# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'albacore/cmd_config' require 'albacore/cross_platform_cmd' require 'albacore/logging' require 'highline/import' module Albacore::Migrate class Cmd include ::Albacore::CrossPlatformCmd attr_reader :opts def initialize *args opts = Map.options(args) # defaults opts = opts.apply :extras => [], :silent => teamcity?, :conn => ENV['CONN'], :direction => 'migrate:up', :dll => 'src/migrations/Migrations/bin/Debug/Migrations.dll', :db => 'SqlServer2008', :exe => 'src/packages/FluentMigrator.', :task_override => nil, :interactive => true, :work_dir => nil e = opts.getopt(:extras) opts.set(:extras, e.is_a?(Array) ? e : [e]) @opts = opts @executable = opts.get(:exe) conn = opts.get :conn if opts.get :interactive conn = ask "Give connection string: " do |q| q.validate = /\A.+\Z/ end unless opts.get(:silent) or conn conn = munge_windows conn unless opts.get(:silent) unless opts.get :silent or confirm opts.get(:direction) raise 'didn\'t confirm: exiting migrations' end end raise ArgumentError, 'cannot execute with empty connection string' if nil_or_white conn raise ArgumentError, 'cannot execute with no dll file specified' if nil_or_white(opts.get(:dll)) @parameters = %W[-a #{opts.get(:dll)} -db #{opts.get(:db)} -conn #{conn}] unless opts.get :task_override @parameters.push '--task' @parameters.push opts.get(:direction) else @parameters.push opts.get(:task_override) end opts.get(:extras).each{|e| @parameters.push e} trace "Running Albacore::Migrate cmd with exe: '#{@executable}', params: #{@parameters.join(' ')}" mono_command end def execute system @executable, @parameters, :work_dir => opts.get(:work_dir) end private def agree txt, default reply = default ? "[Y/n]" : "[y/N]" def_reply = default ? 'y' : 'n' STDOUT.write txt STDOUT.write " #{reply}: " res = STDIN.gets.chomp.downcase if res == '' puts "Chose #{def_reply}" return default else puts "Chose #{res}" return res == 'y' end end def teamcity? ENV['TEAMCITY_VERSION'] ? true : false end def confirm direction agree "Please confirm #{direction}: ", false end def munge_windows conn if ::Rake::Win32.windows? and agree(%{ ## Warning ## It seems like you are running Windows. Windows shell encodings are funny in that there's no standard encoding across all languages, and you can't change the shell encoding from a running program (such as this one), because if you do, and you aren't running an American or British Windows version, then the cmd.exe program will crash and burn. PLEASE ANSWER: Are you running from either of * PowerShell OR * Git Shell AND you have a Swedish operating system?}, true) # re-encoding connection string: return conn.dup.force_encoding('IBM437').encode('UTF-8') end return conn end def nil_or_white str str.nil? or str.empty? end end class BatchMigrateTask include ::Albacore::Logging attr_reader :args def initialize *args @args = Map.options args @args.apply :direction => 'migrate:up', :silent => true raise ArgumentError, 'Passed nil file' if @args.get(:file).nil? raise ArgumentError, "Could not find file '#{@args.get(:file)}'" unless File.exists? @args.get(:file) end def execute File.open(args[:file], "r") do |file_handle| file_handle.each_line do |server| server = server.chomp unless server.nil? or server.empty? info '' info " ********** Starting '#{server}' ************ " info '' ::Albacore::Migrate::Cmd.new(@args.set(:conn => server)).execute info '' info " ********** Finished '#{server}' ************ " info '' end end end end end class MigrateCmdFactory def initialize raise "don't create this class" end def self.create *args ::Albacore.application.logger.debug "in create" opts = Map.options args opts.apply :file => ENV['FILE'] return ::Albacore::Migrate::Cmd.new(*args) unless opts.get( :file ) ::Albacore.application.logger.debug "Found FILE environment var: #{opts.get :file}" args = args.push(:file => opts.get(:file)) return ::Albacore::Migrate::BatchMigrateTask.new(*args) end end end