require: rubocop-performance inherit_from: .rubocop/todo.yml AllCops: TargetRubyVersion: 2.5 Exclude: - - - - Gemfile/**/* - Gemfile.lock - Guardfile/**/* - - LICENSE/**/* - - Rakefile/**/* - '*' - __* - __*/**/* - appveyor.yml - benchmark/**/* - benchmark-ips/**/* - bin/**/* - build/**/* - - coverage/**/* - docs/**/* - examples/**/* - exe/**/* # - lib/**/* - lib/opal/source_map/vlq.rb - node_modules/**/* # - opal/**/* - opal.gemspec - pkg/**/* - spec/**/* # - stdlib/**/* - tasks/**/* - test/**/* - tmp/**/* - vendored-minitest/**/* - vendor/**/* # present in travis # Files thate were copied from MRI as is - 'stdlib/benchmark.rb' - 'stdlib/observer.rb' - 'stdlib/open-uri.rb' - 'stdlib/stringio.rb' - 'stdlib/source_map/*.rb' - 'stdlib/racc/parser.rb' - 'stdlib/e2mmap.rb' - 'stdlib/matrix.rb' - 'stdlib/matrix/*.rb' - 'stdlib/pp.rb' - 'stdlib/prettyprint.rb' inherit_mode: merge: - Exclude Naming/MethodName: Exclude: # Ruby has methods like Integer/Float/Array - 'opal/**/*.rb' - 'stdlib/**/*.rb' Layout/ClosingParenthesisIndentation: Enabled: false Layout/CommentIndentation: # The following files use comments to show generated ruby code Exclude: - 'lib/opal/rewriters/binary_operator_assignment.rb' - 'lib/opal/rewriters/logical_operator_assignment.rb' - 'lib/opal/source_map/file.rb' # We need to support older rubies Layout/IndentHeredoc: Enabled: false Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Exclude: - 'opal/**/*.rb' - 'stdlib/**/*.rb' Layout/EmptyLineAfterMagicComment: Exclude: - 'opal/**/*.rb' - 'stdlib/**/*.rb' Style/GlobalVars: Exclude: - 'opal/corelib/kernel.rb' - 'stdlib/nodejs/irb.rb' - 'stdlib/console.rb' - 'stdlib/native.rb' - 'stdlib/await.rb' Layout/ExtraSpacing: Exclude: # This files uses extra spaces to show an inheritance tree of error classes - 'opal/corelib/error.rb' Layout/IndentArray: EnforcedStyle: consistent Layout/SpaceAroundOperators: Exclude: - 'opal/corelib/error.rb' Lint/BooleanSymbol: Exclude: # There are AST nodes and rewriters with types :true and :false - 'lib/opal/nodes/**/*.rb' - 'lib/opal/rewriters/**/*.rb' Lint/InheritException: Exclude: - 'lib/opal/builder.rb' - 'lib/opal/errors.rb' - 'opal/**/*.rb' - 'stdlib/**/*.rb' Lint/LiteralAsCondition: Exclude: # Opal supports if `...js...` - 'opal/**/*.rb' - 'stdlib/**/*.rb' Lint/Loop: Exclude: # This is for optimization purposes mostly - 'opal/corelib/io.rb' # Allow the use of if/unless inside blocks Style/Next: Enabled: false Lint/RescueException: Exclude: # That's what MRI does - 'opal/corelib/enumerator.rb' # Promises must care about all exceptions - 'stdlib/promise.rb' - 'opal/corelib/binding.rb' Lint/StringConversionInInterpolation: Exclude: # That's what MRI does - 'opal/corelib/error.rb' Lint/UnusedBlockArgument: Exclude: # Variable from Ruby can be accessed in JS, rubocop can't catch it (but JSHint can) - 'opal/**/*.rb' - 'stdlib/**/*.rb' Lint/UnusedMethodArgument: Exclude: # Variable from Ruby can be accessed in JS, rubocop can't catch it (but JSHint can) - 'opal/**/*.rb' - 'stdlib/**/*.rb' Lint/UselessAssignment: Exclude: # Variable from Ruby can be accessed in JS, rubocop can't catch it (but JSHint can) - 'opal/**/*.rb' - 'stdlib/**/*.rb' Metrics/AbcSize: Enabled: false Metrics/BlockLength: Enabled: false Metrics/BlockNesting: Enabled: false Metrics/ClassLength: Enabled: false Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: Enabled: false Metrics/MethodLength: Enabled: false Metrics/ModuleLength: Enabled: false Metrics/PerceivedComplexity: Enabled: false Metrics/ParameterLists: Exclude: # Some Ruby methods take 10 arguments - 'opal/**/*.rb' - 'stdlib/**/*.rb' Naming/BinaryOperatorParameterName: Exclude: # Opal follows MRI argument namings - 'opal/**/*.rb' - 'stdlib/**/*.rb' Naming/PredicateName: # Ruby has "has_key?" method NamePrefixBlacklist: is_, have_ Performance/FlatMap: Exclude: # That's actually a definition of Enumerable#flat_map - 'opal/corelib/enumerable.rb' Performance/RegexpMatch: # This cop converts =~ to match? # But this method was introduced only in 2.4 Enabled: false Performance/UnfreezeString: Enabled: false Style/AsciiComments: Enabled: false Style/CaseEquality: Exclude: - 'opal/**/*.rb' - 'stdlib/**/*.rb' - 'lib/opal/config.rb' Style/ClassAndModuleChildren: Enabled: false Style/ClassVars: Exclude: # These classes use class variables on purpose - 'lib/opal/rewriters/binary_operator_assignment.rb' - 'lib/opal/rewriters/logical_operator_assignment.rb' Style/CommandLiteral: # This cop converts `` to %x{} Enabled: false Style/Documentation: Enabled: false Style/EmptyMethod: # There are a lot of empty methods that are required to make MSpec working Exclude: - 'opal/**/*.rb' - 'stdlib/**/*.rb' Style/IfUnlessModifier: Enabled: false Style/InfiniteLoop: # while true is faster than loop Enabled: false Style/InverseMethods: # That's what MRI does Exclude: - 'opal/corelib/basic_object.rb' - 'opal/corelib/kernel.rb' Style/MethodMissingSuper: # Base Opal classes simply can't or shouldn't call super for #method_missing Exclude: - 'opal/corelib/basic_object.rb' - 'opal/corelib/kernel.rb' - 'opal/corelib/string/inheritance.rb' - 'stdlib/native.rb' - 'stdlib/delegate.rb' - 'stdlib/ostruct.rb' Style/MissingRespondToMissing: Enabled: true Style/NumericPredicate: Enabled: false Style/ParallelAssignment: Enabled: false Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters: PreferredDelimiters: default: '{}' Exclude: # Opal has a convention of %x{} - 'opal/**/*.rb' - 'stdlib/**/*.rb' Style/SafeNavigation: # Opal supports old versions of Ruby that don't have safe navigator Enabled: false Style/SpecialGlobalVars: Enabled: false Style/StderrPuts: Enabled: false Style/YodaCondition: Exclude: # In Opal there are lot of cases like # if `..js..` == object - 'opal/**/*.rb' - 'stdlib/**/*.rb' Layout/MultilineAssignmentLayout: EnforcedStyle: same_line Style/TrailingCommaInArguments: # Any style is allowed Enabled: false Layout/AlignParameters: EnforcedStyle: with_fixed_indentation Layout/MultilineMethodCallBraceLayout: EnforcedStyle: new_line Style/Lambda: EnforcedStyle: literal Layout/EmptyLines: # Empty lines can be used to separate interface and implementation Enabled: false Style/EmptyElse: # Empty 'else' can be used to indicate a potential empty branch condition EnforcedStyle: nil Lint/EmptyWhen: # Empty 'when' can be used to indicate a potential empty branch condition Enabled: false Style/StringLiterals: Exclude: # Nodes are more like DSL, so they are allowed to have any internal rules # that make the code more readable - 'lib/opal/nodes/**/*.rb' Style/TrailingUnderscoreVariable: # We treat a, = *b construction as a potential source of bugs Enabled: false Style/WhileUntilModifier: Enabled: false Style/RegexpLiteral: # Use the style that you like more, but if there are slashes or backslashe # prefer %r{} syntax. # Rubocop doesn't check for backslashes, so this rule is disabled. Enabled: false Naming/FileName: Exclude: - 'stdlib/opal-builder.rb' - 'stdlib/nodejs/open-uri.rb' - 'stdlib/opal-parser.rb' - 'stdlib/opal-platform.rb' - 'stdlib/opal-source-maps.rb' Naming/ConstantName: Exclude: # MRI has a constant BigDecimal::SIGN_NaN - 'stdlib/bigdecimal.rb' Security/Eval: Exclude: # That's what parser does - 'stdlib/opal-parser.rb' Naming/AccessorMethodName: Exclude: # StringScanner has method 'get_byte' - 'stdlib/strscan.rb' # Exception has method 'set_backtrace' - 'opal/corelib/error.rb' Style/RescueStandardError: Enabled: false Style/TrailingCommaInArrayLiteral: # Any style is allowed Enabled: false Style/TrailingCommaInHashLiteral: # Any style is allowed Enabled: false Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName: Exclude: # This file uses parser's code that doesn't match our styling requirements - 'lib/opal/parser/patch.rb' - 'opal/**/*.rb' - 'stdlib/**/*.rb' Lint/BigDecimalNew: Exclude: # That's the implementation of the Kernel#BigDecimal - 'stdlib/bigdecimal/kernel.rb' Style/MutableConstant: Exclude: - 'opal/**/*.rb' - 'stdlib/**/*.rb' Style/EmptyCaseCondition: Enabled: false # Use whatever suites the situation, sometimes assign_inside_condition is # more readable over assign_to_condition despite the risk of repeating the # variable name. Style/ConditionalAssignment: Enabled: false Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName: Exclude: - lib/opal/parser/patch.rb # it's a monkey-patch on the parser gem - lib/opal/nodes/rescue.rb # we know what we are doing here and no, it's not memoization Style/AccessModifierDeclarations: Enabled: false Style/MultipleComparison: Enabled: false Layout/EmptyLineAfterGuardClause: Enabled: false Layout/AlignHash: Enabled: false # No way to set multiple preferred names Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName: Enabled: false Style/Semicolon: AllowAsExpressionSeparator: true Layout/EmptyLinesAroundExceptionHandlingKeywords: Enabled: false