # keep certain timeseries to calculate power if tsToKeep.include? timeseries_name tsToKeepIndexes[timeseries_name] = key_cnt end # special processing: power if powerTimeseries.include? timeseries_name # special case: net series (subtract generation from load) if timeseries_name.include? 'Net' newVals = Array.new(n, 0) # Apparent power calculation if timeseries_name.include?('Apparent') (0..n - 1).each do |j| newVals[j] = (values[tsToKeepIndexes['Electricity:Facility']][j].to_f - values[tsToKeepIndexes['ElectricityProduced:Facility']][j].to_f) / power_conversion / powerFactor j += 1 end new_unit = 'kVA' elsif timeseries_name.include? 'Net Electric Energy' (0..n - 1).each do |j| newVals[j] = (values[tsToKeepIndexes['Electricity:Facility']][j].to_f - values[tsToKeepIndexes['ElectricityProduced:Facility']][j].to_f) j += 1 end new_unit = 'kWh' else runner.registerInfo('Power calc') # Power calculation (0..n - 1).each do |j| newVals[j] = (values[tsToKeepIndexes['Electricity:Facility']][j].to_f - values[tsToKeepIndexes['ElectricityProduced:Facility']][j].to_f) / power_conversion j += 1 end new_unit = 'kW' end values[key_cnt] = newVals else tsToKeepIndexes.each do |key, indexValue| if timeseries_name.include? key runner.registerInfo("timeseries_name: #{timeseries_name}, key: #{key}") # use this timeseries newVals = Array.new(n, 0) # Apparent power calculation if timeseries_name.include?('Apparent') (0..n - 1).each do |j| newVals[j] = values[indexValue][j].to_f / power_conversion / powerFactor j += 1 end new_unit = 'kVA' else # Power calculation (0..n - 1).each do |j| newVals[j] = values[indexValue][j].to_f / power_conversion j += 1 end new_unit = 'kW' end values[key_cnt] = newVals end end end end # append units to headers new_timeseries_name += "(#{new_unit})" final_timeseries_names << new_timeseries_name # TODO: DELETE PUTS # puts " *********timeseries_name = #{timeseries_name}******************" # if timeseries_name.include? 'Power' # puts "values = #{values[key_cnt]}" # puts "units = #{new_unit}" # end # thermal storage ice end fractions have multiple timeseries, aggregate into a single series with consistent name and use the average value at each timestep if tesTimeseries.include? timeseries_name # set up array if 1st key_value if key_i == 0 runner.registerInfo("SETTING UP NEW ARRAY FOR: #{timeseries_name}") tmpArray = Array.new(n, 1) end # add to array (keep min value at each timestep) (0..(n - 1)).each do |ind| tVal = values[key_cnt][ind].to_f tmpArray[ind] = [tVal, tmpArray[ind]].min end end # comfort results usually have multiple timeseries (per zone), aggregate into a single series with consistent name and use worst value at each timestep if comfortTimeseries.include? timeseries_name # set up array if 1st key_value if key_i == 0 runner.registerInfo("SETTING UP NEW ARRAY FOR: #{timeseries_name}") tmpArray = Array.new(n, 0) end # add to array (keep max value at each timestep) (0..(n - 1)).each do |ind| # process negative and positive values differently tVal = values[key_cnt][ind].to_f if tVal < 0 tmpArray[ind] = [tVal, tmpArray[ind]].min else tmpArray[ind] = [tVal, tmpArray[ind]].max end end # aggregate and save when all keyvalues have been processed if key_i == final_keys.size - 1 hrsOutOfBounds = 0 if timeseries_name === 'Zone Thermal Comfort Fanger Model PMV' (0..(n - 1)).each do |ind| # -0.5 < x < 0.5 is within bounds if values[key_cnt][ind].to_f > 0.5 || values[key_cnt][ind].to_f < -0.5 hrsOutOfBounds += 1 end end hrsOutOfBounds = hrsOutOfBounds.to_f / timesteps_per_hour elsif timeseries_name === 'Zone Thermal Comfort Fanger Model PPD' (0..(n - 1)).each do |ind| # > 20 is outside bounds if values[key_cnt][ind].to_f > 20 hrsOutOfBounds += 1 end end hrsOutOfBounds = hrsOutOfBounds.to_f / timesteps_per_hour else # this one is already scaled by timestep, no need to divide total (0..(n - 1)).each do |ind| hrsOutOfBounds += values[key_cnt][ind].to_f if values[key_cnt][ind].to_f > 0 end end # save variable to feature_reports hash runner.registerInfo("timeseries #{timeseries_name}: hours out of bounds: #{hrsOutOfBounds}") if timeseries_name === 'Zone Thermal Comfort Fanger Model PMV' feature_report.reporting_periods[0].comfort_result[:hours_out_of_comfort_bounds_PMV] = hrsOutOfBounds elsif timeseries_name == 'Zone Thermal Comfort Fanger Model PPD' feature_report.reporting_periods[0].comfort_result[:hours_out_of_comfort_bounds_PPD] = hrsOutOfBounds end end end # increment key_cnt in new_keys loop key_cnt += 1 end end # Add datime column datetimes = [] # check what timeseries is available available_ts = sql_file.availableTimeSeries puts "####### available_ts = #{available_ts}" # get the timeseries for any of available timeseries # RK: code enhancement needed ts_d_e = sql_file.timeSeries(ann_env_pd.to_s, reporting_frequency.to_s, 'Electricity:Facility', '') ts_d_g = sql_file.timeSeries(ann_env_pd.to_s, reporting_frequency.to_s, 'NaturalGas:Facility', '') if ts_d_e.is_initialized timeseries_d = ts_d_e.get elsif ts_d_g.is_initialized timeseries_d = ts_d_g.get else raise 'ELECTRICITY and GAS results are not initiaized' end # get formated datetimes timeseries_d.dateTimes.each do |datetime| datetimes << format_datetime(datetime.to_s) end # insert datetimes to values values.insert(0, datetimes) # insert datetime header to names final_timeseries_names.insert(0, 'Datetime') runner.registerInfo("new final_timeseries_names size: #{final_timeseries_names.size}") # Save the 'default_feature_reports.csv' file File.open('default_feature_reports.csv', 'w') do |file| file.puts(final_timeseries_names.join(',')) (0...n).each do |l| line = [] values.each_index do |j| line << values[j][l] end file.puts(line.join(',')) end end # closing the sql file sql_file.close ############################# Adding timeseries_csv info to json report and saving CSV ################################ # add csv info to feature_report feature_report.timeseries_csv.path = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'default_feature_reports.csv') feature_report.timeseries_csv.first_report_datetime = '0' feature_report.timeseries_csv.column_names = final_timeseries_names ##### Save the 'default_feature_reports.json' file feature_report_hash = feature_report.to_hash File.open('default_feature_reports.json', 'w') do |f| f.puts JSON.pretty_generate(feature_report_hash) # make sure data is written to the disk one way or the other begin f.fsync rescue StandardError f.flush end end # reporting final condition runner.registerFinalCondition('Default Feature Reports generated successfully.') true # end the run method end # end the measure end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:enable Naming/MethodName # register the measure to be used by the application DefaultFeatureReports.new.registerWithApplication