# frozen_string_literal: true require 'uffizzi' require 'uffizzi/auth_helper' require 'uffizzi/response_helper' require 'uffizzi/shell' module Uffizzi class CLI::Project::Secret < Thor include ApiClient desc 'list', 'List Secrets' def list run('list') end desc 'create [SECRET_ID]', 'Create secrets from $stdout' def create(id) run('create', id) end desc 'delete [SECRET_ID]', 'Delete a secret' def delete(id) run('delete', id) end private def run(command, id = nil) Cli::Common.show_manual(:project, :secret, command) if options[:help] || args.include?('help') return Uffizzi.ui.say('You are not logged in') unless AuthHelper.signed_in? project_slug = ConfigFile.read_option(:project) return Uffizzi.ui.say('Please use the --project option to specify the project name') if project_slug.nil? case command when 'list' handle_list_command(project_slug) when 'create' handle_create_command(project_slug, id) when 'delete' handle_delete_command(project_slug, id) else error_message = "The subcommand #{command} does not exist, please run 'uffizzi project secret help' \ to get the list of available subcommands" raise Thor::Error.new(error_message) end end def handle_list_command(project_slug) hostname = ConfigFile.read_option(:hostname) response = fetch_secrets(hostname, project_slug) secrets = response[:body][:secrets].map { |secret| [secret[:name]] } return Uffizzi.ui.say('There are no secrets for the project') if secrets.empty? table_header = 'NAME' table_data = [[table_header], *secrets] return Uffizzi.ui.print_table(table_data) if ResponseHelper.ok?(response) ResponseHelper.handle_failed_response(response) end def handle_create_command(project_slug, id) hostname = ConfigFile.read_option(:hostname) secret_value = $stdin.read return Uffizzi.ui.say('Please provide the secret value') if secret_value.nil? params = { secrets: [{ name: id, value: secret_value }] } response = bulk_create_secrets(hostname, project_slug, params) return Uffizzi.ui.say('The secret was successfully created') if ResponseHelper.created?(response) ResponseHelper.handle_failed_response(response) end def handle_delete_command(project_slug, id) hostname = ConfigFile.read_option(:hostname) response = delete_secret(hostname, project_slug, id) if ResponseHelper.no_content?(response) Uffizzi.ui.say('The secret was successfully deleted') else ResponseHelper.handle_failed_response(response) end end end end