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Try various combinations of modifier keys to find one that works for you.", "prefIntroTranscript": "The following preferences affect the interactive transcript.", "prefCookieWarning": "Saving your preferences requires cookies.", "prefHeadingKeyboard1": "Modifier keys used for shortcuts", "prefHeadingKeyboard2": "Current keyboard shortcuts", "prefHeadingDescription": "Audio description", "prefHeadingTextDescription": "Text-based audio description", "prefHeadingCaptions": "Captions", "prefHeadingTranscript": "Interactive Transcript", "prefAltKey": "Alt", "prefCtrlKey": "Control", "prefShiftKey": "Shift", "escapeKey": "Escape", "escapeKeyFunction": "Close current dialog or popup menu", "prefDescFormat": "Preferred format", "prefDescFormatHelp": "If both formats are avaialable, only one will be used.", "prefDescFormatOption1": "alternative described version of video", "prefDescFormatOption1b": "an alternative described version", "prefDescFormatOption2": "text-based description, announced by screen reader", "prefDescFormatOption2b": "text-based description", "prefDescPause": "Automatically pause video when description starts", "prefVisibleDesc": "Make description visible", "prefHighlight": "Highlight transcript as media plays", "prefTabbable": "Keyboard-enable transcript", "prefCaptionsFont": "Font", "prefCaptionsColor": "Text Color", "prefCaptionsBGColor": "Background", "prefCaptionsSize": "Font Size", "prefCaptionsOpacity": "Opacity", "prefCaptionsStyle": "Style", "serif": "serif", "sans": "sans-serif", "cursive": "cursive", "fantasy": "fantasy", "monospace": "monospace", "white": "white", "yellow": "yellow", "green": "green", "cyan": "cyan", "blue": "blue", "magenta": "magenta", "red": "red", "black": "black", "transparent": "transparent", "solid": "solid", "captionsStylePopOn": "Pop-on", "captionsStyleRollUp": "Roll-up", "prefCaptionsPosition": "Position", "captionsPositionOverlay": "Overlay", "captionsPositionBelow": "Below video", "sampleCaptionText": "Sample caption text", "prefSuccess": "Your changes have been saved.", "prefNoChange": "You didn't make any changes.", "help": "Help", "helpTitle": "Help", "save": "Save", "cancel": "Cancel", "ok": "ok", "done": "Done", "closeButtonLabel": "Close dialog", "windowButtonLabel": "Window options", "windowMove": "Move", "windowMoveAlert": "Drag or use arrow keys to move the window; Enter to stop", "windowResize": "Resize", "windowResizeHeading": "Resize Window", "windowResizeAlert": "The window has been resized.", "width": "Width", "height": "Height", "windowSendBack": "Send to back", "windowSendBackAlert": "This window is now behind other objects on the page.", "windowBringTop": "Bring to front", "windowBringTopAlert": "This window is now in front of other objects on the page." };