./../../src/tnef --help ./../../src/tnef: [options] [FILE] -f FILE,--file=FILE Use FILE as input ('-' == stdin) -C DIR, --directory=DIR Unpack files into DIR -x SIZE --maxsize=SIZE Limit maximum size of extracted archive (bytes) -t, --list List files, do not extract --list-with-mime-types List files and mime-types, do not extract -w, --interactive Ask for confirmation for every action --confirmation same as -w --overwrite Overwrite existing files --number-backups Instead of overwriting file FOO, create FOO.n instead --use-paths Use pathnames for files if found in the TNEF file (for security reasons paths to included files are ignored by default) --unix-paths Make Windows filenames more Unix friendly --allow-absolute-paths Allow absolute paths (NOT RECOMMENDED) --save-body[=FILE] Save the message body to a file --body-pref=PREF Preferred body type (R|H|T|ALL) -h, --help Show this message -K, --ignore-checksum Ignore any checksum error (warn only) --ignore-encode Ignore any encoding error (warn only) --ignore-cruft Ignore common cruft error (warn only) -V, --version Display version and copyright -v, --verbose Produce verbose output --debug Produce a lot of output If FILE is not specified standard input is used Report bugs to ./../../src/tnef -h ./../../src/tnef: [options] [FILE] -f FILE,--file=FILE Use FILE as input ('-' == stdin) -C DIR, --directory=DIR Unpack files into DIR -x SIZE --maxsize=SIZE Limit maximum size of extracted archive (bytes) -t, --list List files, do not extract --list-with-mime-types List files and mime-types, do not extract -w, --interactive Ask for confirmation for every action --confirmation same as -w --overwrite Overwrite existing files --number-backups Instead of overwriting file FOO, create FOO.n instead --use-paths Use pathnames for files if found in the TNEF file (for security reasons paths to included files are ignored by default) --unix-paths Make Windows filenames more Unix friendly --allow-absolute-paths Allow absolute paths (NOT RECOMMENDED) --save-body[=FILE] Save the message body to a file --body-pref=PREF Preferred body type (R|H|T|ALL) -h, --help Show this message -K, --ignore-checksum Ignore any checksum error (warn only) --ignore-encode Ignore any encoding error (warn only) --ignore-cruft Ignore common cruft error (warn only) -V, --version Display version and copyright -v, --verbose Produce verbose output --debug Produce a lot of output If FILE is not specified standard input is used Report bugs to