txt[ Glyph's command-line interface has been built using the =>[http://github.com/davetron5000/gli|gli] (Git-like interface) gem. Therefore, Glyph commands are all written like this: strong[glyph] em[global_options] strong[command] em[options] em[parameters] Where: * em[global_options] and _options_ are in the form: @-n@ _value_ or @--name=@\._value_, e.g. @-f pdf@ or @--format=pdf@ * _parameters_ are separated by whitespaces, and can be wrapped in quotes. ] section[ @title[Global Options] section[ @title[code[-d], code[--debug]] @id[debug_switch] p[If specified, the command is executed in debug mode and additional diagnostic information is printed on the screen.] ] ] section[ @title[code[add]] @id[c_add] p[Creates a new text file in the code[text/] folder.] example[glyph add introduction.textile] parameters[ -p[em[file_name]|The name (or relative path) of the new file to be created.] ] ] section[ @title[code[compile]] @id[c_compile] p[Compiles a Glyph document into an output file. If no options are specified, the code[document.glyph] file is used as source to produce a standalone HTML file.] example[glyph compile -f pdf] parameters[ -p[em[source]|The source glyph file to compile em[(Optional)].] -p[em[destination]|The destination file em[(Optional)].] ] options[ -o[source| The source file to compile. default[document.glyph] ] -o[format| The format of the output file. default[html] values[html, pdf] ] -o[auto| If specified, enable =>[#auto_regeneration|auto regeneration] (requires the =>[http://rubygems.org/gems/directory_watcher|directory_watcher] gem to be installed). ] ] ] section[ @title[code[config]] @id[c_config] Gets or sets a configuration setting in the project or global configuration file (\.fmi[configuration files|#cfg]). examples[ glyph config document.filename glyph config -g document.author "Fabio Cevasco" ] options[ -o[global| If specified, the global configuration file is processed instead of the project file. default[false] ] ] parameters[ -p[em[setting]|The name of a valid =>[#cfg_ref|configuration setting].] -p[em[value]|The new value of the configuration setting.] ] ] section[ @title[code[help]] @id[c_help] Prints information about all Glyph commands or about one specific command. examples[ glyph help glyph help compile ] parameters[ -p[em[command]|A valid Glyph command.] ] ] section[ @title[code[init]] @id[c_init] Creates a new Glyph project in the current directory (if empty). example[glyph init] ] section[ @title[code[outline]] @id[c_outline] Display an outline of the current document. options[ -o[limit| Only display headers until the specified level. ] -o[ids| Display section IDs. ] -o[files| Display file names. ] -o[titles| Display section titles. ] ] examples[ glyph outline -it -l 1 glyph outline -l 2 glyph outline -f ] ] section[ @title[code[todo]] @id[c_todo] Prints all the todo items saved using the %>[todo]. example[glyph todo] ]