require 'spec_helper' require 'file_validators/validators/file_size_validator' describe ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator do class Dummy include ActiveModel::Validations end def storage_units if defined?(ActiveSupport::NumberHelper) # Rails 4.0+ { 5120 => '5 KB', 10240 => '10 KB' } else { 5120 => '5120 Bytes', 10240 => '10240 Bytes' } end end before :all do @storage_units = storage_units end subject { Dummy } def build_validator(options) @validator = :avatar)) end context 'with :in option' do before { build_validator in: (5.kilobytes..10.kilobytes) } it { allow_file_size(7.kilobytes, @validator) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_file_size(4.kilobytes, @validator) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_file_size(11.kilobytes, @validator) } end context 'with :greater_than_or_equal_to option' do before { build_validator greater_than_or_equal_to: 10.kilobytes } it { allow_file_size(11.kilobytes, @validator) } it { allow_file_size(10.kilobytes, @validator) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_file_size(9.kilobytes, @validator) } end context 'with :less_than_or_equal_to option' do before { build_validator less_than_or_equal_to: 10.kilobytes } it { allow_file_size(9.kilobytes, @validator) } it { allow_file_size(10.kilobytes, @validator) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_file_size(11.kilobytes, @validator) } end context 'with :greater_than option' do before { build_validator greater_than: 10.kilobytes } it { allow_file_size(11.kilobytes, @validator) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_file_size(10.kilobytes, @validator) } end context 'with :less_than option' do before { build_validator less_than: 10.kilobytes } it { allow_file_size(9.kilobytes, @validator) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_file_size(10.kilobytes, @validator) } end context 'with :greater_than and :less_than option' do before { build_validator greater_than: 5.kilobytes, less_than: 10.kilobytes } it { allow_file_size(7.kilobytes, @validator) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_file_size(5.kilobytes, @validator) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_file_size(10.kilobytes, @validator) } end context 'with :message option' do before { build_validator in: (5.kilobytes..10.kilobytes), message: 'is invalid. (Between %{min} and %{max} please.)' } it { is_expected.not_to allow_file_size(11.kilobytes, @validator, message: "Avatar is invalid. (Between #{@storage_units[5120]} and #{@storage_units[10240]} please.)") } it { allow_file_size(7.kilobytes, @validator, message: "Avatar is invalid. (Between #{@storage_units[5120]} and #{@storage_units[10240]} please.)") } end context 'using the helper' do before { Dummy.validates_file_size :avatar, in: (5.kilobytes..10.kilobytes) } it 'adds the validator to the class' do expect(Dummy.validators_on(:avatar)).to include(ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator) end end context 'given options' do it 'raises argument error if no required argument was given' do expect { build_validator message: 'Some message' }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end (ActiveModel::Validations::FileSizeValidator::AVAILABLE_CHECKS).each do |argument| it "does not raise argument error if #{argument} was given" do expect { build_validator argument => 5.kilobytes }.not_to raise_error end end it 'does not raise argument error if :in was given' do expect { build_validator in: (5.kilobytes..10.kilobytes) }.not_to raise_error end end end