require "csvlint" require "rainbow" require "active_support/json" require "json" require "thor" require "active_support/inflector" module Csvlint class Cli < Thor desc "myfile.csv OR csvlint", "Supports validating CSV files to check their syntax and contents" option :dump_errors, desc: "Pretty print error and warning objects.", type: :boolean, aliases: :d option :schema, banner: "FILENAME OR URL", desc: "Schema file", aliases: :s option :json, desc: "Output errors as JSON", type: :boolean, aliases: :j option :werror, desc: "Make all warnings into errors", type: :boolean, aliases: :w def validate(source = nil) source = read_source(source) @schema = get_schema(options[:schema]) if options[:schema] fetch_schema_tables(@schema, options) if source.nil? Rainbow.enabled = $stdout.tty? valid = validate_csv(source, @schema, options[:dump_errors], options[:json], options[:werror]) exit 1 unless valid end def help self.class.command_help(shell, :validate) end default_task :validate private def read_source(source) if source.nil? # If no source is present, try reading from stdin if !$stdin.tty? source = begin$ rescue nil end return_error "No CSV data to validate" if !options[:schema] && source.nil? end else # If the source isn't a URL, it's a file unless /^http(s)?/.match?(source) begin source = rescue Errno::ENOENT return_error "#{source} not found" end end end source end def get_schema(schema) begin schema = Csvlint::Schema.load_from_uri(schema, false) rescue Csvlint::Csvw::MetadataError => e return_error "invalid metadata: #{e.message}#{" at " + e.path if e.path}" rescue OpenURI::HTTPError, Errno::ENOENT return_error "#{options[:schema]} not found" end if schema.instance_of?(Csvlint::Schema) && schema.description == "malformed" return_error "invalid metadata: malformed JSON" end schema end def fetch_schema_tables(schema, options) valid = true unless schema.instance_of? Csvlint::Csvw::TableGroup return_error "No CSV data to validate." end schema.tables.keys.each do |source| unless /^http(s)?/.match?(source) begin source = source.sub("file:", "") source = rescue Errno::ENOENT return_error "#{source} not found" end end valid &= validate_csv(source, schema, options[:dump_errors], nil, options[:werror]) end exit 1 unless valid end def print_error(index, error, dump, color) location = "" location += error.row.to_s if error.row location += "#{error.row ? "," : ""}#{error.column}" if error.column if error.row || error.column location = "#{error.row ? "Row" : "Column"}: #{location}" end output_string = "#{index + 1}. " if error.column && @schema && @schema.instance_of?(Csvlint::Schema) unless @schema.fields[error.column - 1].nil? output_string += "#{@schema.fields[error.column - 1].name}: " end end output_string += error.type.to_s output_string += ". #{location}" unless location.empty? output_string += ". #{error.content}" if error.content puts Rainbow(output_string).color(color) if dump pp error end end def print_errors(errors, dump) if errors.size > 0 errors.each_with_index { |error, i| print_error(i, error, dump, :red) } end end def return_error(message) puts Rainbow(message).red exit 1 end def validate_csv(source, schema, dump, json, werror) @error_count = 0 validator = if json === true, {}, schema) else, {}, schema, {lambda: report_lines}) end csv = if source.instance_of?(String) source elsif source.instance_of?(File) source.path else "CSV" end if json === true json = { validation: { state: validator.valid? ? "valid" : "invalid", errors: { |v| hashify(v) }, warnings: { |v| hashify(v) }, info: { |v| hashify(v) } } }.to_json print json else puts "\r\n#{csv} is #{validator.valid? ? Rainbow("VALID").green : Rainbow("INVALID").red}" print_errors(validator.errors, dump) print_errors(validator.warnings, dump) end return false if werror && validator.warnings.size > 0 validator.valid? end def hashify(error) h = { type: error.type, category: error.category, row: error.row, col: error.column } if error.column && @schema && @schema.instance_of?(Csvlint::Schema) && !@schema.fields[error.column - 1].nil? field = @schema.fields[error.column - 1] h[:header] = h[:constraints] = { |k, v| [k.underscore, v] }.to_h end h end def report_lines lambda do |row| new_errors = row.errors.count if new_errors > @error_count print Rainbow("!").red else print Rainbow(".").green end @error_count = new_errors end end end end