# TE3270 for jruby This gem can be used to drive a 3270 terminal emulator in a jruby environment. The code has been tested on jruby 1.7.10 You have to have a supported emulator installed on the machines on which you use the gem. Currently the only supported emulators are [EXTRA! X-treme](http://www.attachmate.com/Products/Terminal+Emulation/Extra/xtreme/extra-x-treme.htm) by Attachmate and [Quick3270](http://www.dn-computing.com/Quick3270.htm) by DN-Computing. These are commercial products and you will need to purchase one of them in order to use this gem. We do plan to support other emulators as time permits. ## Documentation You can view the RDocs for this project [here](http://rdoc.info/github/machzqcq/te3270/master/frames). ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'te3270-jruby' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install te3270-jruby ## Usage You can create classes that are similar to page-object classes. In these classes you can define the various fields that you wish to interact with on the screen. class MainframeScreen include TE3270 text_field(:userid, 10, 30, 20) text_field(:password, 12, 30, 20) def login(username, password) self.userid = username self.password = password end end emulator = TE3270.emulator_for :extra do |platform| platform.session_file = 'sessionfile.edp' end my_screen = MainframeScreen.new(emulator) my_screen.userid = 'the_id' my_screen.password = 'the_password' If you are using this gem with cucumber then you can register the ScreenFactory module with the cucumber World like this: World(TE3270::ScreenFactory) You also need to setup some hooks to start and stop the emulator: Begin do @emulator = TE3270.emulator_for :extra do |platform| platform.session_file = 'sessionfile.edp' end end After do TE3270.disconnect(@emulator) end This allows you to use the `on` method in your step definitions like this: on(MainframeScreen).login('the_user', 'the_password') or you can use the version of `on` that takes a block like this: on(MainframeScreen) do |screen| screen.userid = 'the_id' screen.password = 'the_password' end ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request