module SPARQL; module Algebra class Operator ## # The SPARQL Property Path `path?` (ZeroOrOnePath) operator. # # @example # (path? :p) # # @see class PathOpt < Operator::Unary include Query NAME = :path? ## # Equivalent to: # # (path x (path? :p) y) # => (union (bgp ((x :p y))) (filter (x = x) (solution x y))) # # # @param [RDF::Queryable] queryable # the graph or repository to query # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional keyword options # @option options [RDF::Term, RDF::Variable] :subject # @option options [RDF::Term, RDF::Variable] :object # @yield [solution] # each matching solution # @yieldparam [RDF::Query::Solution] solution # @yieldreturn [void] ignored # @see def execute(queryable, **options, &block) subject, object = options[:subject], options[:object] debug(options) {"Path? #{[subject, operands, object].to_sse}"} solutions = # Solutions where subject == object with no predicate case when subject.variable? && object.variable? # Nodes is the set of all subjects and objects in queryable # FIXME: should this be Queryable#enum_nodes? # All subjects which are `object` query = {|q| q.pattern({subject: subject})} queryable.query(query, **options) do |solution| solution.merge!(object.to_sym => solution[subject]) debug(options) {"(solution-s0)-> #{solution.to_h.to_sse}"} solutions << solution end if query.valid? # All objects which are `object` query = {|q| q.pattern({object: object})} queryable.query(query, **options) do |solution| solution.merge!(subject.to_sym => solution[object]) debug(options) {"(solution-o0)-> #{solution.to_h.to_sse}"} solutions << solution end if query.valid? when subject.variable? # All subjects which are `object` query = {|q| q.pattern({subject: object})} queryable.query(query, **options) do |solution| solution.merge!(subject.to_sym => object) debug(options) {"(solution-s0)-> #{solution.to_h.to_sse}"} solutions << solution end if query.valid? # All objects which are `object` query = {|q| q.pattern({object: object})} queryable.query(query, **options) do |solution| solution.merge!(subject.to_sym => object) debug(options) {"(solution-o0)-> #{solution.to_h.to_sse}"} solutions << solution end if query.valid? when object.variable? # All subjects which are `subject` query = {|q| q.pattern({subject: subject})} queryable.query(query, **options) do |solution| solution.merge!(object.to_sym => subject) debug(options) {"(solution-s0)-> #{solution.to_h.to_sse}"} solutions << solution end if query.valid? # All objects which are `subject query = {|q| q.pattern({object: subject})} queryable.query(query, **options) do |solution| solution.merge!(object.to_sym => subject) debug(options) {"(solution-o0)-> #{solution.to_h.to_sse}"} solutions << solution end if query.valid? else # Otherwise, if subject == object, an empty solution solutions << if subject == object end # Solutions where predicate exists query = if operand.is_a?(RDF::Term) do |q| q.pattern [subject, operand, object] end else operand end # Recurse into query solutions += queryable.query(query, depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1, **options) solutions.each(&block) if block_given? solutions end end # PathOpt end # Operator end; end # SPARQL::Algebra